What have you got on order and why :)

What have you got on order and what was the thing that made you actually buy it! The reason doesn't matter but it might be interesting to see how others think

I'm sure all of us actually have enough lights from a "necessity" point of view but what made you "press the button" to order whatever you have coming at the moment?

I have a Tank007 TK-701 one mode single AAA with clicky on it's way from DX. I mainly ordered it just to have a single AAA with clicky as I already have an ITP A3 twisty and a Ultrafire 603c (single mode) twisty. Since I didn't really need it I ordered it from DX rather than Manafont since it was so much cheaper (less than $9).

My Multi-color LED (9 colors plus white) was defective and its replacement is on the way. This light was ordered just for curiousity with no real practical purpose. If someone made a better version of this light I would have ordered that but no one else seems to make a similar light.

The final light I have coming (DX) is a single 18650 zoom type light with 5 modes (unfortunately). I don't really like zoom lights but this one looks OK, is 18650 and has a side button and is twist rather than push/pull. The side button and the twist feature (and curiosity) are pretty much why this was ordered.

I have no intent to use it on flood mode but I like the fact that I can twist it a bit back from full throw to round out the emitter image and make the spot a bit bigger while still throwing fairly well. The side button is nice and more comfortable than a tail switch (IMO) and the twist feature makes it feel (to me) more like a regular light since it doesn't move so easily. It has no memory so I never have to go through strobes to get to high as I can always just turn it off and back on.

What do you have coming and what made you decide to make that purchase?

Sky Ray STL-V2 and damn BLF ;)

I am expecting a used 4sevens Quark Turbo 123-2 Satin Titanium S3 from Singapore. It will be mounted on a Mossberg 12 gauge.

I have a 504B XM-L from DD on the way. Reason I ordered it was because it was $12.xx after coupon code. I was going to order a 504B body from MF for $8.xx so I figured order this for $4 more and worse case I will get a T6 emitter and a P60 pill to work with for an extra couple of bucks. If the driver is decent I'm golden.

It's a 5mode so it will prob get a driver swap unless it pulls 2+amps.

I also have one of those anti-shock thingies from DX, My winter coat charges me up and I don't have my Multi-Lock key anymore to discharge when I get out of the car or go to the elevator in my building.

I have an M8 and an M6 on the way. Been wanting those for a long time.


c10A from DD. Been eyeing this torch since it was announced by SWM. It has always been priced around the $55 mark, and with the coupon at DD, I got it for $37.

Think of the UI of a D10 SP, and the button feel of a novatac (or the switches on DVD players, your computer screen, with a rubber boot over it)

Why did I get it? i really don't need another torch, but this is a quality build and a quality UI, at the price of 2x budget (as opposed to 3+ times)

..includes an led flashlight..(and GPS etc.)

Why?..........only ~$230..(superseded model, usually ~$600) for the toughest cell phone available.

**Solarforce twins .L2P and L2T and bought a L2i just because the price was unbeatable .

Because I'ma flashaholic and have reccommended solarforce forever and felt a huge solarforce gap in my flashlight collection .because i wanna be like FOY . Because manafont fake ultrafires are so bad .or because I have no place to put all my drop ins .:)

**Another Fenix E21... cuz i liked the first one .

** A pair of 504Bxml's for 12$ if you don't buy them you're clearly off your game

Nitecore D11.2 from DD for $37.19.

DD coupon -20% and redeemed dinopoints. I couldn't miss it!

I love the UI of this light!

my friend has one. dropped it in salt water. Found it after 20 mins and it still worked! I think i need one

where do I get one?

Grays... http://www.graysonline.com/search.aspx?q=sonim

Just note that they aren't 3G capable.

L2T and L2P twins (same as Boaz). They arrived but agonizingly waiting at the USPS sorting facility until I can make it down there to pick them up. I got them because they're freakin awesome and I don't have an L2T yet :)

Also en route are a 1-mode XM-L U2 drop-in from KD and something from somewhere else I can't remember at the moment, haha. I picked up the U2 drop-in because I'm curious how well it can do for that price and the single mode should be well suited for the forward clicky.

As a noob I still have the "luxury" of too much choice. Currently waiting on two more of these here as recommended by VFMaddict. Bought one for a friend and it was so good I nearly didn't give it to her but conscience got the better of me, so ordered two more, one for me this time and another mate. Also got one of these http://www.kaidomain.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductId=11342 on the way for its versatility; hoping it will make the perfect work light. I couldn't quite bring myself to part with the bunce for this one http://www.manafont.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=Ultrafire+UF+H2&log=&x=9&y=7 Finally a cheapo little keyring light, but I can't remember where I ordered it from..

side clicky hs801 copy want to try an xml or xpg in there.maybe transplant mf uf 3mode xml

trpl xml driver for tf z5 thats underdriven

smooth reflector for tf f15

504B Xml from DD .

Because it's a budget light .

Yep .

Black 504B XM-L from DD for $12...needs no explanation. A few clips and a bezel from Solarforce...gotta have clips! Just pulled the trigger on a Xeno EO3 tonight, thanks to the post about finding a clip that fits...and of course, the clip that fits

here. http://www.dinodirect.com/8-LED-Torch-Flashlight-Red-currency-GBP.html Not a keyring light as I thought, and probably £3 down the drain. In the unlikely event that it transcends expectations I'll keep you posted. I'm sure no one will hold their breath.

@ soytnly

Where did you order your Xeno ?

Hi Jack...ordered it from tacticalhid: http://tacticalhid.info/e03 - ships from the US, so I don't mind paying an extra dollar or two. Can't wait to get one of these finally.

Thanks , soytnly .

Love the username , by the way .

( nyuk nyuk nyuk )