In for one.

And it went off
502 hours, very impressive. If I ever go caving I’ll take a soda/soupcan light with me, wauw!


Ok, I’ll pretend that’s a practical excuse. Count me down for 1.


Interested (not sure of emitter option yet).

Im interest in one but need to know much many lumens for this unit.


Well emitters are not clear but 4000 lumens minimal should be doable :wink:

Will update op later

if +4000 lumens then add me to the list.

when do we make payment and when are we expecting to get the flashlight :smiley:

I don’t think 219Cs would be a very good option. You’d get more out of the XP-L HIs.

At this stage with just the idea and first emails send to a manufacturer please understand we are going for a new light so this could take long time, a real long time

…and that is to be expected. When it’s ready we’ll know.

…and even more out of XP-L HDs (the domed emitter). I don’t mean to beat a dead horse but it keeps getting back up, so I keep whacking away. :slight_smile:

XP-L HIs don’t make sense for this project. It should either be XP-L HDs for acceptable tint and highest output or 219Cs for beautiful tint and slightly less output. XP-L HIs would give us average tint and slightly less output; there’s no upside there.

Why not just skip the 219c’s and go to 90cri XP-G3’s?

There’s a trade-off with everything

I don’t know enough about the XP-G3s to comment. Haven’t been following the thread, so I’ll leave that to someone who knows more than I do, like yourself :slight_smile:

You’re right that there’s trade-offs to everything but my point was that there’s less trade-offs with the HD or 219c than with the HI. Basically the 219c trades a slight bit of output for better tint, while the XP-L HD trades a bit of tint cleanliness for more output. Either of those are good choices depending on whether you value quantity or quality more. The HI has neither the cleanest tint nor the best output (of these three) so I don’t see why its brought up so often in this thread. Well, actually I think it keeps coming up because its so popular, but its popular because throwers are popular and its a great thrower emitter. This isn’t a thrower.

Well, XP-L HI may make some sense to some people. Even though this light is a flooder, the possible gain in throw could be useful in some cases. But if the option of a XP-L HI would make the general price of the GB go up, I’d rather not include the option. Nichia 219Cs make a lot of sense if they are high CRI, because a lot of people would choose that option. I can’t remember, do we have 90+ CRI 219Cs available yet? However, if both Nichias and Crees have to be sourced, it would be a possible headache for the manufacturer, so not likely to happen. In that case, I’d say stick with Cree and let the modders have their Nichias!

No I mostly agree on the XP-L issue. HD makes more sense unless you are very opposed to “cree rings”. Then the HI would seem like a happy medium.

Luckily we should have some tests of the G3 before it’s time to start producing these lights.

For anyone interested, I have pics of a 219C “Monster Flooder” (well, perhaps a bit shy of “monster level”) posted here. 4 x 219C’s at approximately 2.0A each (tested in my DIY sphere at +/- 2,100 lumens). I’ve considered buying another BT40S bike light and swapping in XP-L’s to get more lumens and compare.


Please add me to the list if this is, indeed , over 4000 lumens. Thank you for your efforts.

The idea is that the setup of the reflector will make it flood anyway. One could say flood is not an issue whatever is put in there so the extra throw is a benefit of the HI


Whack away, in this stage all ideas and input are more then welcome.
We are doing our best to do something with all that is said.
I thought about doing a poll over the LEDs but we need test results of the G3 first. Yay groupbuy of those :smiley:

Right, I get that. Nothing is going to make this light a thrower. But then again that extra throw from the HI isn’t just “free light”, it comes from somewhere — the spill. And since the HI emitters make less lumens anyway its like a double-whammy, even less spill. So while the extra throw of the HI could be a benefit, don’t overlook the fact that it comes at a cost. If the goal of this project is monster flood, I maintain that HI emitters aren’t the best choice.

Again, all this is just my opinion. I’m buying one whatever winds up inside. :slight_smile: