Hi guys!
Due to my comment in this post: Courui "Even Bigger Head" D01 Projector: 113mm Lens , Luminus SBT-70 @ 13.5Amps *Build Stage* and at the request of colleagues I share with you a mod made more than a year ago inspired by the Deft x
By that time, I dreamed of having a Deft X was economically far from my reach, then decided to try something similar with what I had on hand.
Borrowing the body of my tk75 and starting from a bar of aluminum 50mm the project begins to take shape
Working on the pill for housing the driver…
Of course It cannot be absent a good copper core
Already finished
Now the head, this is the part I dislike but it was the only thing available, is made from a PVC pipe reduction for 78mm aspheric lens cost much does the focal length, and also wanted to have motion to zoom
Closeup view of dedomed xpg2
Some beamshoots full sun
Watch across the street (20mts) the brown door on the right in the glass on the left you can see the die 8)
At night, with the camera Cell (80mts)
At night, with my digital camera, I regret not having a newer and good quality in these photos you can not see, but through our eyes is much more impressive
The good thing about this mod is that with this driver no special batteries are needed (IMR ICR) with any decent battery, the same results are obtained.
Has maaaany hours of trial and error testing different approaches the wavien collar for maximum performance, working many weeks in this step
The Xpg2 work at 5.5A, I must be honest, despite having a core of copper 20mm thick be careful with continued use because after 5 min and can not hold in hand by temperature :_(
Measured at 6 mts always get readings above 1350kcds, incluiding after 1 min.
This is my best thrower flashlight that I have so far, I hope you like, any comment is welcome