Anduril ... 2?

Since I’m interested in keeping up-to-date, I figured I’d set up a custom build with all my preferences baked in instead of having to reconfigure every time. I also prefer Anduril 2’s original behavior without USE_2C_MAX_TURBO, which isn’t a runtime configuration option, so I have to build from a modified source tree anyways for the Emisar/Noctigon lights I have.

However, it doesn’t look like it’s possible to enable the auto-lockout timer by default via a configuration #define - could this be changed?

My guess (not compile-tested) would be the following: modify lockout-mode.h, replacing…

uint8_t autolock_time = 0;


#define AUTOLOCK_TIME 0 // autolock time in minutes, 0 = disabled
uint8_t autolock_time = AUTOLOCK_TIME;

EDIT 2021-7-12: I’ve proposed the autolock change as a merge request on Launchpad

I’m also enabling a slower Noctigon KR4 ramp near moonlight, which for me significantly improves how easy it is to pick a specific low brightness, inspired by kr4 slow bottom ramp, default 10 min autolock by mkong1 · Pull Request #18 · mkong1/anduril · GitHub which was referenced at Reddit - Dive into anything - perhaps this should be considered an official default?


EDIT 2021-7-12: Disregard this, I’ve implemented this properly below.

Regardless, thank you for Anduril 2 - I love it! I like the configuration change to turbo mode (ramp ceiling has meaning now). I could see why others don’t though, hence maybe making it a runtime configuration option. Regardless, I’m happy with custom builds, and there’s something really nice about having the power to modify and reflash flashlight firmware :slight_smile:

HALFSPEED_LEVEL and QUARTERSPEED_LEVEL are for dynamic underclocking. Or do they slow the ramping speed as well ?

That’s a fair point. I hadn’t realized HALFSPEED_LEVEL and QUARTERSPEED_LEVEL were for dynamic underclocking, so in hindsight this might have unexpected effects elsewhere.

It does appear to slow down ramping at lower brightness levels, and Anduril itself doesn’t appear to have any specific code for setting the ramp speed outside of USE_SET_LEVEL_GRADUALLY (which code says is only for thermal regulation). After reading through spaghetti-monster.txt, my understanding is that slowing down the EV_tick rate from the default of roughly 62.5 Hz affects EV_click1_hold as well (“This event is sent once per timer tick as long as the button is held”), which reduces the frequency with which the following code in ramp-mode.c is called that actually ramps up or down:

memorized_level = nearest_level((int16_t)actual_level + (step_size * ramp_direction));

An immediate side-effect of this I see is the earlier if-condition of (arg % HOLD_TIMEOUT != 0) in ramp-mode.c for discrete ramping, potentially resulting in slowing down the discrete ramp stepping too (“the ‘arg’ value indicates how many timer ticks since the button state went from ‘press’ to ‘hold’.”).

If it’s more proper to add “nice” delays directly in ramp-mode.c, that’s fine! I’m still learning how Anduril and the overarching FSM project work.

EDIT: It looks like another option would be to add delays to smooth ramping by mimicking the stepped ramp delay, as noted here for the D4V2 with KR4 driver:

That would be extra code compared to adjusting the dynamic underclocking, and I’m not sure which approach is more “proper.”

You can set autolock to a default time. See here: Anduril ... 2? - #696 by trakcon

Thanks for the heads up! That’s pretty close to what I’m currently doing, and it’s good to have it documented here, too.

In hindsight, I should have been more clear that I’m asking if ToyKeeper would be willing to consider making the default value of autolock_time configurable via #define AUTOLOCK_TIME or such, much like how RAMP_STYLE is handled in ramp-mode.h.

This is not at all required, it’d merely make it more convenient to update.

EDIT 2021-7-12: I’ve proposed the autolock change as a merge request on Launchpad

For context, my current workflow with it being a modification to lockout-mode.h looks like this:

cd anduril2/ToyKeeper/spaghetti-monster/anduril/
make clean
bzr revert —no-backup version.h
bzr revert —no-backup lockout-mode.h # Revert patch for lockout-mode.h
bzr pull
patch “lockout-mode.h” “[other directory]/autolock-10min-by-default.patch” # Apply patch for lockout-mode.h
make all

I’ve already created digitalcircuit-cfg.h (modeled after hank-cfg.h) which is #included by cfg-emisar-d4sv2-digitalcircuit-w2.h and cfg-noctigon-kr4-nofet-digitalcircuit-e21a-2700k.h. Both of my custom cfg~~[…].h files also #include the original official cfg~~[…].h files, meaning there’s no conflicts with fetching source updates and I’ll get all changes that I don’t specifically override (I #undef any conflicting #defines).

With #define AUTOLOCK_TIME, there would be no need to revert a patch (that could break if lockout-mode.h is modified) then apply it again after updating.

Pie-in-the-sky would be a way to read out the temperature calibration value so I could compile that in too, no need to redo it on every flash. I’ll look into this at some point. If any flashlight manufacturer precalibrates their temperature sensor, it could be useful to have an official way to bake in the offset and disable factory-reset auto-calibration, too.

Separating out the “pie-in-the-sky” comment at the end of my last post, this is a third, larger but hopefully more universally useful change idea:
Make Anduril 2 able to “display” saved configuration values/clicks

Ever configure a flashlight, make some changes you like, but not write them down elsewhere, so by the time you flash a new firmware version in 5 months you don’t remember the ramp ceiling, floor, temperature limit, autolock timer, etc? Enter the configuration menu, but instead of clicking when it’s “buzzing”, click-and-hold to cause the light to blink out the current value using the same technique as the blinky mode for displaying voltage/temperature.

For things like the hybrid memorized level timer, this allows canceling if someone entered it then wished to exit (a zero value doesn’t cancel changes, unlike most other configuration entries).

This would also add a way to read temperature offset for anyone who flashes new firmware often.

More concretely, this would involve modifying number_entry_state() in config-mode.c to handle else if (event == EV_click1_hold_release) { […], switching to displaying the current configuration value, which would be passed up through config_state_base() from any function that calls it.

For almost all entries (ramp floor/ceiling, discrete ramp steps, temperature limit, autolock timer, etc), it’d blink the number of times you clicked to get the same config value. Example: a ramp ceiling configured to 120 down from 150 would blink 3 times, pause, then blink 1 time - same technique as displaying voltage/temperature, blink_num() from fsm-misc.c.

For temperature calibration (not limit), it’d blink the current internal temperature offset value therm_cal_offset, since the number of clicks to calibrate is relative to the current temperature (knowing you’d click 20 times when it’s currently 20 degrees Celsius isn’t new/useful information).

Additionally, functions that call config_state_base() would need some indication that the new value shouldn’t be saved, e.g. by setting number_entry_value to the maximum uint8_t value, #define CONFIG_CANCELED 255 (I’m unsure if clicking 255 times is used anywhere).

(Zero can’t be used as it’s a valid option for the hybrid memory configuration menu.)

I might be able to implement this with enough fumbling about, but it seemed wise to float the idea here first to see if it’d be a good idea, if there’s concerns about code size, etc. As I’m very new to FSM and Anduril’s codebase, I may be overlooking potential pitfalls.

EDIT 2021-7-12:
I overlooked that config_state_base() handles multiple configuration entries. It’d need to have the full list of current configuration values passed into it as an array of some sort.

This sounds more memory/storage intensive; if possible, feedback on this design would be appreciated before attempting these larger changes.

EDIT 2021-7-13:
Alternatively, another function pointer could be passed in to config_state_base() (perhaps loadfunc) that would fetch the current configuration value for a given step number. I’m not sure which is more program data and RAM efficient given the constraints of low-cost microcontrollers.

Aside, I hope I’m not annoying anyone with these replies. I’m excited about Anduril 2 and having two flashlights running it.

I like this idea.

I just tested this by measuring the ramp duration with my scope at 10MHz (no underclocking), 5MHz (halfspeed), and 2.5MHz (quarterspeed), no change in the speed of the ramp whether it’s smooth or stepped ramp.

But I think this would be very a useful option to have because this would be much quicker than modifying the ramp which is time consuming, especially for drivers with extremely low moonlight like I making.

Thank you for testing this with your scope! I guess I tricked myself into thinking the underclocking had made a change.

I’ve implemented a new version inspired by the stepped-ramping delay code for slowing down smooth ramping - if/when you’ve got the time and interest, would you give it a try?
Merge […] anduril2_opt_ramp_low_slower into lp:~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/anduril2

As noted on the merge request, I’m unsure if this is the best approach - I’m happy for ToyKeeper to modify it, request changes, or go about it entirely differently. The alternative of modifying the ramp with might unnecessarily inflate the number of identical levels (e.g. when customizing ramp floor).

For my KR4-nofet custom test build atop this change, I’ve put a #define RAMP_SMOOTH_HALFSPEED_LEVEL 14 which seems decent, though other values are likely fine, too.

I’ve also submitted for review the #define DEFAULT_AUTOLOCK_TIME feature I had mentioned earlier.

EDIT 2021-7-12:

Tinkering with, I uncommented the pwm_max question and tried recreating the KR4 ramp according to the comment in cfg-noctigon-kr4-nofet.h, and the cubic ramp actually would provide greater control in the lowest power levels as well:

With that in mind, I’m wondering if ToyKeeper or Hank intentionally opted to remove some of the levels near the bottom of the ramp.

It works as described, exactly 2 and 4 times the ramp duration :+1:

Sweet! Thank you for testing this.

Meanwhile, I’ve filed a third merge request to allow disabling the temperature auto-calibration on factory reset (so you can compile in the right THERM_CAL_OFFSET for your specific flashlight, then never need to manually recalibrate). This goes alongside my second request that you just tested, adding RAMP_[X]SPEED_LEVEL, and the first request to make default autolock_time configurable. I’ve merged all three together into a big ’ol test firmware that I’ll be using for now.

If anyone else wants to follow along to try these out and has bzr/brz available, it’d be like this:
bzr branch lp:~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/anduril2
cd anduril2
bzr merge lp:~digitalcircuit/flashlight-firmware/anduril2_define_autolock
bzr commit -m “Merged digitalcircuit/anduril2_define_autolock”
bzr merge lp:~digitalcircuit/flashlight-firmware/anduril2_opt_ramp_low_slower
bzr commit -m “Merged digitalcircuit/anduril2_opt_ramp_low_slower”
bzr merge lp:~digitalcircuit/flashlight-firmware/anduril2_opt_disable_autocal_therm
bzr commit -m “Merged digitalcircuit/anduril2_opt_disable_autocal_therm”

Note that you’ll have to create/modify a custom cfg-[…].h file to specify the new #defines to enable these changes. If others are interested for reference, I can make a branch that has my custom digitalcircuit-cfg.h alongside cfg-emisar-d4sv2-digitalcircuit-w2.h and cfg-noctigon-kr4-nofet-digitalcircuit-e21a-2700k.h.

Fingers crossed that ToyKeeper will have time to review these at some point, and possibly offer feedback on the making Anduril 2 capable of displaying back configuration values idea too. (Aside, I apologize for some of the email spam with edits/etc - still learning Launchpad.)

Does anyone know what are the changes in the new Anduril2 builds posted here: Index of /torches/fsm/anduril2 by ToyKeeper, dated 11 and 14 July 2021?

Also, there is a 219b and a 219 build. It used to be 219 for all Nichia 219 emitters, c and b. Are they now separate and why?


Thank you, that was very helpful. Unfortunately, it does not say why there is a 219 and a 219b build. What is the difference between the two?

Anybody have an idea why I can’t get to TK’s .txt manual file? Worked fine a few weeks ago, but now I’m getting a website error message….

Works for me, maybe you got something blocking on your side?

I don't know...

It works for me.

Tried both Chrome and DDG, same error. I don’t see anything in my browser settings that would prevent it from loading. Weird.

I flashed one of the new hex files just to test. The newest hex releases seem to have double click direct to turbo enabled. At least the D4v2_219 version does. I know some folks were looking for this.

Unfortunately that’s not what I want for my use. I reverted back to the January release.

Were you able to find the difference between the 219 and the 219b versions? I have been using the 219versins both for Nichia 219b and 219c emitters with no issues so far, so what is this new 219b about?