US - Defiant "Super Thrower" 3C (New Model - +/-64mm Head XM-L) - Get To Home Depot Now!

Very cool pictures Jagged. Thank you for sharing.

Welcome to the forum. May your beam shine far in those Nebraska flat lands.

they had a skid full of them in the sale isle for 19 bucks each at the one store i went to. ( was 19 plus taxes, then it was around 22 bucks total)

Just picked one up. The total was $25.07. Not bad…

Hey lightning210 homie! I see your from Phx. Small world…

On another note, should I lube the tailcap threads? If so, what should I use? Seems like after about 20-30 screw on/take offs, the threads are getting galled.



Should I lube the tailcap threads? If so, what should I use? Seems like after about 20-30 screw on/take offs, the threads are getting galled.


I didn’t immediately think of it, I should have… Search! hehe

I found this helpful thread: Super Lube Synthetic Grease (from Harbor Freight Tools) Super Lube Dielectric grease in case anyone else was interested. So, my Harbor Freight is about a mile from my house. Picked some up and used one of the 20% off coupons they keep sending me + got another free 25ft tape measure.

Lubed all threads (tailcap, tube, head, & switch) & now everything’s nice and smooth.

Hi, just wanted to say I was at Home Depot today and found the Defiant LED Tactical Super Thrower 3D Flashlight for 19.97, in Montreal, Canada. I didn’t know about this great flashlight until today. I then did a search on it when I got home and found this great forum and this thread on the flashlight. Great info, thanks guys!

UPDATE: 3C not 3D, thanks guys for the correction.

3D super thrower? Do you mean 3D Armormax (spelling?)?

DST at my HD is still 24.97, waiting for $19.95 sale to hit here. They still have over half of a display box left, probably 40 or so.

Yah, waitin on a sale here too relic. I’ll mebbe get 1 more :bigsmile:

Yes, it is indeed listed as “3D Super Thrower”. Check the first picture in this thread. :slight_smile:

UPDATE: Sorry guys, I should have written 3C, not 3D!

Hi and welcome gabriel3d. I see 3C on the box at the bottom. Yes this is the light that this thread is about. You can send me over a couple if you like. :wink:

Thanks for the welcome MRsDNF. I’m sending you a light beam. Not sure if it is bright enough to reach you! :wink:

Joking aside, have a question for everyone in this forum, does the other Defiant flashlight (the one that puts out 550 lumens) have the same thread diameter reflector as the Tactical Super Thrower Flashlight? If it does, has anyone tried putting the reflector from the Tactical Super Thrower Flashlight on the 550 lumen flashlight?

For the sake of accuracy and no confusion, where in the heck do you see ‘3D’ associated with this particular light? All the pics show ‘3C’ in vivid black and white.

OMG, you’re (and everyone that posted) 100% right. I don’t know what I was thinking, lol. Thanks for clarifying! :slight_smile:

I can no longer find any DST’s in my town’s HD. The inventory checker says they have 12 though.

I dropped an MG-T2 in mine last night just to get a feel for what the beam would be like. Weather has been bad for seeing throw, but I got a general impression. Was running about 4 amps. Didn’t try to focus. Just let reflector rest on the emitters pcb.

Probably doesn’t throw as far as with xml u2 at 4.5 amps, but it’s hard to tell as I don’t have a spot that is clear far enough to hit limits of either. Hot spot is much larger and spill is much brighter. The beam is very nice. Smooth graduation of intensity to the center. Hot spot not real defined. I like it quite a bit, but may not keep it this way. I would rather have longer run time.

I had a hard time finding them also even though they said they had 3 in stock. I had to go to the tool section, find the flashlight section and then start looking around endcaps and behind rows of tools. They were hung in a secluded place on their own away from the flashlights. Try asking an employee who has one of those digital handheld devices that they carry - it should identify the approximate location according to the SKU Number. If you can find out where they are SUPPOSED TO BE. you can then begin a search of the nooks and crannies surrounding that area… But mine was definately NOT in the flashlight section- more or less near it. GOOD LUCK!!!

Ditto about finding one of the employees with the handheld devices, but when they check that, I think it will show up as “no home”, which I think means that the SKU/item isn’t assigned to a specific location in the store. If you’re lucky, and the employee you’re working with has been around for awhile, he’ll know where to look for the “no home” products (the DSTs).

Actually, in our local HD, the last time I checked (about a month ago), the DSTs are in one of those standalone cardboard displays, across the aisle from the rest of the flashlights.

I was in my local Home Depot today and spotted some (perhaps 12) Super Throwers up by the cash registers (near the dinky flashlights & batteries). I debated buying another one, but didn't (I know some of you are wondering what is wrong with me!). They were still $22.97. I go back & forth on doing a giveaway with one but shipping it is so expensive!


Well, if you really want to do a giveaway, I can save you the postage. I am leaving Connecticut tomorrow for Ohio and will be passing through PA :bigsmile: