Opple Light Master 4 discussion thread (new 2023 model)

It seems your image is hard to pin point exact points.

Plotted coordinates are x=0.3797 and y=0.3741, but the crosshair mark is very close to 0.4. Something is not right.

If you share the image, I can check the formula and see if your data points are correct. Before you compile the program, you can check if the formula is working by calculating a sample coordinates in Excel and check it in Photoshop or other image editing program (e.g. GIMP is free).

Before I posted the formula, I checked it in my image editing program. So, I know it works.

This was your CIE x and y coordinates: x=0.3797 and y=0.3741

Calculated coordinates on my image are:
x coordinate = 55 + (646-55) * (x-0.25)/0.25 = 361.6
y coordinate = 32 + (648-32) * (0.5-C6)/0.25 = 342.2

This is what I get on my image editing software.

This is what I get by plugging in the coordinates on waveformlighting webpage.

I think the formula works pretty well.

and I have to zoom out the image when doing the real painting. the original image is too big, it would occupy much of my laptop screen, so I have to equal proportionally compress the width/height to make it fitting in my plot area, so the calculated x/y coordinates should be proportionally decreased? for example the image is 804/774, when do real painting it’s compressed to 402/387, when the crosshair coordinates are calculated using your formula, the coordinates should be divided by 2?

btw, I really want to fix the window size, I think it fits well on my laptop, it would most probably fit on other screen(your screen is much larger than mine), the layout is a headache.

I tried your image and starting from (0.1, 0.1) and (0.8, 0.8) doesn’t seem to work.

Instead, I used the following two points as reference points.
A. where 4000k line meets the bbl
B. where 3000k line meets the bbl

I found cie x and y coordinates of our points A and B from waveformlighting webpage. CIE x and y for A and B are:
A. (0.3805, 0.3768)
B. (0.4372, 0.4042)

The corresponding image positions are
A. (391, 404)
B. (439, 381)

Using the two points and using the same formula, the formula of the positions for cie x, y coordinates are:
A. 391 + (439-391) * ( x -0.3805) / ( 0.4372- 0.3805)
B. 404 + (381-404) * ( y - 0.3768) / (0.4042 - 0.3768)

Using the formula, I put in your cie data points (0.3797, 0.3741) and I get (390, 406). Here is the crosshair mark I drew in GIMP. I think it works well.

You can use the same approach with a cropped image of this. Your current image is so zoomed out, it doesn’t show much of useful information.

I suggest you use the image I uploaded before or do the above procedure with a cropped image.

maybe I could segment the bbl into multiple segments, handle each segment as how you handle 3000K to 4000K, perhaps that’s would be workable.

Yes, if the image size is reduce by 50%, simply dividing the coordinates by 2 should work.

Just fix the positions of the components. Or use fixed window size. It should be much better than the current version.

I see three panels. I only have introductory programing experience, but positioning the three panels relative to window size shouldn’t be hard though…

No. It is simple linear algebra. You just need two points to correctly draw any point on the image. I have already given you the reference points.

yes, thank you.
the mobile version uses code as below, and just now I checked the mobile version, seems it plots correctly.

after the UI thing, I’d think about how to make it more accurate. seems spectral reconstruction failed on halogen lamp according to my tests before.
btw, you can try “save to Excel” feature, the spectra would be saved in Excel file, when you plot the spectra curve in Excel, it looks different with the windows app, I think it’s caused by height/width ratio settting.

1 Thank

2 Thanks

Thank you for implementing my suggestion. I think the app looks much nicer with the new graph. More importantly, the graph seems to be working correctly. The image appears to be smaller than optimal on your screen, but I think it would look better on larger screens.

By the way, why are there black lines around the left and bottom edges of the graph? Did you put it there on purpose?

yes, x-axis and y-axis.
I have to resize to the image to its half both in width and height, so the characters on it maybe kinda blurred

The black lines are awkward. The graph image already has x and y axis with labels. Why draw additional black lines? If the lines do not have other purpose, I would prefer getting rid of the black lines.

OK, I’d remove it.
hope to fix all the bugs you found, and release it as v1.2.
perhaps ssi(spectral similarity index) to be added, really hope to use advanced chip, the chip is limited in channels, only 8, too few compared to other professional devices.

1 Thank

Here is the updated image file with the same dimensions. This image does not have the dot in the middle. I removed some CCT lines as well. I altered the javascript from waveformlighing webpage to create this image.

1 Thank

I created two images: one large (650px) and one small (400px). The larger one is the same image as the one I uploaded before, but with less margin. The reference point coordinates have changed, so if you use the new image, you should update the formula accordingly. Below, I have included the formulas along with the positions of the reference points for each image. I hope you find them useful.

image size: 650x650
(cie x,y)->(img x,y): 
img_x = 44 + (635-44) * (cie_x-0.25) / 0.25
img_y = 6 + (622-6) * (0.5-cie_y) / 0.25

image size: 400x400
(cie x,y)->(img x,y): 
img_x = 44 + (385-44) * (cie_x-0.25) / 0.25
img_y = 6 + (372-6) * (0.5-cie_y) / 0.25


2 Thanks

You can post IPA file, there are methods to install them outside of the app store.

I’d first consider post windows software first, then request other people to package for me privately.

1 Thank



2.chromatic coordinates crosshair plot correct now.
3.spectra intensity is more reasonable now.
4.save to Microsoft Excel supportted.
5.copy and paste.
6.UI layout basically correct, fixed window size.
7.ssi(spectral similarity index) measurement support.

@Limsup thank you for your help. btw, the app became slow after you clicked some 40 times, I think it’s caused by saved Excel file, I need to open the file and append record at the rear row, and when the records become large(for example, dozens of rows), the app becomes slow. Now only if you explicitly designate the saved file path and name will it write the Excel file to HDD.

3 Thanks

Could we maybe get an option to automatically acquire & save to excel in set intervals? So I can for example have the LM4 take a measurement and save it every 10 seconds?

measure every 10 seconds and save the measurements?
I don’t realize the necessity of constantly measuring, why measure constantly?

1 Thank