I figured I would show how I coat a reflector "Stipple".
Awesome video, once again! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, great job as always!
Used hairspray on my UF-2100, it actually removed the worst ringiness of the beam!
Will try using a bottle of clearcoat I´ve got at home on my D-mag reflector.
You look and sound exactly like I always imagined! :love:
"I'm not gonna show you the holy underwear" :D That video made me laugh and has great info in it. Amazing. :D
This is a great video, THANKS O-L! It's so different reading about it vs seeing it actually being done.
Will definitely try this when I want more flood in a light, but at the moment I probably has too much floodies. The only thing I'd like to flood more is the king, but there's no replacement if I mess up the reflector.
Very good video. Thanks.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate you sharing this. I was so impressed with the P-60 Nichia you did it was mind blowing. You transformed one of the worst beams ever to one of the nicest beams I have ever seen.
Thanks alot for that tutorial!
From now on I will read all your posts with your voice in my head
I did almost the same on a P60 reflector (I used hairspray instead of clearcoat), but the problem I had was that I always had a few bigger “drops” in my “spray-stream” wich resulted in a few bigger dots on my reflector…
Do you know this phenomenon? Is it because the spray-can I used had a bad head, that did’nt vaporize the hairspray liquid good enough? Or do you think hairspray is just not really suited? (of course it is not_ really_ suited, but I thoght it might do the job )
I doubt that a few bigger dots will matter. After all that is the point of making it OP. ;)
Haha, you da man, Old, you da man :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Great vid!
Would be great to see before and after beam shots, just to see how much throw is affected and how much it smooths beam down
Whe I first heard about stippling a reflector , some of the practitioners actually damaged the apeture of the spray can to achieve a coarser spray . Others became experts at pushing the button just hard enough to control the coarseness of the spray pattern . Some even felt that a nearly empty can produced the best spray pattern .
I think the hair spray is not suited for the job and the spray head will not give a coat like a paint head will.
Yep, I probably need to do that, with the next Maglite D build. Guess I had better write it down, before I forget…
What am I supposed to remember again?
For anyone that lacks "holy underwear" just hold it with your hand and wash it off in the sink. That's what I just did a few minutes ago on one of my reflectors. :D
Nice Video Old-Lumens!! Great info.
I thought I could smell paint earlier!!
Many Thanks!!
Thanks OL, I’ve always wanted to see this as I have a light or two I’d like to apply this treatment too.
Very informative, thanks for sharing.
lol :bigsmile: Who are you? Where am I? :bigsmile:
OK, don’t know where to ask this stuff but will try here: have someone tried SMO reflector with XML and de-domed XML with OP/stripple reflector (same reflector or very similar size)?
I haven’t seen any threads on it. I am going to do SMO and Stippled on the Nichia 219 and then on an XM-L T6, but I don’t plan on de-doming anything, unless it’s by accident. The 219 should be done this week-end and the XM-L might be a couple weeks away. I can’t do lumens testing, so it will just be beam shots on the same night, in the same light.
One thing to be aware of when using this technique on high-powered, heat generating lights is the tendency of the spray to yellow…