Upgraded Thorfire s70s

Really? Look at 32:00. You can see the wire strand. He built up the solder height first, then added the tiny wire.

Or look at post 131. You can see the R100 resistor stacked on top of 2 others.

Please dont just bridge it. Use a resistor to get better regulation. The performance increase will not be worth it the sweet spot is about 7amps if bridged it will run at about 9amps and just create to much heat.

M4X has a thread when he modded the original S70. Ill try and find it now.

Ironic coming from me seeing as i have told many people top bridge many things. I no longer see bridging as a permanent solution.

Thanks teacher!

For everybody else
Both the S70 and the L6 are tremendous value for money
Simon of Convoy and our own J-Dub74 have made the excellent L6 possible
The S70 at below $40 is a downright super deal simple

Bottom line, you can’t go wrong on either :wink:

OK, just took my 3 times magnifier to the computer screen and see it now :slight_smile: Thank you :smiley:

Solder blob. The video helped big time. :smiley: Now I under stand :smiley: Thank you for taking the time to find the video and show me :slight_smile:

My pleasure The Miller…… :+1:
And like you say, they are both great lights.
While I do have both, my personal preference is the L6; but that is based totally on looksnot performance.

I mentioned up in post #135 I thought I remembered a video of the “solder blob” for the S70. Well, my bad; I remembered wrong. :person_facepalming:
It was/is a short, but excellent; video about simple mods to the L6. If anyone is interested it can be found HERE … :+1:

Curious… do these lights (L6, S70 and S70s) use the 12V XHP70 or are they running the 6V version?


6v LEDs they have a buck driver to lower the voltage to the LED.

Just ordered. Should have ordered yesterday, the $3 coupon is gone.

I’ve done a bit of digging. Matt over at Adventure Sport Flashlights measured his L6 light. According to his lux measurements at 1 meter, the stock L6 produced 75,500 lux. This equates to 550 meters. So not bad. If you think it’s usable range is 150 to 200 meters then your like me. We both think about 1/3 the rated distance. I usually just turn 550 meters into 550 feet.

Matt also did several mods to his and got 164,000 lux at 1 meter. This equates to 810 meters.

For comparison, I think the current throw king is the Thrunite TN42. It’s pushing out 600,000 lux for 1,550 meters according to their website (which I believe is accurate). So 1550 feet usable. Jeez, I can’t even see that far. I’d need binoculars. Lol

That is a pretty neat way of thinking about it,mentally use feet instead of meters, nice.

The XHP70 will never be a thrower, so true! Try putting it in a TN42! :smiley:

Now de-dome a XHP70 and see what you get in throw! :smiley:

It throws a pretty huge beam, unless you have done it, you will never know! :smiley: :+1:

KB all your posts seem impressive, BAM 3 top notch lights and then modding them as well, sweet!

That looks good, it’s about the smallest beam size I would want.

Did you swap in a 12 volt xhp70 and use stock driver? (I’m guessing 12 volts is stock)

Thanks TM! I try… have some J4 50’s to de-dome, just about ready, trying them next in the crash test dummy TN42 on the right! But I will prolly not like it as much as the P2-1C XHP70, it’s pretty impressive! :smiley: Specially straight to Turbo from off! :person_facepalming: :+1:

6v P2-1C XHP70 27.5mm FETDD VishaySIR800 18awg leads,12.27+ amps 4 VTC5A’s 20awg Bypassed springs on stock 2S2P config carrier.

I have the stock guts out of 2 of the TN42’s, one TN42 is fully modded with a 4S K70 carrier and LD-2M2 3amp Linear driver and an E4-3C XHP35HI emitter. My brother has my other TN42 with a de-domed XHP35HD 3amp driver K70 4S carrier, and I just upgraded the emitter on the stock one, to a E4-3C, little more throw than stock with the Higher Bin E4!

Ah, that’s gonna throw a tiny bit farther than my L6 with the SMO reflector and resistor mod. Lol :wink:

Oh, man!

Reading about this makes me want one, and I don't even need it. My Convoy L6—which I like a lot—is underutilized as it is. Adding a ThorFire S70S to the stable would mean even less use for both.

It’s nice to have a backup. :wink:

Never know when you just might need all your lights, to help out in case of an event! My lights have helped out in 2 bad storms, one that flooded the neighborhood, never seen cars float down streets before, trees were downed all around crushing vehicles and some homes!

A few of the LEO’s and Firefighters that were there that night are neighbors and now friends of mine! So it’s not unusual to have a squad car with one of their rookies sitting in front of my house or just to come over and check out some new lights, and listen to their stories! :wink: