Nitecore TM26

I don’t know how much lower from retail it will go.

$399 retail price
$330 lowest I have found so far, direct from China.
Fasttech said that they would look into selling it.

EdisonLight said it will be up at their Ebay store within the next few days, but did not know what they will price it as.

$399 10% off from Longhorn Tactical, who is including the Nitecore batteries with it, which is a nice savings.

I think that, going forward, more lights will have displays of the battery power like this.

its an undersized brick painted black with some led's put in it. Btw imho its ugly not pretty .

Its appearance is something that caught my eye; I think it looks awesome, especially with the displays.

I think a lot of companies, by the end of 2013, will have displays like this on their flashlights.

I am hoping Nitecore will do a TM 26 Diffuser.

Yeah it’s a really cool looking light, batteryjunction posted a video

The oled screen is more awesome than I thought

nitecore products… erm… and the looks… erm…

Might there be better deals after the Chinese New Year? :bigsmile:

Some creative night shots I made with the TM26;

More of my night photography work at:

Excellent job Jelle, your night pictures are not only creative but well shot and beautiful as well!!

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! GET OUT OF THE WAY OF THE TRAI… Oh, nevermind. :bigsmile:

Very nice pictures

Some people think it is beautiful while some people think that light is ugly.

I think it is a cool flashlight…

That last shot looks like the cover of a Horror novel. Well done!!

We tested it today in Florida, across the water…amazing light. We might do some pictures tomorrow, but suffice it to say that I’ve never seen anything like this tiny monster of a light…amazing.

I’m expecting the BS Terminator U3 to blow this away…

Not sure I would use a £300 torch to do that 2m23secs+

Looks unreal

so they batter the hell out of it then put it gently into the water. Why not just toss it in there?

Dinodirect is a trustworthy seller?

They are in good standings yes.

i got many envelopes from them, mostly filled with e09's.

Their chat works well (Otta__ is my new friend) (lol myself now) and personally i find Nitecore is ****.

I have nitecore tm26 and skyray KUNG m4, i would like say that if you take in consideration that the turbo mode on the TM26 is for 3min and automaticly switch to HIGH,

If you compare TM26 on HIGH and the SKYRAY M4 on HIGH the price is too much expensive vs the skyray, the difficulty to see the difference in the two (high mode) is very very hard to see, for the price go with the skyray KUNG M4 for 6x less expensive…and very good built in my opinion. This is a very very good budget light vs Nitecore TM26.
Don’t hesite!!