WTS/GB: [4000k ARRIVED, Test Report's In] GT-FC40 (a.k.a. XHP70's flattop, 12v 40w sister) 95 CRI, Available in 4000k, 5000k

See Maukka's report on 4000k here: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/58200/155

The 4000k is still in stock, here's final pricing (all transfer fees included)

Item Cost: $12.6 $11.0 (effective december 2020 onwards)

Shipping: Refer to this thread instead: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/58510

Pay: https://paypal.me/rngwn


Following the discussion on https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/58177

Djozz's test: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/58362

Meet the GT-FC40, the domeless sister of the XHP series. The one in the picture (on the left) is a 40w LED 5000-5500k (I'd say 5300k) that produces up to 3200lm at 95 CRI.

The one on the right is CREE's XHP70.2 5000k 90 CRI.

Specs (5000-5000k version)

Voltage: 12-14v (13.3v @ 3.0A)

Current: 3.0A (may tolerate above 3.5A, but not recommended) -- Djozz's test indicated that the LED may survive up to 7A (92W) for a few minutes with proper cooling

Output: 3000-3200lm (at nominal current)

CRI: 95+

Construction: Flip-chip blue LED, Silicone-based phosphors

MCPCB: 20mm star

The one above is on A5 bin (5000-5500k), but A4 bin (4000-4500k) is also available.

Anyone who are interested can sign up here, specify the amount and color. You can sign up for both colors, of course.

for example:

  • A5 bin 2pcs, A4 bin 3pcs.
  • 4000k 2pcs, 5000k 2pcs.

The regular price will be $12/ea, but if a color has the total order of at least 45pcs, OR at least 80 pcs for both color combined, the price for the people in the list will be $11/ea (the discount only applies to the color you signed up with).

I am targeting at least 35pcs/color or 60pcs total before it's financially viable for me to buy.

The minimum you can buy is 1pcs, but you can contribute to lower pricing for everyone here by pushing the total. There are two methods of shipping: $4.5 Standard (Tracked, 2-4 weeks delivery time), $1.5 Economy (Untracked, 2-8 weeks delivery time *use at your own risk*).

Be responsible, I'm presuming that everyone signing up here are reasonably determined to buy. My motivation to find more stuffs in Alibaba depends on the success of this GB.

Here we are, 4000k has arrived. The 5000k will have to wait.

Die porn shot, A5 bin from previous sampling on the left, and the A4 (mass produced) on the right.

Color variation test on two LEDs @4000k: not exactly equal but at least both can be considered in a rosy territory.

As happened in the djozz's samples, the chip on the LEDs indeed aren't perfectly matched. At 9.0v we might see an entire row almost gone missing.

Bumping the voltage slightly to 9.3v and the entire array now lit up fairly evenly. Luckily, at 9.3v my lab bench didn't even register 10ma current-wise. So, the voltage mismatch doesn't seem as serious as it would look at 9.0v. For aesthetics reason, however, you might want to keep the voltage (esp. for ultra-low mode) at 9.3v or above.

Reserved for counting

Total order: (38/60pcs -- 80pcs for discount)

4000k buyers: (26/35pcs -- 45pcs for discount)

1stein -- 1pcs

KevinZA1988 -- 2pcs

Skylight -- 2pcs

DavidEF -- 3pcs

808Hi -- 2pcs

whipskirtayeyay -- 1pcs

SKV89 -- 2pcs

id30209 -- 1pcs

contactcr -- 1pcs

BueSwordM -- 3pcs

Shirnask -- 2pcs

Uncolo -- 2pcs

Texas_Ace -- 2pcs

sanches -- 2pcs

5000k buyers: (12/35pcs -- 45pcs for discount)

1stein -- 1pcs

808Hi -- 2pcs

KevinZA1988 -- 2pcs

whipskirtayeyay -- 1pcs

SKV89 -- 2pcs

id30209 -- 1pcs

BlueSwordM -- 1pcs

Unloco -- 2pcs

Thanks for this opportunity, really happy with it.

Just for curiosity:

In for 4000K 1 pc, 5000K 1 pc

Are these bare or on the shown mcpcb?

A5 bin 2pcs

On the shown mcpcb

I wonder if these will be available in different MCPCB sizes.

Interested in 1x 4000K and 1x 5000K. Thanks

Probably not in the near future. They seems to be only have 20mm MCPCB in stock for now.

I would like two pieces of the A4 bin (4000K). Thank you.

A4 bin 3PCS

Also add A4 bin 2pcs to my order

Bumping because I’m surprised this hasn’t taken off a little bit more. :innocent:

12V and no testing is a pretty big barrier to entry. We are watching no worries :slight_smile:

The 3A limit is also a possible issue if it truly can’t handle anymore then that. That could be a real issue with using FET drivers which would make it even harder to use these.

I quoted 3.0-3.5 A from the manufacturer’s spec sheet. I have no idea how much it can take more than that due to the lack of testing equipment. I sent the samples to djozz for this purpose.

In comparison, the 12v version XHP70.2’s are rated at 2.4A as the absolute maximum, yet I saw people overdrive the hell out of it.

These FC-40 can probably survive well above 3.5A (at least for a short period), but I probably don’t want to take responsibility for that claim. :wink:

Anyway, djozz has gotten samples, and I hope he publishes the result soon. Keep an eye on the discussion thread.

I thought it strange that the limit would only be 0.5A more then the rating.

Definitely interested in:
(1) 4000k
(1) 5000k

Clemence had problems placing four E21a’s too close together, some of the photons would go out the side of the emitter and heat up the one beside it. It lead to the whole array overheating and dying.

This led has the advantage of phosphor between the dies but the four in the middle may have a hard time trying to stay cool.
