HI all,
That's right all. Quickly easily convert your HD2010 to an aspherical light with no permanent modding or expensive parts required!
The lens sits deep inside the factory head of the HD to fully protect the lens even while head standing.
Ok, so how does it work?
In order to keep with the spirit in which this great forum was founded ("budget" light forum), I have done everything I can think of to keep the price absolutely as low as possible.
For this reason the sale in this thread is for the ring adpters ONLY shown here. NO lens is included. I will give every one the link to exactly the lens I used for this project ( some of you may already have them). This keeps my investment low thereby keeping cost low for you.
Since this is a DIY part, there will be some "Y" involved. Dont worry nothing hard :)
Using the factory pill the lens simply drops in the head and the adapter ring slides over it, then the bezel is screwed down, and your done. That simple.
Since many of use are using custom pills some ajustment may be required to achive perfect focus. IE either unscrewing the pill a hair or possibly raising the lens a tad.
Now in order to raise the lens slightly I could have machined an additional $10-12 dollar part, but rather than that I decided to go with this.
Yep thats right electrical tape. Just a small piece on the side wall of the light will allow you to raise the lens as much or as little as needed. I realize "tape" doesnt exactly scream professional. It does however scream FREE!!!
So whats the bottom line? Well what you will need is one of these.
And one of these.
This lens is a great performer and it fits the HD with one of my adapters like a glove.
Again this sale is for the ring adapter only, in your choice of black or grey, you will need to order your own lens from the link above :).
Shipping is $4 world wide.
Price is
1 x $7
2x $6 each
3+ $5 each