XML2 beam will be like your old light but more output.
XPL HI has a tiny bit less output compared to the XML2 but still more than your old light. It has a more focus beam so meaning longer range.
Thorfire C8s is another good one. Fasttech got Fandyfire C8 similar to yours but 5 modes instead of 3
And I see you all agrre for Convoy C8.
I did not know that we could now configure the modes (and remove SOS, strobbe, … ).
When I look pictures in the feedbacks (aliexpress website), the focus beam is very spot (concentrate). Too little for my use.
Is the Convoy C8 exist with manuel adjustment focal beam ? Or not so concentrate ?
If the xpl hi has to concentrated of a beam. Then get the convoy c8 with a xml2 in it. Another option is the eagle eye x6. It has the xpl hi but with slightly smaller reflector it isn’t as tight of a beam and opens up more then with a c8. Gearbest has both c8 and eagle eye x6 for under $20usd usually
I personally prefer the 10% - 30% - 100% of the Nanjg105 in 3 mode config or a decent CC FET driver like LD25 or something, but i guess you’ll have to bake them in yourself…
…but i like simple UI drivers…
Simon does have the LD25 though, maybe he can put one in a C8.
Depends on the power consumption, but either way, the best batteries are 18650s and the new 20700s.
18650 is the most used battery and made by reputable brands like Sanyo, Sony, Samsung, LG, Panasonic etcetera.
There are high drain cells for high current applications but for a C8 that runs around 3 Amperes maximum you don’t need those.
26650s are much larger but they’re not developed as far as the better 18650s or 20700s.
They do have higher capacity though, simply because of the size.
Liitokala 26650s are one of the best.
For a C8 i would recommend these: http://www.gearbest.com/batteries/pp_399868.html
It’s Sanyo 3500mAh 10 Amperes max. discharge current.
Another safe bet are the Panasonic 3400mAh, they can be bought a little cheaper but perform a little less.
Since you’re in Belgium you might want to have a look around at NKON.nl.
There are a lot of fans of direct drive FET drivers around here, but i’m not one of them.
Yes, they give you very high output, but only when the battery is fully charged.
I personally prefer less maximum output (higher efficiency of the LED) and constant current regulation (same brightness until the battery runs low).