TS10 mod thread. Post yours!

Unfortunately yes. That is my only H52 clip.

In stock now

1 Thank

nice! ty

Are there any specific tricks to getting the TS10 lens bezel unscrewed? Just use more force or apply some heat etc. I assume it’s glued?

The best tool I’ve found is the pliers with rubber sleeves over the jaws. Heat can also help, but I’ve found those pliers to work without the heat, and they don’t scratch the surface. You need 2 of the pliers so it’s an investment. But the right tool for the job.

And I’ve tried everything. I have some heads and bezels that are no longer round lol.

5 Thanks

2 of this pliers with a piece of leather for copper and brass; with hands for the aluminum

3 Thanks

dude. made order but told me today its out of stock. wtf


Thnx. Got one :slight_smile:

Received a TS10 mod to sw45k D220, major thanks to MasterNate!

fwiw, although the stock CSP 4000K is 19% brighter (not visually significant), than the sw45k D220, I much prefer the sw45k Tint:

I highly recommend the 3535 mcpcb that MasterNate has designed :+1:

Additional photos here

6 Thanks

I have some 4500K E21A emitters that I’m eagerly awaiting for my TS10. In the mean time I figured I’d try out a MasterNate mcpcb.

Unfortunately, my current selection of spare emitters is lacking. As all I had were some 5000K LH351D. So, I sliced the domes to get them to work with TS10 optic. It’s quite bright with an H10 battery, but on turbo it gets HOT in a matter of seconds.
CCT came out to 4139K on high with a DUV of .0016, not great but not terrible either.

I’ll l definitely be ordering more 519A and 219B emitters to properly use these boards along with a few more TS10’s to put them in. I also though about either a T2 or T3 triple since I bought a couple spare TS10 optics and mcpcb’s.

2 Thanks

Congrats on your successful mod!

For a T3 tripple, which driver and optic would you use?

Thanks, this was my first TS10 mod but I’ve been making triples and quads for nearly 2 years now.

I figured I’d use one of Simon’s 5A Buck drivers. I’ll use a TS10 optic with either 4500K 219B, 5700K dd 519A or 4500K E21A. I haven’t decided which emitters yet.
I had bought two pairs of TS10 mcpcb and optics for $4. I figured it’d be easier to start with a fresh mcpcb when I go to reflow the E21A emitters.

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The TS10 board/optic works great in the T2/T3. I emded up making a spacer to get the height right. I’m partway through making a brass head for the T2/T3 body and I’ll likely use the TS10 board/optic for that.

Edit: did you buy those parts directly from Wurkkos? If like to buy some for future mods - they’re great.

Yeah, I purchased those along with a couple HD15 flood TIR optics. I hadn’t even realized Wurkkos sold components like that, but I figured I’d email them anyway.

I was pleasantly surprised how reasonable the prices were too. I got the 2 TS10 mcpcb, 2 TS10 optics and 2 HD15 optics for $5 plus $4 shipping.

2 Thanks

thanks for sharing that info… super reasonable prices, good to know spare optics are available for the TS10, as it allows us to experiment w enlarging the base opening to fit domed 219b LEDs:

as _Master_Nate did when he installed sw45k in my TS10:
fwiw, he also avoids tightening the bezel all the way down, as that can still crush the dome

you may be able to tell the bezel gap is about twice as wide as the head gap to the body tube:

we can also see that the center of the beam has more of a hotspot than stock, although I dont consider that a negative, in actual use I actually like the extra bit of throw. Also that hotspot is not as obvious at slightly longer distances from the light to the target, there is more diffusion as distance increases.

3 Thanks

I suppose I could/should have enlarged the opening for the LH351D’s instead of slicing them.

I also didn’t tighten the bezel fully as those CSP emitters are so thin even compared to a sliced/dedomed emitter.

I actually think slicing the LH351d is a good thing in terms of Tint DUV, it makes the beam less green…

thanks also for commenting that you avoided overtightening the bezel… probably a good idea… I destroyed 3x sw45k by tightening the bezel down all the way… it was one of the reasons I asked _Master_Nate to do the mod over for me… another reason is I dont have the eyes, hand stability, nor skills, to manipulate the tiny Aux LEDs :wink:

It would be really cool if the TS10 shipped with 519A 5700K dedomed as an option, or 219B sw45 or sw45k. It’s a great host, but comes in only 2 LED types: too cold, and too green. So, given the choice between those two, I went for too cold. But it’d be awesome to have one which is ~4200K with a pink duv.

5 Thanks

I just stole the dedomed 5700K out of an S2+ triple I had, and put them in my TS10. I like it so much I may not even put the 4500K E21A’s I ordered specifically for my TS10.

There’s still the issue of the optic pressing down on the emitters instead of the mcpcb though. Still had to be careful tightening the bezel down. Ideally the little legs on thd optic would need to be like .3-.5mm longer to work best with 3535 emitters.