Completely understandable patmurris. … It has been a long wait for an anticipated light.
Just keep checking on that shipping status & soon you will have the pleasant surprise that your Q8 will be headed your way. Just like This One . Sure it was a different batch… but he got a pleasant reward when he checked that shipping.
It will be there before long……
To eliminate possibility of a mis-configured light, you can reset the light's configuration settings to factory defaults - not documented, accept in the Advanced Notes and Usage guide here.
Go to display the version number, and while the one blink version # is shown, press&hold the switch for a few seconds, til the light starts blinking quick -- this indicates it's done, and now it's reset back to factory settings.
Welcome back teacher, surely your q8’s have got to be close to being delivered. I only wish I could figure out what number my q8 is in the purchase order. If anyone knows how to find out that info I would be greatly in your debt. Thanks!
Happy to report the button light is now back on. I was able to find the “Reset to factory settings.” Thanks to all who responded. (I found it in the micro-printed “cheat cheat” included with the light.)
Hi Joey…… :+1:
Yep… my first one will be here in a few minutes…. Tracking is and has been perfect every step of the way. 100% reliable. A great asset in knowing the arrival time of ones package. I highly recommend it for those with inquiring minds.
If you will give me the date & time of your order(s)… I will compare them with mine & I can give you a general idea of where you are in the “lineup”. It would be my pleasure my friend.
What? Your location is listed as San Diego and Accuweather shows the low as 60+F (16C) and hitting highs of 80 by Monday. Even Big Bear is showing lows of above 50F.
One of mine arrived yesterday, no issues. I really like the ramping. Great work!
I got the pistol grip/mini-tripod that Lightfighter mentioned earlier. It’s a great accessory to use a Q8 as a small work light. (Doesn’t work quite as well with the Astrolux MF-01 due to the protruding bezel area.)
Just got notice the Q8 ordered with expedited shipping (extra $10) will be delivered today, so DHL rcv'd it on the 17th in Singapore, then 2 days to the door. 10 days to Singapore, but 12 days overall - not bad, could be better though, still beats many with regular shipping. Sorry for those that cancelled their expedited shipping orders. It's quoted at 5-8 business days, so it actually took 8 business days.