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Here are two beamshots of the 4Tool L10. I set the brightness at about what I see in person, so nothing exaggerated. As expected, outdoors the beam is fine, really nice actually. The little square where I live is not big enough for 440kcd , the 130 meter other side that is lighted in the first shot is lit up very bright, the top of the houses in the second shot is 100 meter distance. But you get an idea.


Is it that blue?

I hope to find time to get my g7 out and get pics better than my phone. Most of that time is spent figuring out how to use it…

No it is not that blue, it is a typical cool white. Phones on autowhitebalance have a hard time handling a scene with both 2300K and 6000K light :slight_smile:

My phone claims to allow you to adjust those, but the results are horrible, not just because I just guess and test, but compared to a real camera.

Odin turbo

S2 baton, turbo, zoomed in

Fenix FD65 full focus, zoomed in

Odin turbo zoomed in

If you don’t think this light is appropriate for a (some) weapon, we should visit the shooting range together because you need tighter groups.

To drag on about my 4Tool L10: I noticed that the lens is plastic and so, despite it being fairly deep in the bezel, sensitive to scratching, so I looked around for a cover during transport, and it so appeared that the lid of those little round plastic boxes that Simon sells his small parts in are a firm and snug fit. A little sanding on the inside and it even makes for a good diffusor for close-up use.

Seems like a poor corner to cut, but hard to criticize too much for the price.

I’m sure this solution is BLF-approved :smiley:

This is very interesting the Thor I and the Thor II by lumintop are using different styles of LEP I assumed they both would be using the older style.

How do people here feel about the WP2 when it's on sale for $185? I get that e.g. a W4 would do a better job, but what about value for money? (And yeah I just read about the beam not filling the whole front lens, that indeed sucks and is wasted potential!)

I personally have one, I do enjoy its rotary switch for modes over the many different half press LEP’s I have and for value I mean it is what it is I enjoy it.

Do not try to install cigar ring without removing oring first.

Zoom is great, a little wobble in the head unless screwed all the way to either extreme.


Mine only wobbles just a tiny bit, since it's screwed down, the wobble is less bad as the push-pull zoomies.

Here's the review of the Thor 1:

Yeah, not bad at all. Not sure how the cigar grip actually goes on, thought it was at the firthest back spot but then tailcap doesn’t screw down. Very pleased so far. Can’t wait for the next island camping trip.

Excellent, good to hear you enjoy it!


oops.. forgot to Paste it :D

Update: I finished the LA60 review, and it's currently #2 in terms of max distance. Outperforming the L3K, which is interesting because it has a similar LEP module.
Also updated the OP list with details, adding details for the Lumintop Thor 1, Maxtoch L3K, and the Maxtoch LA60.

New calculated candela graph.

Dark blue line is the LA60 in the following graph.

Thanks for doing the test. Definitely worth having zoom for the small hit in throw, at least for me.

The zoomed out beam of the LA60 could be more even. There is a ring around the outside that has more brightness, which is easily seen in reviews, and I expected. That and the very slight wobble are my only complaints. Would be nice if they included a lens cloth for the price.