Well known flashlight, modified so many times here on BLF by members, and even by me. It was my first serious mod and since I sold it I had to get my hands on the ZY-T08 again. It is mainly a thrower, with excellent shape and dimensions, just the right size for me, with good heatsinking and a great modding potential. I got this one from FastTech and it was very nice, much better anodization then previous one and no flaws what so ever.
First time I modified Small Sun I made a thrower and it was an excellent one.
This time I made a small difference….
1. Small Sun, OP reflector, Maxtoch MCPCB, XHP-70 N4 3B, LD-M2 (9A), AR Lenses. What have I got myself into?
2. Dremeling inside the body to gain room for battery holder using lathe tools mounted on my bench drill.
3. One side done, time for the other one.
4. Dremeling done!
5. Car filler putty applied and inside body painted in mat black oven paint.
6. Made a 3,5mm fiberglass plate and cut contact boards using original parts to get correct shape and dimensions.
7. I’m really picking my brain at this point on how to stuff all the 18 AWG wires inside. Contacts are made from 2mm copper plate.
8. Getting there…
9. Added a central contact, wire going trough copper.
10. Other side.
11. Almost done…
12. Omten switch is mounted directly on the contact board, all i have to do is solder the wires.
13. Holder done, car filler putty applied and sanded, everything painted mat black. Rods are made of 5mm brass and bolted hard.
14. Nice looking holder. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
15. Batteries inside. I wont be using different ones, these were available at that point.
16. Works perfectly. Hope it can take 9 Amps.
17. Holder inside the body. Fits like a glove.
18. Switch side adjusting. I need to raise the lid and make space for the Omten switch.
19. Inserted a plastic washer between the switch and the rubber boot. Rubber boot will allow some squeeze when head and body are tightened together. It should provide enough force to make a good contact. For this to work, heights of the components must be spot on.
20. Epoxy putty applied and sanded to the right height.
21. Lid is extended by few millimeters. Again, painted mat black.
22. Contact board parts, 2mm copper. This should fit the cavity where the old driver was pressed.
23. Something like this. I need to wire this thing to make it work…
24. 18AWG wires going trough copper, LD-M2 needs two of them for the positive contact and one for the negative.
25. Getting there…
26. Done! Battery holder side.
26. Drivers side.
27. Inside the head…
28. Lots of debris, but you get the point. Contact board is 1mm lower then the outside lip of the head. This way the body can be tightened all the way. No worries there.
29. Reflector adjusting. OP reflector is few millimeters narrower then the original one. Epoxy putty applied, time to make it a little bit wider.
30. Carefully dremeling…
31. Lip is done. It should fit and center itself inside the head.
32. In its place. Again the height needs to be adjusted to accommodate “O” ring and 2mm AR lens.
33. Lower part of the pill is cut.
34. Upper part is sanded down.
35. Six 1mm copper circles ready.
36. Soldered.
37. This chunk of copper is bolted on top.
38. Another six 1mm copper circles prepared and one ring to hold them down. This should fit inside the pill.
39. Almost done…
40. Done! This one goes on top.
41. Another one including the ring is soldered from the inside. All combined adds to 100 grams of pure copper. That is a badass pill.
42. Happy times! Feels like Christmas.
43. Assembly day…
44. Testing phase. Moonlight at 0.02A and 5.06V.
45. Low at 0.18A and 5.30V.
46. Mid at 1.80A and 5.97V.
47. High at 8.95A and 7.24V at the emitter. Wow! I can’t ask for more, it’s a complete success!
48. Looking trough the welding glass.
49. Well centered. I’m using a custom made centering ring. That is the only thing made outside my workshop.
50. What a nice flashlight, on it’s way to be my favorite.
51. White ceiling beamshot. Cross is not visible but there is tiny dim spot in the center. Power of the XHP-70 at 9A is astonishing!
I tried to make some outside beamshots but failed miserably, it is yet for me to learn how to make decent night photos so sorry about that. There wont be any at this time.
All I can say that this is a powerhouse! I was truly blown away by the amount of light emitted from this flashlight.
Did you like my newest mod? Please comment, I’ll answer any of your questions. Thanks .