[Review] Sofirn SC13 - The pocket rocket now with Nichia 519A

It’s hard to make a balace between quality, customer service, and low price, but we are trying to. Feedback and suggesrions are welcome.

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FC 11C is a 18650 light, if you are interested, we are going to make new version of SP31 V3 519A, 519A with buck driver :smile:

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I bought several SC21 Mini, and SC21 Pro

I like the SC21 Pro better because I am a big fan of Anduril UI

For me, Anduril was more important than the more efficient driver.

For the general public, maybe SC21 was not popular because it uses an unfamiliar small battery size. I liked giving them as gifts, partly because the built in charging makes it convenient for new flashligh users, that do not own a separate charger.

I think people on flashlight forums like lights that have the option to use both AA and 14500, with a Boost Driver and Anduril. Like the Emisar D3AA. Even though it does not have built in charging.

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What do you think of SC13 519A with Anduril? We have a plan for this one :laughing:


I like Anduril very much. Suggest the 5700K color temperature of 519a.

I would also like if the bezel could be unscrewed, so I could dedome or change the LED, if I wanted to.

And I would especially like if the button had an RGB Led that could stay on, and would show battery voltage colors. Like on the Emisar D3AA

I also suggest making the charge rate of the SC13, a little lower, so the battery does not get so warm during charging.

Thank you.
One change I’d like is to move the lanyard holes to be on the tail cap side so that the light could tail stand with a lanyard installed.
An efficient buck driver would make it so much better considering the battery size.

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But like many before me, I’d like to make it into 18350 light, a little bigger than the SC13 because of the reflector. @SammysHP has a convincing comparison of the advantages of the regulation:

buck driver is quite helpful, but SC21 didn’t sell well so we thought there is little need for a buck driver in a small flashlight

Sofirn SP31 v2 is example of fine regulated driver with smart choose of values in every mode. It has good medium mode which last very long and give solid amount of light. Only dissadvantage is that it doesn’t have real moonlight mode but for ordinary users which really use it every day it isn’t very important. I buy more than 10 SP31 and give it to my friends and all of them said that they never have or see better flashlight. For them it only was important that flashlight has enough power and that they know aproximately how much time battery will last in every mode. They almost use low and medium modes.
Other examples of good regulated drivers which my friends like is good old zanflare F1 or Convoy S2+ 5Amps driver. That are light which ordinary users like but they don’t know for anything better, alternative for them was cheap chinese zoom lights with bad 18650 batteries and cold white-blue leds and no one of them don’t know for blf forum :slight_smile: )
I have 2 wurkkos wk03 tlf edition which have fet driver and I know that its power is related to battery voltage but in everyday use in real dark it works more than a very good and it is very user friendly.
I give it to my cousins and friends to try and I hear only good comments, only critics are that it get very hot in turbo mode. When battery indicator give red light it can last very long before discharge battery and give solid userable amount of light.
I don’t like fet drivers but I must say that WK03 is example of good implementation of fet driver.
In some thrower light with sft40 led thats same kind of driver will be real crap, but for pocket more flooder light it is more than good.

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The non removable magnet, which hasn’t been defeated even by several long blasts of a jet-flame lighter, and this lanyard option do not work together.

If there is to be a lanyard fixing then it really has to go on the side.

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We sell SP31 V3 now which has buck driver, and it’s more powerful. But…it doesn’t sell well. Not much talk on BLF too.

Yeah. It’s really a nice light and the TIR beam looks great. It just needs a different LED but you probably hear that more than you like to. When I travel, I take my SC31 Pro Anduril V1 modified with an SFT40 and I guess the single switch is more to my liking.

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I hadn’t seen it mentioned here on BLF before, that sounds very nice (assuming SFT40). What is the UI like?

It would be good if you guys made a thread that was updated for new releases and model discussion, similar to Simon (Convoy) and Hank (Intl-Outdoor), otherwise it is hard to know what is new without specifically looking for it.

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Thanks sooo much for your suggestion, we just made a thread.
Here is the link:【Sofirn SP31V3 519a】 The prototype has come out!

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Wow! :star_struck: So good!

Seems to me here is the only place where you have officially stated that SP31V3 has a regulated driver. There is not a single word about it on your site or on AliExpress. You should write it in CAPITAL letters in every description of SP31V3.
And you have similar situation even with good old V2, where only a small picture on your site says something about the driver.
At the very least, it tells customers why the SP31 is priced higher than similar-looking flashlights.

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Gotta it!! Thank you soooo much for your suggestion! I have already provided feedback to the relevant staff. :blush:

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