This is how Banggood have usually done it in the past (BLF A6, X5/X6, etc).

That U$99.99 price is what we would refer to as the MSR/RRP, and they will often have a discounted price for their offers/promos.

Best Regards,


My guess,

“coming soon” @ us$99

When it is available it will say “its here at a special introductory price of us$80 (or whatever)
buy it now before it goes back to normal price :money_mouth_face:

Get them interested, bait the hook
lower the price, set the hook
make the sale, reel them in

Cheers David

It will sell cheaper than $99 I assume.

Miller, please put me at the end of the list for a second one, it will give me time to see if the budget allows. Thanks.

Dale, keep it up and we WILL tell your wife.

Can I still be added to the list or am I too late?

And they listed AR coated lens. I think it doesn’t have that.

Dale, at a certain moment they get to heavy big and strong so even for dads who did not have an operation some restraint in wrestling is needed :wink:
Just get him a big trampoline and well with the costs of a new operation in mind you could toss in a pool and be cheaper off :smiley:

Hmm I liked our listing text much more, they also didn’t use our pics.
But wow ATR Advanced Temperature Regulation , now Tom that sounds sweet doesn’t it :smiley:

This means it is about time to close new entries for the list.
Tonight at 00.00h my time (so in about 14 and a half hours) I will do the last MARK and no more new additions shall be accepted after that.

Welcome to BLF!
Yes the list is open for another 14 and a half hours for addition requests

You saw my addition a few posts up, yeah? Thank you again for doing all of this.

10x for that info, 99$ is kinda “obsolete” price compared to TM06S and other offers, more or less a marketing trick so you dont have to worry: it simpy wont last long at that price lever

I put in a request to purchase one on page 337 but can’t find my name on the list.
I would still like to purchase one if it’s not too late.

Yes not to worry, list will be updated
We are going to a party with a lot of old French people, a bunch of them make their own wine, Pineau (this is like Porto made in this region) and Cognac and they always want my opinion on all they make (and well to be fair I want theirs for my liqueur based on Cognac, honey and the color and flavors of flowers and blossom picked on our grounds) so I will not update the list tonight but tomorrow :slight_smile:
indeed point me to issues that you see.

About the listing, there are some mistakes in there, but it is another step forward to actually see it so that is good.

Put me also at the very end of the list for a second one please.
(Et je veux bien être ajouté à la liste pour gouter le cognac :wink: ).

heheh will do :slight_smile:

Banggood listing

There are some specs wrong, but still, it is cool to see!

We are about to close the possibility to be entered to the groupbuy list.

September second 2017 23.59h my time (France)

I liked our listing text much more, they also didn’t use our pics.
But wow ATR Advanced Temperature Regulation , now Tom that sounds sweet doesn’t it Big Smile

This means it is about time to close new entries for the list.
Tonight at 23.59h my time (so in about 13hours) I will do the last MARK and no more new additions shall be accepted after that.

banggood is editing right now ;)

cool :+1:

Enjoy the party, Miller. It sounds great.

Please add me for two (2) more.

Thank you.

I am down for one (1) currently, please add 5 more for me for a total of 6. Merci.

So which batteries should I buy for the Q8? Just get a bunch of Samsung 30q?

Thanks in advance!