That's ok - you don't have to be super modder. Your reviews and audio tracks are fantastic! Love the stats, tests, combined with the wit, and covering a lot of info - Don't know how you do it. I don't have vid editing software, but I tried to wing it with audio in a vid demo, and every other word was ummm. I stopped and killed it in like 10 secs .
I play to my strengths in my videos. I’m a rambler in real life, so I write a script and read from it. I’m terrible at addressing the camera, and at remembering lines- so I don’t! I may not know my way around a circuit board well- but I do know cameras… and I like outdoor stuff. I always wanted to make videos and short films that people watch, so I do it on my own terms.
Given that this light requires using cells in series, does this light allow for use of protected cells?
Yes, and does it fit for 70-71mm cell like NCR18650B protected ?
This light can’t handle a cell over maybe 68mm. It has extremely tight cell length tolerances. It has low voltage protection though.
Whilst low voltage protection is a plus, the 68mm max length will preclude the majority of higher drain protected cells. With a series configuration, there is risk if un-protected cells of different charges (e.g. full and empty) are accidentally mixed. Whilst the average BLF member may be aware of this, and take care (e.g. using DMMs and/or chargers with voltage readout, and matched cells), the uninformed may not be so careful. Even informed users can have a bad day!
Even with less volatile chemistries being more prevalent , li-ions have bad enough press at the moment, resulting in shipping restrictions, and a manufacturer trying (badly) to not allow cells to be sold to consumers. Li-ion users thus need to avoid making the situation worse, and I’m concerned that lights that require only unprotected cells in series increase the risk of an accident.
+1, completely agree. Although not interesting for the majority of people here, I personally thought it was a good move of Olight to sell their Olight-wrapped protected high drain cells as an option for the X7; the cells were available at the same time the light was. These little details make me respect Olight.
Concerning protected cells, refer to the product page: It clearly states what's required in cells. I agree with you in that they should be an option, but they are not.
I'd suggest you make the point with the manufacturer here:, and pm them as well. I've made my point, raised the issue with them but it's not getting anywhere.
I think the performance would suffer with this design, but the option should be there. For the 4S configuration, protected cells should perform better, and be a better match, but they still do not seem to fit.
Actually I think protected cells can be run in it, but the tailcap will not thread on all the way, but may still cover an O-ring completely - I should try it.
Yes, I know all this. Just stating the facts.
Reminder: outdoor beamshots are now posted in the OP. Hoping they came out better, but I'll probably be giving it another go the end of this week if the weather cooperates.
I did, however, apply a resistor mod last night (added an R075 to existing R056 and R082). Mode outputs on fresh charged set of SANYO GA's are now:
- low-low: 56 lumens
- low: 610 lumens
- mid: 1,570 lumens
- hi: 2,530 lumens
- turbo: 5,300 lumens @30 secs
Throw is now 140 kcd (748m), up from 132 kcd
Forgot to measure moon, but it's still very low, appears unaffected...
Thanks for the outside beam shots. What was the condition like, clear? I ask because their suggestion of 500-600 meters from their light tower image would have me expecting a better throw than your 160 meters even factoring in different cameras, condition, etc.
Thanks for providing this hands on review. Look forward to more long distance images if you get a chance.
Measuring candela with our light meters is the easiest thing to do, and has been proven to be accurate in real world outdoor conditions here on BLF, over and over again. The shots were not clear and not a true representation of what I saw on the target grove of trees. Some of the comparisons to dedicated long range throwers were not quite fair to compare with. It's still a XHP70 and can't compete with high amp dedomed XPL lights in distance.
132 kcd = SqrRoot(132,000 * 4) = 727 meters for 1/4 lux, but this is the equivalent of full moon light - not very much light. A more realistic usable light intensity would be 4 lux:
132 kcd = SqrRoot(132,000 / 4) = 182 meters for 4 lux
The conditions were clear, but the camera operator not the best...
Thanks for the explanation. I suspected the targeted lux would be different but was still expecting a more appreciable difference. I guess wishful thinking.
Thanks again and much appreciated.
sorry to bring old thread just got myself on MT07 bandwagon here. great light.
Good day Tom E. I want some info from you. I ordered the Haikelite MT07 CW and NW. Will have them in the next couple of days in SA. Can you please tell me what average candela reading did you get for your CW torch (Throwing distance). What is the real lumens output for these torches? I know they stated 750 meters and 5000 lumens. Do you perhaps know what will the throwing distance and candela be between the NW and CW?
Thanks for this good review. Just got my Haikelite MT07 (CW). Measured 129500 cd intensity which is equal to 720 meter throw and 4600 lumens. Using sony vtc6 for the testing. I will have my MT07 NW later this week for testing also.
Finally I got my other Haikelite MT07 flashlight from GearBest but also a Cool White and not my Neutral White what I did ask for. I decided to test also the intensity on this flashlight and to my surprise I got 145000 candela which gave me a throwing distance of 760 meters. After I test the new flashlight then I decided to test my first Haikelite MT07 again and still I got around 129000 candela intensity with exactly the same batteries. Strange how flashlights can differ from one another.
Sorry, been off BLF for a while. In the OP I stated:
Throw: 132 kcd taken at 5 meters, 727 meters
This is for the CW version I got. It should do same or little higher if measured over 10 meters, but mine was measured at 5 meters.
This is not too surprising to me. Who knows, but things do change from batch to batch, even some serious variation from LED to LED the manufacturer can't control. Lots of possible variations I've seen:
- amps produced by the driver
- reflector
- CREE LED bin variations (it's all binned within tolerance/variance ranges)
- glass
- alignment and mounting of the LED variations (assembly issues), or possibly improvements they made, etc.
Hi Tom E, just a question. According to your calc's I got a conversion factor of 0.29411 if you take for example 1535 lux and 5219 lumens. Do I perhaps miss something? You did mention 0.34 under your note. Factor of 0.34 for 1535 lux should be 4515 lumens.

Hi Tom E, just a question. According to your calc's I got a conversion factor of 0.29411 if you take for example 1535 lux and 5219 lumens. Do I perhaps miss something? You did mention 0.34 under your note. Factor of 0.34 for 1535 lux should be 4515 lumens.
What/where are you referring to? I'm lost where you got those #'s. I don't normally bother posting the true lux meter reading. Everyone's calibration is different, though Dale and my setups are very close.