Hey ToyKeeper

Does this thing come with a remote so we can change channels?


No need, it only has three channels. :stuck_out_tongue:

No… my clicker is broken.
My brain is stuck on this channel.

This achieves 4000 lumens. For eye perception we can assume its sqrt 4000 which is 60~.

For Q16 I think we should at least double that. This means it will have to be 120×120=15000~ lumens.

Do you think q8’s soon to be big brother q16 with 4 xhp50.2 emitters will achieve this?

For those who wanted to know, thanks for figuring it out TK.

By the way, what about that lightning strobe? :smiley:

Fuzun I quoted your post about the Q16 here:

TK thanks
Interesting, those are some serious times to have light!
Gonna order a set of GA 3500mAh for sure to up it a little in one.

Maybe, just barely, 4 of them will reach that. Better to run bigger xhp70 or xhp70.2, though.

Is there a Q16 idea floating around?

We have import duty & VAT here in the UK, with VAT being 20% :frowning:
When VAT first came in here it was called a “luxury” tax & was only charged on items deemed to be a luxury such as colour TV”s, dish washers etc, things that were not essentials.
Now it is charged on just about everything the main 2 exceptions being basic foods (some foods & drinks are charged VAT) & children”s clothes.
So gas, electricity, water, clothing etc are now deemed to be luxuries & not essential :person_facepalming:
It can be very expensive for us Brits to buy from outside the EU if the item is above a certain amount.
We pay VAT on gifts worth more than £39 & other goods worth more than £15.
Customs (import) duty on the price paid for the goods including postage, packaging and insurance
Type and value of goods Customs Duty
Anything under £135 No charge
Gifts worth £135-£630 2.5%, but rates are lower for some goods - call the helpline
Gifts above £630 and other goods above £135 The rate depends on the type of goods and where they came from.
All tobacco & alcohol also accrues excise duty.
So with lights, cells, chargers etc VAT can be the problem as it is quite easy, even for a single item, to be above £39 or $50.
So on a $50.01(including postage charges & insurance, so the actual item could be well under $50 ) item we would pay $10 VAT, $100 would be $20 etc :person_facepalming:
Most stuff I get from China though is generally marked £14 as the Chinese sellers know that this amount doesn”t attract any fees.
Anyway that was OT so back to the Q8 :slight_smile:
I have new 30Q”s, both flat top with a solder blob & button top, GA”s & of course Panny B”s here ready to feed my Q8”s :+1:
I have already bought 2 of the genuine Trustfire SRK style lights to play around with & am impressed with them & they are only 3,300 lumens stock.
I am really looking forward to the Q8”s being they are virtually double the output & have a fantastic UI :+1:

here you go for talk about future projects Talk about future projects and donation topic - #70 by The_Miller

Yah BH and that is one of the reasons it is smart to do several small orders instead of 1 big (well if free shiping is chosen of course) besides the obvious advantage of having to deal with CS on 1 item in 1 order makes the start already easier then 1 item out of several in an order.

Yes The Miller I always order items individually for those very reasons :wink:
It also means that if 1 item is out of stock it doesn”t hold up the rest of the order :+1:

What? That sounds like… work.
Oh, hey, look at the time!

ah yes BH that too is a good reason, when I did not split orders it happened often the vendor would, and that is annoying for one order to check for multiple items arrved or not

LOL at that gif TK :slight_smile:

To be added to interest list cawi, via email.

If this is still going, I am interested in a BLF Q8. I am a long time collector of flashlights… Only just found this place (I know I know… it is hard to believe that anyone who has over 30 different kinds of flashlights wouldn’t know about this place. I have spent the last couple of weeks lurking the pages, and decided to join).

Welcome to BLF will update the list later!
You know what they say about many good things, better late then never, so good you found BLF!

Appreciate the warm welcome! Glad that I didn’t miss this… I found this forum because I got ripped off purchasing my first SRK. Looking forward to getting a flashlight that can actually deliver some real light. The fake SRK that I received couldnt even keep up with my 4 year old EagleTac D25LC2 that I use as my EDC (most of the time). Needless to say I was quite disappointed.

Currently have a BLF A6 on order from banggood.

Wyre, it’s getting to be difficult, if not outright impossible to find a good SRK any more. That’s one of the reasons this project got started.

By the way, welcome to BLF! It’s good to have you here. Take a look around the site. There’s lots of cool stuff to be found. The search box in the top left of the page works really well.

But it would be so cool to have the Lighting Mode, and you are so talented and smart and…….is this working :slight_smile:
We need a light with just crazy modes for the “Fun Factor”
I’m sure it would be a good seller

I just love it when you “talk” like this!!! :wink:
Seriously, that is interesting info TK, thanks for sharing it. :slight_smile: … :+1:

36 minutes to basically 8 months……… WOW. :open_mouth:

You people that can do & figure out all this still amaze me……… :beer:

Does narsil do something different to reduce the MCU power usage while on? I have never seen less then ~4-5ma in moon mode when the MCU draw is counted in (aka, at the tail).

Not like it makes much of a difference, just curious if some way was found to reduce the MCU power consumption in moon mode.