What wildlife did you spot tonight?

On Christmas day.

Need to put a better dash cam in the Jimny

Looks like they left Santa behind :stuck_out_tongue:

I know some people hunt (not with cameras) and I would never object to them shooting anything so long as it’s eaten, well a food animal I mean. That said, I couldn’t do it to such a beautiful animal, not now at any rate, in my youth maybe - I was a quite into going out with my air rifle on a local farm, and my aim was pretty bad , one day we were out and I aimed at a tiny bird,quite a way away - i hit it unbelievably and killed it, I felt SO bad. But that wasn’t what made me never harm an animal again, I was helping a mate out doing some labouring on a big estate, there were loads of young turkeys always running around the area - my mates brother joked how easy it would be to hit one round the head with a bit of 4x2 wood and eat later on so like a dobin I did, I broke it’s neck and it was running around all over the place.
I couldn’t finish it off, my friend had to do it (he was a poacher on and off) he suitably embarrassed me (rightfully) and made a grown man/boy cry - I literally felt awful for days. never again did I harm an animal.

That video is so cool! I wish I had a dashcam the night this darn buck was running for his life but wouldn't get off the road!

i did too when i was a kid, the mice got away, but tv cable and phone line were not so lucky

With a Nichia (forgot the number) I often spotted a couple of eyes over the top of trees.
I was unable to identify what animal was/were them but most likely small birds.

Well, a bit more successful tonight, and colder!
saw the same deer in the same place and mr fox! he was very interested in us! and, that ft03 I won wow! never used it in a field yet, superflooder! great for spotting, then move to the GT for better spotlight.

nsfw emoticons

The fox is beautiful and loves the camera.

Yep he did indeed, I would even go so far as to say he followed us! we went on quite a walk, and he was always visible! 2 adults, 2 noisy kids, 4 high power lights and a rottweiler! :stuck_out_tongue:
My dog was just sat there staring at him like a statue.

I have a family of foxes living around me. They go about their business and I appreciate the rodent control. My cat had a problem with them though. I would hear the fox screams and find my cat in a Mexican standoff with them. One time I had to step in and break them up. :smiley:

Crazy cat - you’d thing a fox would scare it !

Usually the fox gets scared by these little monsters. :smiley:

Be thankful they’re just “standing off”. I got an outside cat (from now on an inside cat, whether he likes it or not) that always picks fights with other cats… and loses.

600buk running tab right now (more to come…), some nice deep gashes on his shoulder from getting raked, an infected and “inflated” cheek with drain-tube still in it, and just sleeping it off today all day from the pain and overexertion from trying to escape last night to go back outside.

Poor critter’s stitched up like a football…

Is he fixed? Or broken depending on how you look at it.

Somebody must’ve taken him to Dr Hackemoff, ’cause he ain’t got any.

He doesn’t have a nicked ear (my other “rescue” does), no sack is visible, but when the vet asked if he does find any, if I’d want him deballed, I hesitated as I knew he was gonna be chopped up quite a bit and that’d just be more trauma, but I agreed, and nope, nothing there.

Around here when the stray cats are fixed, they will nip off a tip of one ear as an indicator that they have been neutered—makes it easy to spot the ones you don’t need to catch.

Huh, never heard that about the ears. I thought neutered cats didn’t fight but I guess I was wrong.
My last stray wasn’t fixed and his ears were all messed up along with his face. Always defending his harem.

Yeh, that’s why I’m surprised he doesn’t have a nicked ear yet is ball-free.

If he “belongs” to someone else, f’em. How could they see him for days in that condition with a golfball growing out the side of his face and not do anything about it? So he’s mine now…

Little Buck in the field tonight, was a long way off though and more timid, Mr fox was following us again!

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That's really cool! You know, there's this song called "What does the fox say?" And I'm thinking you might be able to fill us in. LoL! I do speak fluently with a few species, myself. ;)

I was sitting at my desk 30 minutes ago when it sounded like a bear was IN my AC ducting where it comes in the house through the north wall. So grabbed my C8F on my desk- double clicked and went out with the dog. Upon kicking the leaves next to the heater around some… the armadillo JUMPED out and ran around the house and under my 20’ x 36’ deck.

2 minutes later the dog was under the bed and the armadillo was (resting in peace) but darnit— now DEEP under my deck where he ran his last 15 feet (and where I now have to pull him from in the AM) :neutral_face:

Kansas had no armadillos just 15 years ago- but as things have warmed up since, they have made it up here to central Kansas. As they are destructive to lawns, dig the HELL out of gardens (ask me how I know) and can transmit certain diseases… I reluctantly must dispatch them from my property.

The ancient C8 on my 22 varmint rifle (*which I have modded several times the last 5 years) ran perfectly off the pressure switch I keep velcro’ed to the back stock’s pistol grip. I am a hunter- a meat hunter and I won’t shoot resident foxes, possums, or other critters who don’t mess with my property and keep the Eco-system around here in balance. BUT armadillos (and raccoons FOR SURE) get about 1200 lumens (with lead a 1/2 second behind it) if they persist in hanging around as this fellow has a few months digging my lawn up.

No pics… just THE wildlife I saw (and had) tonight :stuck_out_tongue: