——8-5-14 Upgrade to the Texas Poker…check it out! I put an XP-L in this lil guy and gained over 300 lumens! It was drawing 3.11A making 552 OTF with the de-domed XP-G2 I put in it with the BLFTiny10 FET driver. Now, same driver, it’s pulling 3.20A and making 873 lumens OTF! WooHoo!!!——
Hey everybody, thought I’d share some pics of my new light that Photon Fanatic is completing. This is a pet project, done with a 1” bar of Grade 23 Surgical Grade Titanium that I’ve had for over 13 years. Finally figured out what I wanted to do with this bar, thanks in part to the Forum. So I tried to apply some of what I’ve been learning here in the last couple of months (stuff missed out on at CPF by the way) and designed my own little rocket. Based on either a Cree XP-G S2 in 5700K or a Nichia 219 in 5000K, with a driver custom designed by Matt Wright out of Australia and being programmed in Germany, the hold-up to this light’s completion, the driver will push 1.2A for something in the neighborhood of ~300+ lumens on hi, with regulation and overheat protection as well as over-discharge protection. That’s the plan, anyway.
I have always like the look of Leupold rifle scopes, so based on the bore end of a scope, I submitted my idea to Fred Pilon for this build. Fred uses an old Swiss manual lathe and uses it well. He also designs in Solid Works and has stuck by the design perfectly. The design calls for a large heatsink in copper, as the Ti doesn’t remove heat well…with this in mind external ribs from the heat sink were designed as a solid piece that pretty much fills the Ti head. The bezel screws onto the sink, the copper pill screws into it from below, and the battery tube screws into the base of the head. Making this a twisty for simplicity, the 3 modes should be easily accessible.
Bear with me, this is a first for me in more ways than one….
.5mm threads anyone? This pitch is used throughout. I have a sample of these in a Ti pill bottle made from the remains of this 1” bar and they’re smooth as butter.
Boring out the pill area after the outer threads for the ramp portion of the lower head,
Did I mention Fred like’s a challenge?
Creating the exposed ribs for heat dispersal. Whether or not this works, it’s sure got a nice aesthetic!
The reflector area, bored, countered, ready for the reflector and lens.
The copper heatsink, with quite a bit of work in this one tiny piece. Art! Gotta love it! I figure those threads are just a little thicker than my thumbnail.
So we’re all good? Nobody wants to see anymore?
I have no idea how all this works, so I’m going to break it up in sections. Consider this phase 1.