[USA][Illumn] Armytek Wizard Pro XHP50 "Group Buy"(SPEC UPDATE)

Mine will be here in 3 hours :slight_smile:

It came! Works perfect with my unprotected Panasonic 2900mAh 10 amp cell. BTW, the UI is easy. I thought it would be confusing from what some people said.

Edit: after about 30 seconds on the highest turbo mode. It’s very hot and the amber light is flashing. Very interesting. Maybe my cells aren’t up to snuff. Any recommendations on better 18650’s?

Edit again: I’m now thinking the all this has to do with heat. I let it stay on for a while. It went from green, then after 30 seconds to amber, then to red after 10 or 15 more seconds. As that was happening, I noticed that it slowly dropping in small steps till the battery, (or over heat indicator) went from red to amber as the output started to increased again, then back to green. I checked the battery voltage, and it was above 3.8 volts. This was after playing around with it in the highest mode on the second (double click) mode. Basically what I’m saying, the highest turbo mode is close to useless, unless the ambient temperature is low. It’s 82 F in the room I checked it in.
Any thoughts?

was on vacation - almost missed this!

pm sent

Mine came in today. I haven’t spent much time with it yet so I can’t really say much, except that it works great, I really like the ww tint, the highest output is almost silly-bright and the UI is easier than it looks “on paper”. First impressions are very positive.

Thanks Calvin for the great deal!

order placed 4:58 pm

shipping notice and tracking number 5:00

any faster and the mail man would be tapping on my window now ahaha.

Sounds like it’s working correctly. Yes, the flashing switch at Turbo 2 is the warning signal that it’s getting damn hot. For more details, check out the wizard pro manual on Armytek’s site. It’s not the latest, but most of it still applies.

Put this in the other Wizard Pro V3 thread on accident… :person_facepalming:

I had not really noticed the 40 lumen mode missing until rereading this thread. I think the modes, as is are pretty close to evenly spaced across all seven modes. I state this by sitting in a dark room and holding the switch on to go through all seven of the modes in order. This is just the spacing though, and not the levels in actual lumen, but they look pretty evenly spaced to my eye. I normally would use a mode of 40-50 lumen in dark and up close work, but I think with the flood and WW on my headlamp, the 100 lumen is about right. Entirely my opinion and not contradicting scs on his view by any means.

Thank you CalvinIS for clearing up the second beacon replacing the voltage indicator, I thought I had a 300 volt battery in it before I saw a squirrel outside and lost count…

As this is my first ArmyTek and will not be my last order from Illumn.com I am very happy with the light, and of course CalvinIS’s service. I think if the MAP thing were not in place and retailers had more leniency in setting prices, ArmyTek would be a bigger brand. I am not a Zebralight owner for the same reason, too pricey for the gamble of having a new UI, green tint, etc. from a “lifetime” light. With more chance to set pricing to an acceptable level on even just a few of their lights, ArmyTek would allow more consumers to use the “word of mouth/demonstration” method to grow the brand. Who doesn’t show off their new lights?

The other selling point here was Illumn.com being in the USA as I am as well. I have a warranty return center with purchasing from his shop, so no expensive shipping to China or Canada (USPS kills the deal) if I should need a warranty action. I do not think I will need this (knock wood), the light seems well built, but still nice to have “in case”.

If there is such a thing as only one headlight to have, it is this Wizard Pro V3 XHP50 model in either tint. I have the Xtar H2, the Skillhunt H15 and the “pack” of current 18650 headlamps did not appeal to me except for run time. So I never got around to getting one. Not enough reason for me to spend an extra $30 to get more runtime when extra batteries are $2-4 each… Well this Wizard Pro V3 has a stupid bright top level, and has very nice runtimes (as do most 18650 headlamps) to boot, so it set itself apart for the top end, plus a WW option…

For my use, the light is only used up to six hours a day, and I carry extra batteries if I need the run time, so the smaller and lighter H15 and H2 were just about right for me. Most of the time 1-2 hours were the max in a day I would have to use them, so I did not even dip into my spare batteries. Generally around a 50-100 lumen output was the most used, but a nice blast of light is occasionally needed. Well all good things come to an end, I modded my H2 to death after much good use and dropped my H15 to death in the office about 4 days before this GB kicked off. Good timing always helps…

The other contender was the Thrunite TH10 also carried by Illumn.com. After watching member Bc412’s review and torture test HERE I almost got one, it at least had a NW option too. The only thing stopping me was the fact that most of my headlamp use is spent just clipped to my hardhat, so the T design and mounting straps left some issues for me as I do not want to permanently mount the light to my hard hat. This GB went on and I am happy as all get out with the light so far.

The levels, the UI, the tint, the weight… Everything about this light hits a sweet spot for me. Was it more expensive than what I had spent so far? Not cumulatively, in fact, if this thing lasts a year and a half like the other two lights did (in total together), it is cheaper (in this GB) than the other lights, plus no need to mod… I swapped emitters in both the other lights, modded the H2 with a new driver, etc… Spent a good 5 hours at least in total with tint swaps and other things… The fact the Wizard Pro V3 light can be EDC’d as a regular light also goes a long way in my book, the TH10 looks like a heck of a great headlamp, but that is all it is. No real way for EDC, no way to clip in a pocket or on a shoulder strap or belt to use… Or even a hat brim for that matter.

The Wizard Pro V3 XHP50 is a fantastic all around light. If you want or need a headlamp, give this one a shot. I think it will become my most versatile and carried light overall… Obviously hit up CalvinIS here if you are US based, but other members here on BLF may have some good (hush, hush) deals if you ask them too…

Thanks again Calvin!!

Awesome deal, store and service. Thanks Calvin!

I was lucky enough to work close to Illumn and was able to step in and check out both tints before making my selection.

I ended up with the warm white version and being the first headlamp I’ve ever own, the Wizard Pro is pretty awesome. I love how floody the beam is with no hotspot. The warm white on lower brightness is a bit too yellow for me…but its nice and pleasant at the brighter levels. As others mention, it gets hot quickly in my hands at the highest level. Most of my use will be at the middle levels and moonlight. The interface will take a bit getting used to (I’m used to Zebralight) but really isn’t that hard to learn. I haven’t tried it on the headband/clip, but most likely for the foreseeable future, I’ll pocket carry this with the supplied clip.

I went out for a brief walk with the light in my hand, and am blown away at how bright and wide the beam is! Compared to what I own, this light seems to give a wall of light with no annoying hotspot.

I’m using Keeppower protected 18650 3500mah battery and all seems to be working fine. I haven’t ran the battery down though to see if the protection will trip.

I’ll try to edc this light to see how it feels.

Out of these, the new Armytek Wizard is my new favorite headlamp. The cool white, at least on mine, is a pleasing neutral. It blows away my Zebralight H600F tint wise, and it’s also brighter on turbo 1. I probably won’t be using turbo 2. It gets too hot too quickly…

G'Day fellow BLF'ers,

Could you Please tell me if your delivered Armytek Wizard Pro v3 XHP50 included a User Manual for it? Or?

As Armytek online only have the User Manual for v2.

Thank you Very Much,


Here's a link to the manual, it's still not completely accurate, for example the 40 lumens should say 100 lumens but it's more accurate than the V2 manuals:


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Thanks for the group buy and the excellent excellent service!!! I’m really loving the light.


G'Day Calvin,

Thank you Very Much for the link to the Armytek Wizard Pro v3 XHP50 User Manual. Greatly Appreciated.

Best Regards,


Calvin, to be honest, all I care is that the manual is accurate in it’s functionality. I thank you for giving us the link.

As I said before, I love this headlamp!

To remove the tactical mode, instead of 1/4 turn written in the manual, you have to do 1.5 turn or more. To set it, the manual procedure is correct.(1/4 turn)

Sent a PM your way!

I’ve found that the driver holds onto a little bit of a charge (in capacitors I’m guessing).

If you turn the tailcap 1/4 then press the power button you see it flash for a second draining the power.

So with that being said, any time the instructions say turn the tailcap 1/4, just turn 1/4 and then press the power button and the follow the rest of the instructions exactly.

PM inbound.

After reading your post, I just tried again but with the instruction of the new manual for the V3. Now it is working. The procedure is a bit different of the V2.

I got mine today and it’s awesome! Thanks Calvin