Sofirn SP70 Alone $50, PM for AMZ US CODE(LIMITED)

Oh man. I was just thinking of buying that model. Thanks for the update. I will not buy it.

I do plan to buy the new C8F with 21700 tube even though it’s NW. I can swap the emitters. Hopefully it will not be glued.

And the glue is not the only one drawback of that light. I will make a review of it soon.

Is the UI definitive yet?

I dont like strobe modes, i dont need them, so that triple click for strobe may be deleted for me, just NO strobe (as a BLF special edition light)

A true moon mode (0,1 Lumen) however would be nice

You can use the weakest thread locker you can get. You can use on drop on the driver. Thats OK.

People on BLF don’t buy Olights because they don’t get easily apart.

One quite common checklist when a lamp is new:

- any dark spots on the led? If yes take it apart clean dirt of the led.

- Threads are smoth? no, clean threads with isopropanol and relube

- insert battery and test run

- disassembly of the head. Sand and hone led shelf and led-pcp complete flat.

- check the driver, clean off the flux

- replace the leads for thicker ones

  • install a high CRI or other nice LED you like

I hope they not fit the SP32A new UI. It still need some polishing.

I was also considering getting one SP32A rev 2. Thank you very much for the warning. I will wait till a sufficient number of confirmations here of getting an even newer revision without glue.
EDIT: I have a better idea, which will be later in this thread.

I will also look forward to your review.

:+1: This should be considered for every single flashlight model. :+1:

They are still working on the UI.

If you don’t need strobe, don’t triple click. Are you prone to accidentally clicking 3 times instead of two? I do that once in a blue. It’s annoying, but I don’t think it’s a big deal. I agree strobes can be left out as only one or two people here said they want it. The vast majority can do without.

I suspect the international flashlight market has some kind of demand for strobe modes as almost all lights have it.

Do you really need a 0.1 lumen mode on a big light like this? That seems better suited to a much smaller light.

Like buying the BLF GT because of the moon level setting option. :smiley:


Actually, I suspect it may be darn near impossible to get such a firefly mode out of a big quad die xhp70.2. If the current gets too low it may not light up at all.

Or… :slight_smile:

Ok this is an error because the light is off and doing this. :wink:

Is it decided what size the driver and LED board will be Sofirn?

As for gluing it makes sense for a consumer flashlight it is much better to glue the light together and pot the driver. Driver retaining do come lose as do bezels after a while.

Nope, it is not needed…. for over 99% of people that is just a waste of ‘coding space’. But to each their own…. :wink:

What the he!!, Chris?!

That is not the BLF way.


I am ‘hoping’ Chris does not consider us consumers…. :smiley: . :wink:

We are enthusiast? Or at least i hope we are lol

I gave my mate some Hugsby XP1 and XP2 and he broke them all by dropping them from his pocket. Components break of from the board mainly the coil breaks of after multiple drops. Easy fix is to pot the driver it will absorb shock and hold the components to the board. He is a mechanic so a light gets treated like tools.

I think this is more an issue with boost/buck drivers then a direct drive. A direct drive or Nanjg driver have no big components on the board that are heavy and bulky. Also quality control plays a part.

As for other gluing things like bezels they are safer to be glued cause they can spin of easily after some use and get lost. Especially on a light like the Klarus XT12GT where a more aggressive design has been used. I have never had a an issue with the C8 but it has heaps more threads.

No glue for me.

Keep us glueless

+1 no glue for me lol

I have started making a video where i compare a Hugsby XP1 with glued internal vs a none glued XP1. I haven’t gotten that far yet i am going to drop them from 2nd or 3rd floor car park and see what happens.

The heads are already glued on those lights and its a pain in the arse lol.

I really wanted to drop my Armytek Elf C1 but i can’t do it it looks to pretty! Plus in the inner tight arse in me won’t let me lol to expensive to waste.