WildTrail WT90 - SBT90.2 1800m+ throw 90mm 3x 21700 With Texas_Ace driver

^ like Tom said, not to piggy back or fan boy or whatever, but I just feel like all of the discussion around the couple minor flaws / bugs may start to distract interested buyers from how truly AWESOME this light is- everytime I pick this light up, which is a lot considering it's a "big" light, I am amazed by how lightweight and satisfying it is to use. There is something about the whole package - the feel of the light in hand, the look of the design and feel of battery tube, the raw aluminum finish, the button feel (although I had my suspicions about its plastic ring before I got it) is smooth and flawless with almost springy action, the lightweight manageability, it all just works so well together. I bought a Acebeam k75 after buying the wt90 (thanks to awesome blf member Jimo!) and I thought I would never pick the wt90 up again, I was wrong. I use them the same amount! The wt90 doesn't throw as far, but it's ui is better,and it's just unbelievably "usable" for its size. I can put it in my cargo shorts leg pocket ! It almost feels like I stole the light for $180 or whatever it was. I thought about it the other day I paid $140 for my K1 sbt90.. I mean that light is awesome too and fits a different need, but if I could only buy one there is NO DOUBT what I would buy. I sell A LOT of lights, and I know I won't sell this one, I couldn't do it. Or if I ever do, be worrried for me lol..

Yeah , I’ve had a lot of fun playing with this one !

I must admit I’m one of those potential buyers but haven’t pulled the trigger due to the feeling of receiving something “unfinished” that still gets significant improvements from batch to batch. I’ve been checking this thread for a while now… will probably jump on the next batch

This had me rollin, I know what you mean tho. The WT90 is indisputably phenomenal. Anyone still paralyzed by indecision and is missing out. No one that’s had this light is having “issues” due to (in Tom E’s word’s), “the warm and cozy glow”. The light is just as tits as they come. I will monitor you Artie and make sure I don’t see you selling this or I will worry sir. :wink:

haha thanks! well, i mean, yea this light will be my barometer LOL, life would be goin to Sh*t if i had to sell it! It is was too nice, and there is nothing yyour replacing this light with for even close to the same price

Yea, and i get that. And based on a couple comments about he second batch and what Texas Ace has heard it sound slike waiting for the second batch wasnt a bad thing at all, but missing out on this light would SUCK. lol. Just dont do that, it would be regrettable.

Don’t know why I was worried about parasitic drain, haven’t noticed it, same with afterglow. Nine days in and still flashing 4V with 3 x P42A.

I’m at the budget end of torches, very rarely spend over AUD$100 on a light so whilst I enjoy each new torch for form factor, feastures, performance, there isn’t always a massive WOW factor - first time I used a Q8 (WOW 5500 lumens), unboxing SP70 (WOW 80mm reflector) and now WT90 (WOW EVERYTHING).

Yeah, this is why I said the parasitic drain on this light is right on the edge. The math says it will take ~9-12 months to drain a set of cells. I generally prefer 1.5-2 years but that is still acceptable for most use cases. Also why I have not decided if I will be removing the charging from my light or not yet.

I generally charge all my lights once a year so this one would fall just short of that as of now.

Thought I’d share this. Took it last night. Apologies for the crappy zoom quality - hand held with a cell phone camera.

Cropped down. The power poles are roughly 80 metres apart. Google says that the trees at the end of the road are 440 metres from where I was standing though

I’m not sure it’s an issue to be a concern to anyone (certainly not me), but I see a definite ‘doughnut’ ring around the central hot spot in the near spill. The small roadside stand and the first power pole are definitely dimmer than the area lit up further out from the centre of the spill. Of course, that might just be a cell phone camera processing effect. This is a very bright hotspot at short range.

It seems there is a good opportunity to buy the clear aluminum WT90 on Banggood for a very interesting price with Fin17's coupon code, especially if you take into account that shipping is free and (EU import) taxes are included already.

Wow! That’s a good price for Joe Public even without any coupon.

Hella impressive!! Nice pictures, sir.

I Saw that, very nice!

i want to buy a second one- in black. Anyone know what is the best route to do that currently with pricing/ availability for the BLACK one?


I got a new code for WildTrail WT90 on AliExpress…


…posted on behalf of WildTrail

Everyone is raving about this light but isn’t it just a pencil-beam thrower?

Not quite the pencil beam thrower that I was used to. My “real” throwers used to be typically with a dedomed XP-G2 S4 2B, emitting about a 1000 lumen and throwing 450kcd. The WT90 puts out 4500 lumen and throws 1000 kcd, that is a different league to me: the light is bigger, the led is bigger, the performance is bigger.

And among the current lights with this led in this size, it is cheaper, more lightweight, has better user interface (but that is arguable of course) and performs just a bit better (if I’m not mistaken).

I couldn't agree more! This light is pound for pound champion at the moment. Especially because of its UI, I think only the blf gt90 has the same UI, which is in my opinion the only good UI out of all those throwers

are there measurements? according to my numbers it gives 6900lm when turning on and drops quickly to 6500. However launch I have only measured about 800,000CD. I use new 40t batteries

I Know Tom E used 30t and T50 cells for measurements. I will try and hit mine in the Lux meter for candela this week with molicel p42a.

With Molicel’s in mine I’m getting 920Kcd