Yeah… well I was suggested HG2s, 30Qs, and then GAs. So now I have 8 batteries that aren’t that useful. Looks like I’ll be getting some flat top GAs now. I third time is a charm. By the way… even with button top GAs I’m still getting only about 3380 lumens off fresh batteries right out of the charger.
Yikes! Hhmm, that seems like a problem to be measuring that low.
For the cells, dunno what went on. I had all kinds of cells so not a problem for me. They were saying HG2's, but I can't get them to work, and I'm reading others are using HG2's in the MT03 -- I don't get it. They were telling you 30Q flats would work? Oh boy... I've been pm'ing them my HG2's didn't work and they said from the beginning they do work... I'm totally confused about it.
What cells then are you using to take the measurements?
Removing the plastic pieces around the Batt+ contacts solves all the flat top problems, least for me so far.
Ok, I take it all back now. I removed the plastic spacers on both ends of the battery tube. I can now use flatops… So I tried my HG2s, and was still getting somewhere around 3300 lumens…I put my L6 and was getting close to the same on my pipe measuring device. Looks like my review may be postponed for now, as I talk to them. Id be interested in seeing some other people measure this light too.
I’ve been using some 6 months old GAs… no more than 2 dozens cycles on them… Some brand new HG2s… which now work thanks to me removing the plastic spacers. And I’m charging up some virgin 30Qs. All these cells are Illumn or Mtn Electronics. I also just tried the efests i use to get 9000 lumens in my x7…. still about the same.
Not where I get them. I’ve reviewed several high lumen lights… I’ve tried 5 different matched battery cells and get in the 3300-3400. None of my cells are counterfits. Some of these cells regularly get over 4000-9000 lumens in other lights. I own the Meteor, the X7, the K70, TM16GT.
Wonder what your amps are. Not sure I posted it, but I did do tail amp measurements with a clamp meter. Think it was about 6A measured on one pair. In theory you should get the same initial amps/output with just one pair of cells, but the way this 2S2P driver works, it may be less. I lost/misplaced some notes I had, but I could re-measure.
I don’t know of anyone else that has a NW version currently. I haven’t received a DHL shipment notification for my 4S NW versions of the MT03 & MT07 yet.
Just found my notes on amp readings. With 1 cell pair wired in, I tested the other pair at 3.1A, so assuming 6.2A. But on just one pair in, the pair read 7.0A. Cells might not have been fully charged though.
Depending on what they advise me to do… I could always just mail it to you and you could check it out. I mean I don’t know yet. I could review it as-is, but I don’t think that would be fair. I don’t have a way to test tailcap current. But I have many lights to test it against… and I get consistent results with lights I’ve tested in the past. Mind you I have much brighter lights that read much brighter too… but I guess that could help narrow down where the problem is. I’ll be the first to admit, I suck with a multimeter, and stopped trying to get accurate tailcap measurements a whole ago because I couldn’t get consistent results.
They asked me if I could measure the color temp… I only have an app on my iphone and it shows between 4300k-4700k. It’s definitely not a Neutral in the way my XPG2 Meteor is or my BLF Kronos lights are… definitely yellowish compared to those. And not as warm as my 5a BLF A6.
Very concerning as I ordered a neutral white. I recognize lumen losses for NW but that’s almost 40% less. Did you get the 2s2p or 4s variant (sorry if you already posted this info). Please keep us updated and hope it’s something easy to fix like wiping the contacts as noted for another light brand.
Might be something silly like the resistors. Does the LED look like all 4 dyes are lighting up? Can test on low.
Best meter for current is a clamp meter. I use it about exclusively now, accept for up to 3A ranges. Even with heavy wires, a regular DMM will read low.
The stock resistors in mine are R056 and R082 in parallel. I just added an R075 and got a nice bump of about 400 lumens - close to 5,400 lumens now and 140 kcd, up from 132 kcd. I measured current over just one pair after the mod and got 6.7A.
What I like bout these lights is they are really easy to work on.
Yep… all 4 quadrants light up. The light behaves pretty normally. Nothing flickers or acts weird. In fact when powering on and powering off…all 4 light up and dim pretty uniformly. I have the x7 and when powering that off… the quadrants don’t uniformly dim or cut off at the same time. I don’t see me getting useful led current readings- but I’ll try. I’m not much of a modder. I can solder… and that’s about it.