A feeler
Yes we said 4 LEDs
But we want to feel BLF because 1 emitter less, 1 DTP star less, 4 solder actions less, a screwhole in the integrated shelf less and a screw action to fix the dtp star to the shelf less.
This would make the light cheaper to produce and mod.
Awesome Poll! I like how you included the last option for those people that we know exist!
Edit: As can already be seen, choice number one is going to be the clear winner of this poll. However, choice number one will not tell you anything. So, it will ultimately have to be overlooked and the choice that includes an actual preference and has the next largest amount of votes will have to be the deciding factor.
I wasn’t complaining, just stating my observation! :innocent: Like I said, I really like the way you did this poll!
But my guess is that the one guy that voted #6 is probably one of the guys that wanted 10,000+ lumens too! Just a hunch.
Edit: Two for #6 now. Not a bad choice really, but okay. We each have our own opinion…
No, this translates into a feeler if we as Q-Team could maybe change the number of LEDs to 3 to reduce costs and keep it possible to make a Q6/Q8 for the price of $40 including shipping.
Do understand the only good stock soupcan light in below $55 range is the Supfire M6 with 3 LEDs and good luck getting one shipped to you for $40,-
With a driver option less cool and versatile then we envision t would set you back ~$100 without shipping so….
So we are making it very hard for ourselves and I wanted to know if there is a little wiggle space to cut costs.
(See how sneaky I add the Q6 as name for a 3LED version, fitting a smaller Q5 (AA sized) and Q4 (AAA sized) and Q7 (26650 sized) right along with this 3 emitter feeler ;))
I put #5, more lumens for less heat with 4 led, my preference :innocent:
but less cost with 3, especially if replacing the leds, my wallets preference :money_mouth_face: