Nighttime yard mowing...also first post HELLO EVERYONE!!

Just tried to finish mowing my yard with an Energizer Trailfinder headlamp the 70 lumen one has a hi-lo spot, a flood and a red bulb. the flood setting was ample enough light once it got good and dark. would have finished with battery to spare but the stupid rain stopped me… working all these plant shutdowns doesnt leave me much time to get things done around the house.
has anyone else mowed in darkness with a headlamp?? :weary:

I can’t say I have, but welcome to BLF! :party:

Welcome Meltman.... from this first post, you sound just nuts enough to fit right in with this crowd!!


Jeez, you must live in the middle of nowhere if no one gets pissed at you mowing at night! But yeah, us flashoholics do that sometimes where we’ll put ourselves in dark situations. I know last summer whenever I went to a certain friends house at night I made sure to walk over to this one field because it was almost guaranteeing you’d see coyotes.

We have city bylaws around here which prohibit people from mowing lawns after/before certain hours.

I don’t think I’d want to mow when it’s dark outside lit up with only with a light. Also, I’d be worried about nocturnal critters and insects out and about during the dark hours.

Hello Meltman. Welcome to Budget Light Forum.
:weary: (See, I’m melting)

Thanks for joining the gang, Meltman!

welcome to BLF… yeah you’re nuts enough to hang with us :smiley:


No way I could get away with that with my neighbors… I wish.

I'm very slowly working on a high-powered LED headlight conversion on my riding mower. Perhaps that's what you need. My thread here.

Oh, and welcome to BLF!


screw the neighbours, they're always complaining about how I don't cut the grass often enough (I prefer the meadow look plus there's a long list of things I'd rather do than mow the lawn) so they can put up with some mowing at 8pm after I've put the kids to bed.

set up

in action :)

works a treat, plus the low mounting throws enough shadow that I can see the bits I miss. It's only ~500lms, so not really worthy of BLF (where's my quintuple MT-G2 monster mower light!) :)

Cool! Thanks for sharing! And I agree wholeheartedly about having better things to do than mow the grass!


so much win :bigsmile:

Welcome to BLF. I could get away with mowing at night but I try my very best to mow as little as possible. I like my yard overrun it keeps the deer and stuff around. They like to sleep under my apple trees. They have even gotten used to me walking around shinning a light in their eyes. They only run off if I walk right up to them. I have a few rabbits that do the same.

Have fun.

after dark several times with the aid of one of my flashlights. i’ve been told i was crazy as well. welcome to the forum!

You should put a TM26 on that thing.

Maybe this could be used if modded.

1000 lumens of floody output for 25 bucks seems like an ideal mower light to me. Mounted in the same spot that your current light is.

Light Bars

I don’t know how hard it would be to run on your mower but it would do a good job for you.

welcome to BLF!

I’ve used lights to snowblow…but never mow. I would wear one headlamp pointing forward, one pointing backwards (so passing autos see me), and one of these on a pendant

yeah, even sitting in a corner staring at the wall qualifies lol

Haha… yes I have…

Bylaws allows me to make noise till 10…. around this time of the year it’s dark by 8…… if i’m pushing 8:30 or so to finish, I don’t mind.

I just use a single T6 headlamp… works great :slight_smile:

Mill shutdowns have slowed down long enough for me to come home for a few. last time i mowed i actually started early enough to not have to bust out the headlamp. noticed one of the headlights flickering on the rider… wondering how difficult it would be to adapt two xml bulbs in each lens.

nice to be home for a little while