If this is from the same corn beggar spamming BLF with the help from his idiot shill, Id avoid this one at all costs and wait for an Enova to come available from a reputable dealer. Just ask Richard when he will receive more Enova’s.
I am not exactly sure. We all know how the chinese operate. This charger is most likely made in the same place. The spot for back and front logo are the same. They slap exell, enova and nitecorn on these
And yes, its the same person SPAMMING the forum, and a number of months ago PM members offering etcyadda, and SPAMMING back then too, and apologising then too. Im pretty sure it was cells last time.
EDIT: ninjad
EDIT 2: Hmmm, well I was ninja’d, then the ninja removed his post…
The 8 slot charger has not been out long enough to be copied or made cheap. Has anyone torn the nitecorn, ebay charger or enova apart to compare?I ordered an ebay nitecorn to inspect.
Ive followed all the corn threads… funny stuff. Minos rubbed many of us wrong and is not worthy of a single cent of our money. Of the several varieties – while the outer cases might be the same or remolds of the original, no one has confirmed if they are the same internally. There’s actually a fair chance that they are not the same and of varying quality and design. I remember a highly unqualified corn reviewer mentioned that the first charger didnt work properly and managed to get another one from the overzealous corn supplier. Even HKJ’s enova review was enough to prevent me from every consider buying one.
Gah! The corn threads should have been marked as spam… but the read from the OP, his shill and others did make for some pretty darn good laughs. Still cracks me up every time I read through them. Maybe the admin also enjoys the humor, which is why they still exists. :bigsmile: