【Update】Wurkkos TS25 21700 version "slender waist" Quad Main LEDs and RGB Aux LEDs

I have the silver Blue aux and a red orange aux on the way. TS25 would be a nice addition. Ty

I liked my TS10, but as others noted, it would be way more awesome with integrated charging. Looking forward to the TS25 release to address that!

Is it possible to make the magnetic tail optional? Removable, non-magnetic cap, magnet / no-magnet option?

Thank you!

yeah, the website will update a no-magnet tail which work for WK15 now, will suit the TS25

Who can resist a Wurkkos giveaway? Thanks for making another one!

So glad to see more high CRI 5000K lights. The colorful AUX looks like a fun addition.

I just ordered another TS10 when the red bodies came in stock again.

Looking forward to the TS25 - and good job on getting the 519A into your lights so quickly! You’re definitely keeping up with the community.

Fantastic!! Will try to buy a few TS25s when released. Thanks again.

Have you found your notes about what driver you have installed?

Or it's another cheap FET....?

I need this prototype! I’ll squeeze all the juice out of him! :smiley:

Anduril UI and FET+7135 driver

My TS10 is on the way, cant wait to try it. I will definetly buy more TS25 in the future when new colors are available.

Thank you for the clarification :+1: :beer:

My little TS10 told me she misses her big brother.
I told her I’ll do the best I can.
I sure hope her wish comes true.

Love the TS10, I will have to try one of the TS25’s as well. But, what I really like about the TS10 is the really good feeling tail switch and I was hoping for a bigger version of the TS10.

ive been using ts10 for a week, really love it. Hope this bigger one would come together :slight_smile:
ts25 looks like using 21700 battery, how about a new 18650 light with the compactness and form factor of the ts10 like the FW-series, looking forward to it

I’m very excited for this one. I love my first batch black ts10,and it definitely needs a big brother

I haven’t had a chance to try out the 519a yet and this checks all the other boxes, except for some crazy body colors

Looks good. I have a silver ts10 that needs a big brother.

i like my silver / orange TS10!

i have set the aux to low, it is not ideal but it still looks great and functions well!
the UI is easy to navigate with the tail button, i really enjoy it

thanks for the GAW!! gl to all :slight_smile:

I like it.