hey, wurkkos I will tell you some idea.
Get the wurkkos WK40 host, pack it with 4 x 519A 4500K, and change the tail, for solid end with a magnet. (the lowest setting have to be OFF) Well leaving mechanical button for mechanical lockout, and 4 brightness steps as now, can work too.
And do a boost driver on it, for good efficiency. and some knurling for grip
Like You have quite good host, with magnetic ring for the output, and USB C charging on the host. Why not do normal flashlight with that?
The UI of magnetic ring is way easier for normal people to use.
If you could do a stepless brightness (like in jetbeam RRT01 RAPTOR), and not 3-4 steps that would be awesome.
Wurkkos, what is the width of the head? Is it a larger head than FC11? Looks like a larger head and possibly larger reflector but hard to know without the dimensions.
SFN43 is a super bright LED, with decent throw. In the NlightD T90 review it got 6750 lumens at turn on . Edit: That wasn’t the SFN43. But the actual SFN43 is still very impressive, it should certainly be capable of ~3500lm with a high drain battery.
Yes, it will be a hot rod, not everyone on here likes them, but having a lot of power, briefly, in a small package is still useful, and fun.
More importantly, it’s a FET light anyway - it’s going to behave like a hot rod no matter what LED is in there - even with a 519A it’s going to heat up and step down quickly, and lose brightness as the battery drains. I’d much rather use the 519A in a light with a better driver (like the Sofirn SP31 V2) that can actually maintain constant brightness at ~400-600 lumens with a 519A. If this is a FET then it’s only going to sustain ~200 lumens with a 519A and go down from there as the battery drains.
At least with the SFN43, or even SST40, it should sustain ~700-800 lumens, trailing off with battery.
I really think you should use the SFN43.
The SFT-40 throws better than the SFN43, but it’s nowhere near as bright. The FC12 already has the SFT-40, and throws quite well, so why not use the SFN43 as an alternative brighter option.
It does seem a lot of people want the 519A in this. If there was a version with 519A and another version with SFN43 I would be happy.
I do think the FC11 would be popular with 519A. If you change all your LH351D lights to 519A they will become more popular… on here at least.
I would also love to see an FC13 with a tail switch in the future. Or an 18650 version of the TS10.
Pssshhh what does that reviewer know, anyways?! (I jest, it was me). It’s difficult to tell with these quickly-changing LEDs with minimally published specs.
Well the Chinese LED market is kinda confusing. Maybe this SFN43 is made by a different manufacturer than the T90 "SFN43"? Kinda how the GT9090 isn't made by Gentian.
If it’s a FET drive and sports a “hotrod” LED, then you may want to rethink a shorty tube, because a high-strung light might not play nicely with a middlin’ 18350.
I would agree here. Shorty tubes were great a few years back when most EDC lights maxxed out at 3A or less, but these days with 5A+ FET drivers it just results in very short runtimes.
Oh wow. My mistake. I totally missed that. Thanks for the correction, I’ll edit.
Makes sense, of course a 5050 LED wouldn’t be nearly 7k lumens. Surprised that didn’t dawn on me, I guess I was tired lol, and y’know, it IS hard to keep track of all these new Chinese LED names!
But ok, so with the caveat that this chart isn’t super accurate, the SFN43 is apparently similar to an SFQ55 with a larger emitting area. The SFQ55 is what’s in the Nightwatch NS59V1, and those do ~2500-3050 at startup in that. So yea, 3500 lumens for the SFN43 seems right. According to the chart you might get a bit more but I know a single 18650 isn’t going to push 20A for long, if at all.
Still, very, very bright for a single domeless LED. If the tint is similar to SFQ55, then it should be quite good. Don’t know what CCT’s Wurkkos will use, but the SFQ55 in the Nightwatch was ~5700k, and very clean. I’d still be quite excited to see the SFN43 in this light.
Thanks SemiNormal for the correction and gchart for the review that I failed to read properly.
Thank you ,SFN43 could get much power if the current is power, but 6700lm is really crazy
Going to FC11 519A soon, and TS10 will come with a 21700 version soon
The 50.3 HI would still give more throw, which could give a better general-purpose profile, while a domed emitter might be too much flood.
The more important thing, however, is that the HI has a cleaner, more uniform beam. The domed Cree emitters are infamous for tint shift and ugly colors. The HI versions simply work better in flashlight reflectors.