Opple Light Master 4 discussion thread (new 2023 model)

Ri and coordinates change when the LED heats up, for example.

This would also allow LM4 to be used to plot the stabilization graph of the flashlights.

While the size of the window has been fixed, it has negatively impacted the app’s usability. The previous version, though not aesthetically pleasing, was functional. The graphs were large and easily readable in the previous version. This version, however, is neither visually appealing nor functional. The graph is now too small and incorrectly positioned. I actually prefer the last version.

Opple LM4 v.1.21 screenshot

Additionally, the save function is still problematic. The previous version had issues as well. The default save name is “download.png,” but the file type is .xlsx. Saving with the default file name doesn’t work, nor does it work when I change the file name to something else, such as “test.xlsx.” I managed to save successfully once, but I’m not sure how I did it. When I tried again, the save feature failed. Although I don’t plan to use this feature much, it is still a concern.

why your screen looks like this?
my office laptop is prohibited from installing executables now, so I tested on my personal laptop yesterday. my laptop screen is much larger than my office laptop’s, it worked well. I used fixed window size, so it won’t cover all my screen, but it looks good. does the window cover all your screen?

the default saved file name should be “measurement_history.xlsx”, I’d fix it. you input your own filename would be OK, if you don’t open the FileSaveDialog, it won’t save, simultaneously lessen the burden to open and append the latest measurement to the rear row of the Excel file.

The screen resolution of my main monitor is 3820 x 2160. I have a second screen on my right as well. The app’s window covers roughly 1/4 of my screen.

I think you are positioning the components (or panels) relative to the screen not the window size.

seems only the graph position is incorrect, I’d adjust it now.
I prefer to use fixed-sized window the relieve the burden of designing the layout, it’s annoying.

This is how it appears on my virtual machine, whose screen resolution is 1920 x 1200. The window size is the same as before 1282 x 752.

The window size of 1280 x 750 is very small compared even for a small laptop whose resolution is at least fhd (1920 x 1080).

I understand your frustration, and I am thankful that you are doing this for us. However, my opinion is that the current fixed-size window is much worse than before. The previous version had a large and easy to read graph, now everything is small and tiny. I think you can simply adjust the positions the components in the previous version.

my office laptop has a small screen, I made the app fit my screen, so it’d fit on larger screens. conversely it would not display all the app’s window on small screens. what about if I make the graph zoomable?

Would it be easier to use some automation tool in Windows? This may reduce the complexity of the app.

I’m actually fine with the previous layout. It isn’t perfect, but it’s usable. Thank you for trying to fix it. If it’s too much trouble, you can forget about making further changes on the layout.

I would still prefer the previous version even if the current one has the graph in the correct position. The chromatic graph and spectral density in the current version (1.21) are too small to be useful for me.

OK, I’d make the window larger.
sorry for the inconvenience caused. btw, noticed the “ssi” metric beside “Ra”? newly added, hope it’d be useful to you.

1 Thank

I’d add a checkbox to enable continuous measure

1 Thank

Yes, I read about the SSI in your updated README.

I’m not a lighting expert, so it was the first time I heard about SSI. After googling it, I understand it’s a measure that describes how the spectral density differs from the reference density. I assume the reference density used here is for blackbody emission? Thank you for your efforts to improve the app.

1 Thank

compare to D50/D55/D65/D75 Et al.
this project is more like my hobby now. I’d continuously improve it.

3 Thanks

^ :face_with_monocle:

And is the latest firmware in the app store?

Yeah, I came into this thread and missed quite a bit.

When will it be updated for the Apple iOS store without needing the Windows program?

No, Windows only for now.

@stevechang any chance Opple would revisit publishing some official documentation on the device? I was hoping since Opple seems OK with your side projects being in the same line of business, they may be receptive to this…

My concern is that your tenure with Opple will not last forever, and once that comes to and end, you may no longer have access to their engineers (for info) or their goodwill (for permission) to work on these projects using their devices.

Documentation and knowledge are more useful than binaries, and more permanent too.

The software is under NDA from the sensor manufacturer, so even if they wanted they could not open anything useful. The whole sensor interaction and spectral recalibration is protected by the NDA.

At best, Steve could publish a rather small binary blob that only handles the protected parts, and people can build their own apps around it. Not sure how feasible that is, though, due to BLE interactions with the device being somewhere in with the mix.

Are we really sure about that or was something lost in translation… There are AS7343 breakout boards. I didn’t purchase the official AMS one because its a $400, but I would be surprised if you couldn’t use it without NDA.