2 sets of 3xAA… runs on 3 in either side.
this was one of my first “brighter lights” i bought. I have had it a while now… I like it.
no major heatsinking? but, havnt had any troubles with it because of the lack of heatsinkig. I’m a delivery driver who works after dark? I need a decent flashight.
could you buy something on the web for less, and probably get better performance fro less money? i am sure of it (I am not a professional flashaholic, lol… i rely on you guys for reviews, lol)
but, to walk in to WAL MART, and for 30 bucks walk out with something? its pretty cool.
its not built like a TANK or anything, but, its not goin to come apart in a week like some other lights have that ULTRA chinsy feel to them. this light will make some “regular shoppers” start down th path to becoming flashaholics, lol…
XML emitter… not driven to the redline by any stretch (I once took tailcap readings on low and high, and compared it to flashlightwiki information) but then it isnt mega heatsinked either.
for what its worth? if you stick 3xAA in ONE side, and “hold” a 4th AA onto the stack, to kind of “force feed” it some extra voltage? it works, th output goes visibly up… ad the tailcap readings start to climb up, too. I even stuck a 6-volt 4500mAh lead acid hot of the charger onto the battery springs just to be an absolute clown?
gave up 2.5 to 2.8 amps tail cap readings then… its moddable, but, most likely in the “why bother” category (though possible, lol)
things i LIKE… decent light output. Decent throw. I dont have a METER, i only know by my eyes. people that are not “into” flashlights are moderately impressed by it on high. “low” is still a meaningful amount of light… its not one of those “candle lows” (like the hp550 coast has). I also like a “side switch” on any light after a certain small size… i am gettig sick of this “tactical” crap, where even big lights have to be “tactical” and have the switch n the tailcap? on a bigger llight? a tailcap switch dooest get it for me. As a delivery driver, i am moving down a dark street, and have to plop the light out over the hood of the car one handed… side switch is great for this, tailcap switch on ay but the little lights? i feel like i am gona drop it. i actualy like a little bigger light than a tiny light… i just am gettig turned off by lights that are TOO big. Size and handfeel? are important to me, and this one s a good hand size.
things i dont like? this thing is moderately good light, but… they should have put the deeper reflector on it. it wuold have made a differece and pushed it over the top for me… that said, i still like it.
god help me, walmart is actually starting to carry some half decent flashlights now… i mean, they wont impress you PROS out there? but… the average guy that buys one? the first time they crack a half decent light open… they kinda go “holy crap!”