I got this tiny TANK007 E09 flashlight just last week. Seldom am I so pleased with a new purchase. I think everybody should have one .
Basically, it’s plus points are:
It’s TINY. Perfect for a keychain light
Bright! for a single AAA light
Very useable power levels (H-M-L) the low is really quite low
NO blinky modes!!
Mode memory
Well-made. Clean and clear lens+reflector
Good fit and finish
Tail stands
It’s shaped so it won’t roll away…
My Zebralight SC600 looks positively huge next to it
Comes in a neat, tin box with spare o-rings and key chain
Next to the Nitecore T0 (AAA), which doesn’t tail-stand
Another comparison with the T0 (my other AAA light)
I like the presentation box it comes in. I like it so much, I ordered two more, to give away as presents (or maybe I’ll just keep one, as a spare). Negative points? If I wanted to REALLY nit-pick, I would say thatit should come in some bright colours, other than black. Something this small is easily lost among other things in a lady’s handbag, for example. I suppose I could also quibble about the price, but for something this good I’m not complaining. In fact, I’d pay a couple of dollars more to have one in bright blue or silver
DISCLAIMER: I am in NO way affiliated with Fasttech. I just want to share my good experience with everyone out there in BLF-land.
Cheers, everyone !!
I agree, this is very nice little light. I got the red Tank a few weeks ago and love it. It has replaced my Fenix LOD as my EDC in my front left pocket. The red looks more like a faded purple than actual red.
My Fenix cost me over $40. The Tank seems to be built just as nice, and is brighter.
Looks like a great deal on a light I would probably use every day. And yes, the idea of a reasonably priced gift is nice too. Thanks so much for your post.
I find a lot of gals are put off by big li-ion-fueled blasters, but down to a one, they seem to love this little guy when it’s gifted. They dig the tacticool gift box, which makes it look far more expensive than it is. And are amazed at the light output.
I include a VERY lightweight unobtrusive lanyard (so lightweight that it’s almost like giftbox ribbon). And I have heard from hubbies that a couple gals actually wear the thing around the house and use it rather than switching lights on and off, captured by the thought of saving electricity. YMMV, but they started this on their own. I never suggested it.
Then my own wife started wearing hers all the time around the house, choosing it over turning lights on and off. I created a monster! Feeling I was missing out, I have even been known to wear mine the same way on the ribbon lanyard under my shirt sometimes. (I’m not into clunky big keys rings.)
It is a GREAT light. And it tailstands! It would be a perfect light with a tailcap clickie instead of a twistie, but I know that will never happen.
I was “caught” by my wife tail standing my Tank007 for light (more light than I actually needed) in the bathroom taking a shower with the AC lights turned off. She could not understand and thought I was weird.
Oh well I love flashlights, so I might as well use them.
Switch the lights off, and turn the flashlights on.
Yeah… I just ordered 3 of the red ones myself :bigsmile:
Y’know, this is what I love about BLF. I can post stuff and include hyperlinks and more.
I’ve been warned on other forums not to do so because it violates their rules and regulations
What a downer! What’’s the harm in spreading a little cheer around?
last weekend i gifted 1 gungray e09 (and the won balder BD-0) to my RL neighbors, a nice couple, with borrowed Eneloops and now they're already planning to get an Eneloop 4-pack for their big'n old slow NiMH charger 130mA :bigsmile:
i have 1 spare left (serial number 110..., i.e. Oct 2011 production) and 2 more coming in from DD hehe.
BanglaBob congrats to your new light (S/N 303..., i.e. March 2013 production) and the great photos!! I find my black copy too nice and keep it scratch-free with a LD01 pocket clip attached to the head (PERFECT FIT!), e.g. for baseball hat application. I don't mind so much the Thrunite Ti getting scratched up in RL hardcore usage.
Wouldn't have imagined it but the e09 sells better than anticipated on NKON.nl, so they continue to re-order new lots from Tank007 Co, with and without nkon company logo.
See this!!!I’m not the only one who showers with a flashlight after-all!!!And He is about an hour from where I grew up too!!!Must be somthing in that NY water?
Tank had much better colorreds in the 701 703 eo6 styles . this looks pretty pink to me and I don't like a twisty either .. If you can find 701 or 703's for about 8$ snag them they are still nice little lights .
If you want to dabble in tint snobbery for a meager expense, give the L10 from L3 Illumination (sbflashlights) a try with the nichia 219 high CRI emitter and 4 modes.
You get an awesome firefly mode, 3 more very useful modes - including a good high on eneloops, good build quality, and amazing tint & color rendering, all for $25 bucks. Different colored body options too. A bargain if you ask me.
full disclosure: I am in no way affiliated with this company or seller. Probably should get commission how much I recommend it though! Really like mine. It’s like a gateway-light to hardcore flashaholicism. Enjoy!
I instantly bought four, one for my collection (and casual use) and three more intended as presents for my best friends. I chose the brown colour; I like to take a break from the ubiquitously common flat black. That coffee/chocolate/earth colour is a nice, different change.
@Boaz, thanks for your last pm! by the way, a certain EZAA is still my trusty companion, each and every day- I my nitecore!