OFFICIAL Group Buy UF-1504, UF-1504 host, UF-1405, tail switch, 26650 batteries DISCOUNT CODES EXPIRED!!!!!!!!

I’m in for 2 hosts, instead of complete lights. Thanks

Move me from complete light to host.

Thanks for all the work in sorting this out, doesn’t sound all that fun.

Please change my order to a single host.

err… the host cost more than UF 1407?.. sigh, put me down for 1 host,if it lower than $20 I might get 2 :bigsmile: as I already bought UF 1405

Well, the 1407 has a 43mm head and the 1504 has a 71mm head. big difference in size.

It’s not off the table, just nothing set in stone yet. Patience!

I just want to GET MY TOYS, lol…

i’m still “in” for whatever i was “in” for originally…. a couple bucks per unit wont bring me in or make me back out.

i have never BEEN in on a BLF group buy before, lol… i feel like a little kid. It LOOKS like the “perfect light” for me…

big head, big lens, reasonable form factor.

whatever you guys decide on for the “complete light” is fine by me… just tell me when and who to pay, LMAO…

half of these will end up IR throwers for me and my night vision… the others will have to go visible so i have something to play with when working, lol…

im sure later on down the road? i will end up getting more to make for myself or other people.

i will get 1 host instead of a complete light then, thanks. i am #39 on the complete light list.

So, 5 hosts then

Thanks for your effort n10sivern

In for 2 hosts, please. Thanks for your efforts.

So, if only the host is available (haven’t read it yet from OP?), then I will go for that.

I don’t like throwers that much, but still I need one :smiley:

So far 58 have confirmed their request for the host! 33 have not confirmed yet. Come on guys, the sooner we get this the sooner they will be available.

I am still in for one host, the other one, I do not know, I have to ask my friend :wink:

Put me down for one host please.

i asked, and the other one for this price is no need…

You can take me off the list for a host.

Not sure if I need to, but I'll confirm that I still one one host.

69. alphazeta - confirming my one host. thxs again!

confirmed, still need one host

I think you missed my post. I’m still in for two hosts.