Any reviews out there with outdoor beam shots?
I've been trying to get to it - can't guarantee outcome, but either me or mhanlen will have them posted first.
Thanks for the review! Look’s like I’ll be picking this one up too, can’t even stop myself lol
Have you thought about doing a runtime test on the high mode?
Hey guys I’ve been slow getting around to this one. Got some numbers last night… Umm… anyone else test theirs? I’m getting near L6 readings- better, but not by a whole lot. I have them side by side and just looking at them on a wall- well they look about the same- numbers aside. You know other than the HaikeLite having a more Neutral tint. My GAs are on the charger after finishing a runtime test, I was testing with 3000 mah HG2s.
First thing I would check is that all of your cells are making proper contact. Someone had issues with their HG2’s.
I’ll check it later today. I mean, I threw them all on my charger afterward… and all 4 voltages were 4.13-4.15. Output has been steady, and not flickering- so it doesn’t feel likely. I’ll still check anyway. I will try my GAs too- they were charging when performing my lux and lumen test on turbo. By the way I’m using button top GAs and HG2… and they’re fairly close in dimensions, so that would also seem odd. Flat tops won’t make contact on my light, so I can’t use any of those.
Oh, you’re probably fine as far as contact goes then. The problem was with flattop HG2’s.
Ok, well I have some stuff to check after work tonight then. I have the Neutral White version, Tom seems to have the cool white version. I wonder if anyone else got the NW version and had tested it.
I got #'s posted in the OP ?? And yes - mine is N4 CW, the NW is N2. Also I would not use HG2's - the light will work fine on one pair with the other pair not making contact. Actually I never got HG2's to work.
In my MT07, I removed the plastic pieces around the Batt+ contact on both ends - now all flat top cells work . They were glued down, relatively easy to remove - finger nail or flat head tool, just a bit messy looking with the glue remnants. Before I did this, and what drove me to doing it, I had 4 GA cells in the light doing a quick test. Afterward, I was gonna top off the cells, and notice one pair was 4.15V and the other pair was 4.20V - ? Only way I could explain this was one pair wasn't making contact. So even with the best fitting flat top (edit) cells, the GA's, it's a hit and miss.
I got two L6's and in stock form, both don't compare well to the MT07 - the MT07- is about 1,200 lumens brighter and 73 kcd for the L6, 132 kcd for the MT07.
Is all of this true with button top cells too? Because that’s all I’m using. I understand you have CW numbers in the OP… I was wanting numbers for the NW light. I wouldn’t expect the brightness difference between the two bins, being what I’m describing- but I was curious what someone got with the NW.
Nice review, going to purchase one. Can anyone tell me the advantages and disadvantages of the different battery configurations on the MT07 and MT03?
Oops! Button tops seem to be good for contact, but you can't thread the tailcap completely up as far as you can with flat tops, but it covers the o-rings, so for me it's good. I've used/tested Samsung 30Q button tops. Edited the post above.
Okie dokie. I’ll have to look at it and see if I can figure out what’s going on. I have flattops… so I might just remove the plastic spacers inside and try that. It’s quite possible this light isn’t perfect for flattops or button tops out of the box.
Added some comparative outdoor beam shots to the OP. Not happy bout the quality on my LUMIX DMC-ZS7, but probably my settings. Might have more to add, reviewing now..
Well that’s not the ideal situation. What about the ones Haikelite are selling with the light in their thread? The Sanyo 3500 GA’s? Are those botton top, and do they fit properly?
I’ve been told they’re button tops, and I have 4 of those. Without seeing a picture I can’t be sure which version they’re including (flat tops or button tops). Maybe someone can chime in. I am going to try a few different cells this evening and see if I can get to the bottom of what the issue is. The bottom line is, flat tops cells don’t seem to work unless you do some light modification of the battery tube. Button top cells do work, but only unprotected. The battery tube doesn’t have much wiggle room on length, so don’t expect to fit something much greater than 67mm button top- or flat tops if you mod it (by modding the flashlight slightly, or by using solder blobs on your flat tops).
GA' have a protruding top, not a true button top, but the flat tops protrude more than typical ones. SANYO's are typical with this feature.
OP Updated: Added more beamshots - animated GIF's showing the 5 modes at two different ranges. That may be it for now.
Nice job with the beamshots. :+1:
GA’ have a protruding top, not a true button top, but the flat tops protrude more than typical ones. SANYO’s are typical with this feature.
OP Updated: Added more beamshots - animated GIF’s showing the 5 modes at two different ranges. That may be it for now.
Ok, so if you order a GA unprotected then it should work? But you do have to remove the insert right? I have button top GAs from mountain electronics. They can be ordered that way.
Well, I know I used the set of GA's with the inserts and all appeared to work fine. Just that one time I noticed two of the 4 cells, when pulled, were discharged a little (expected) and one pair wasn't discharged at all. So, I'm think'n now it could be flaky with GA's. Maybe it was my fault - didn't tighten the cap up enough, but even so, it's not good. Also those springs, though appear to be high quality, seem to be flattening out with use. I added bypasses in them - not sure if any difference though, didn't see any.