Website for plotting multiple LED tests together?

If I recall correctly, someone put together a website that contains the LED test curves from BLF tests; the user can choose any subset of LEDs and the site would put their test curves in the same plot. This site was extremely useful for performing pairwise comparisons of LEDs, but I could not find it, and Google returned nothing useful.

If someone has this site, please let me know!

Much appreciated,

Hmm, that would indeed be useful but I don’t think I’ve seen it, perhaps it was on Reddit?

You’re definitely not thinking of the HJK battery comparator?

Thank you for the response–maybe it could be Reddit, I’m not sure. I really hope not, as their search indexing is garbage both on their own site and through Google (which shows mismatched images and posts).

Definitely not the HJK battery comparator–I don’t look that much into batteries. Such a shame that such a resource is getting lost!

1 Thank

I googled your quote and found this,

also found this

I hope the links help you :wink:

1 Thank

I haven’t seen this, especially since for more or less accurate graphs for each LED model, you need sampling and averaging, it takes too much time.

But there is a much more extensive project on manufacturers’ datasheets.

1 Thank

Thank you so, so much!! The first link is exactly what I was looking for, I am very surprised to not see this being circulated more often. I wish I had your Google search skills!

1 Thank

This resource is extremely helpful, and I didn’t even know it existed! Thank you so much for introducing it to me!!