What wildlife did you spot tonight?

This is way better than white wall hunting, LOL!

This may be at the heart of my interest in flashlights. Ever since we took trips and traveled down the road, through the night, I have been on the lookout for whatever comes in front of the vehicle headlights. Now that flashlights can mimic and surpass that output, this is just an extension of that spectating, but so much more flexible. For examples:

with an S21A, SST40 (raccoon), one of these two wouldn't wake up for anything, LOL!

S21A, Nichia 219C (horned owl)

C8+, XHP50(?) (skunkus stinkus stripus-stripus)

Wurkkos WK30 , (opossum), one of my most surprising experiences and way better than being charged by javelinas!


Just like the abhorrent idea of using a cell phone flash as a flashlight and cell camera as well, a camera, (it's what I've had over time), I know some of you have real cameras and awesome finds so please share (a photo of) the wildlife you spotted tonight!


p.s.: Album: https://imgur.com/a/kOpmJ58

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Wonderful idea! I hope many respond.

Thank you!

Tonight? Just Perry, one of the outdoor cats. Haven’t seen his twin brother Luke in quite some time. :frowning:

Saw my neighbor does that count ?

Hahaha! Good one LB!

One might think of feral animals but the idea is to see real WILD life. Now, I hope you don't come across a bear without a bit of distance between you and it!

If you live in a colony of meerkats, most definitely! ;)

Here’s one I encountered the other day. :smiley:

I was using a YLP G180 and a Wurkkos HD20.


Wow, your powerful flashlight is like a deer-magnet…draws them right in to ya.

Maybe grins or some other Austrailian member can spot a drop bear at night,

Sofirn Q8 (XPL-Hi) lighting one of many frogs that would the litter the walking trail during rain season

Nice, flightless22! I was walking beside a lake a few months back and was trying to see the little peepers but even with hi CRI and practically being a foot away, they are so well camouflaged!

... at the lake mentioned earlier:


SP32A v.1, SST40, 5000K (garter snake)

S2+ shorty, SST20, 2700K, 60deg TIR (frog... where???)

Whoa! We have some white-tail deer with large antler racks that would make me quite nervous if they ran toward me!

well, i will have to wait
a while before i post.

Well, it's really tell what you see on any night. I hope you see something exciting!

Nice idea, OP. I never tried taking pictures at night before but will give it a try. 14 inches of snow melted as fast as it came so the critters are walking around again.

Good Morning, Pennzy!

For night pictures, I found out 2700K, even on a D4S, doesn't illuminate well enough for my Samsung smartphone. Rather, it's probably the camera sensor.

True story. I was walking down a rural road and heard the snort of a horse. The mare was about 50' away, with a colt, and being something to share with the kids, I tried to take a photo. Well, no dice. However, the mare was brown and the colt, black. I thought the camera would pick up something.

LOL, I’d actually never heard of a “drop bear”. You had me going there for a bit, kb. Googled it.

Eastern Screech Owl last night on my hike.Normally see tons of Deer, Foxes,Racoons ect

Used K60 as lighting!

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