Before I get any hate here, I understand that this could cause trouble with local LEOs and won't be carrying this as a weapon. I'll probably just be using it for poking around in the brush in my yard.
I've read FlashPilot's review of the DX N-FB91 here: Sounds good, but if I purchased this model, I'm sure I would perform an OL stipple treatment on the reflector since I wouldn't need a serious thrower in this type of package.
Are there any alternatives to these lights available at this time? I have a few Manafont points saved up and may just order the N-FB91 from there. I don't use Manafont much any longer so I might as well spend my last few points...
i have number 4, the extendable one.
its not a bad light, zoom mode is pretty intense with a tight small beam, quite a thrower actually. i think prolly just as good as the one reviewed.
im flood mode, its ok bright, i think somewhere around 2-300 lumens. the flood is not all too big either, but its a pretty nice smooth beam, i only see a very faint outer ring but hardly noticable.
the light extends 4 inches when you swing it in the air, just like one of those entendable batons. you can also lock it in small mode and extended mode , which is kinda cool.
its built fairly tough i would say, i dont think a couple whacks of this thing would break it.
I wouldn’t do it. Why not instead get a light that really looks like a light and not a bat/baton? In plenty of states/counties if it even begins to look concealed you could also get into double trouble to boot. Especially possible if a rookie LEO gets involved.
Instead consider something like this which is legal to carry just like a 6D Maglite.
They’re marked down now to $16.98 at Home Depot. Plenty of them left.
Oh and btw if one of these isn’t long enough for you then just screw two of them together. Bet some folks here don’t know you can do that with these.
That Gladiator clone is exactly the type of thing I was looking for! Now if Manafont would carry it so I could use those points...
I like the Gladiator-type as it's a bit shorter without having the mace-look of the N-FB91 type body. You might could get away with carrying a Gladiator while walking at night, but the other looks like an offensive weapon...
They just may have it but with their horrible product indexing and horrendous search function, unless you know the exact name of what you are searching for you can be wading for hours through 1000’s of product listing.
+1 Law enforcement in the US is overzealous and reactionary anymore, I wouldn’t tempt fate and just get a long really bright light instead: more output is probably scarier to whoever you would encounter than your “club” form would be. It seriously is “better” to have a loaded gun without a permit than a “club” in some states…
No hate mail from me. I got the one like in the first couple of links and LOVE it! I like that it is a thrower. It’s a great walkabout light.
As for clubbing people, I’m a big fan. I once clubbed a dude in the knee with a 1/2” piece of all thread. He was a violent drunk trying to force his way into my apartment. I answered the door and he started to shove his way in. I was pushing it closed and he was forcing it open. He was a pretty big guy, much bigger than me and I’m 6’ 200lbs. I eventually got tired of playing this game and just let the door go. I grabbed the closest thing at hand which was a bar of all thread that for some reason was by my door (not intended as a weapon) and smacked him hard right below the knee. He dropped like a sack of dirt on the spot. His head was still in the doorway so I slammed that on his big melon. The door reverberated with a wonderful sound and I repeated the act once or twice before the drunk idiot pulled his head back.
I closed and locked the door and went to bed. He never came back.
This was a guy who apparently thought his girlfriend lived at my apt when he was drunk. It would only happen on Fri or Sat night. My girlfriend (nothing to do with him) told me about it a few times. She said that a guy would come around and bang on the door and yell some woman’s name. She was too afraid to go near the door in case he busted it open. I didn’t really believe her until the night I was home when it happened.
I could have just ignored him but I thought I could talk some sense into him, or at least let him know he had the wrong place. I didn’t want him coming back when I wasn’t home and bothering my girlfriend. I was young and dumb and didn’t understand that trying to reason with a drunk moron is a waste of time.
So, a flashlight that is made for bashing seems like a good idea to me. It doesn’t happen often but every once in a while a fool just has to have good OL fashioned bashing. LOL!
I don't really need it, and I shouldn't be spending money on things like that right now of course...
I really wish that DX offered it without the drop-in since I'll be modding my own from my Big Box O' Partstm.
I'll post a review here once I receive it. The order included a bunch of small stocking-stuffer type items for family members for Christmas as well, so it may be a while before it gets shipped...
It's good that you plan modding it, but I'm afraid it's not a P60 host => you need to mod the original pill instead. (That has been the case with all gladiator clones I have seen / heard of so far)
I have most of the lights listed in this thread (go ahead and call me crazy ;)), and my favorite baton light is gladiator with M3 head, which makes it look like a real flashlight.
My favorite non-gladiator light is maybe the DX YP-9316. It's small enough to carry in short mode, but expands quickly to real baton. Both mace and bat have too much "weapon look"to carry around (and might cause "too much" damage..)