The two cells match nicely and have a build in fuse that I blew on both batteries, one at 30A and one at 20A.
Some test is missing due to the blown fuse in the cells.
The batteries looks like good batteries, but be careful with overloading them, the protection will disable the cell permanently (This is, of course, better than risking a battery explosion).
Thank you for this! Could you do the same for the 4800 mAh and maybe even for the 4000 mAh 21700 cells?
The Sofirn (rewrapped) cells seem to be good quality and a more affordable alternative to Samsung & co. Especially where I live, li-ion cells are expensive as hell, thus most of my cells are from Sofirn, no matter which size.
Thanks for the review. I see Sofirnās latest 5000mAh 21700 battery have a 50A rating on the wrapper instead of 18Wh. Look at the pictures here: . It shows 18Wh on the flat top cell pics and 50A on the button top ones. That said I just recād a flat top cell with the 50A in the wrapper from them yesterday. I would love to know how high a discharge rate it can handle.