The second one linked I have used quite a few. Some buzz some dont. Some have a slow change, pink and white wire ones, and the black and red wire ones are fine. I have not had one fail yet and have run it with both on XML and MTG-2 leds without a problem. Output varies between 2.7 and 3 amps at the tailcap as I have noticed there are differences in components used.
I have used a few of the second ones linked also on some mag lite builds, but mine have the red and black wires and they buzz and change modes slow. Moderator 007 modded one with a larger torroid and a trim pot wired in to the sense resistors to dial in current. He tested his with both 2&3 cells running a MTG-2. Ill try to link to his thread.
I guess the two pads are the right ones.
The one next to the FET (probably -) and the through hole next to the coil(probably Led+)
Maybe you should check continuity to bat+ and bat- from both pads, often one is connected to one of them.
You were correct. The + lead goes to the pad with the through hole, and the - lead goes to the pad that’s partially under the corner of that other chip.
I only setup and tested one of the smaller drivers, both with a pair of XM-L emitters in series and with an MT-G2, and at least from my testing, I’m underwhelmed/disappointed in it.
For this testing, I was using a 5 amp/30V bench supply, and both with the 2xXM-L in series and with the MT-G2, it looks like I can only get to about 8V-10V and current at the input of the driver maxes out at ~1.0 amps. If i try to increase the voltage to the driver (the power supply stays in CV mode throughout) beyond ~9-10V, the current to the driver starts to drop.
Sure. What did you have in mind with a single emitter (i.e., what are you looking for with that?)?
EDIT: Reason I asked is that it seems like the driver is limited to 1 amp. Are you expecting/thinking that with a single emitter it’d take more current?
That’s the thought. I’m definitely not expecting to see more current, but certainly the driver is labeled incorrectly in one way or another. Maybe it’s labeled 3A when it’s actually 1A, or maybe it’s labeled for a 2-emitter Vf when it’s actually meant for 1 emitter. I think sometimes current drops a lot when you go beyond the maximum Vf or below the minimum in/out delta of a buck driver. You’ve already eliminated the delta consideration (by increasing Vin), but maybe Vout is just too high.
I think it’s worth a try.
Does it have modes as described on the page you bought it from?
Will you take the inductor off the board and get a clear picture of the board without the inductor?
And yes, I think that what is happening is that when Vf of the emitters is > Vbat, then the current starts dropping. That was what it looked like when I tested.
I’ll try the single emitter test. I’m not sure if I will remove the inductor, but I’ll consider it after all the testing. I may have to do that anyway for one of the two drivers I got, because I can see a solder bridge between a couple of the components on one of the drivers.
You measure the input current so the led current is higher but anyway 10W on two XMLs are only 1.5A or so…which is way to low. But this could get better with a resistor mod.
The really bad news is that it doesn’t deliver full power on a slightly higher battery voltage than the forward voltage, areasonable mtg2 driver should drive until around 6.5V. I am also interested on a coil free picture.
Glad you have ordered the other one too, this will work way better.
Have you followed one of threads with the hx1175b drivers, it seems to be a really badass one.
Ok, I measured with a single XM-L (on Noctigon). The current at the power supply (Vbat/Vin) topped out at about 1 amp, about 4.5V. If I increased the Vbat/Vin to higher voltage than that (I went to about 5.2V), the current at the power supply would start dropping. I didn’t go much higher than that voltage since it was only a single emitter.
I think that the bottom line seems to be that this driver is about a 1 amp driver, rather than a 3 amp driver as “advertised” :(… Disappointing after waiting for so long for shipping from LM…
I agree, the driver is likely not capable of the advertised 3A. It sounds like you have unfulfilled needs though, so IMO we’d better make sure! The next step is a resistor mod until you reach the desired current or it fries. “random resistors” is a game those guys sometimes play, it’s possible that the sense resistors the driver came with were a mistake.
4.5V for single emitter is really useless, I guess it is a buck driver so it should be able to drive a XML with 8V…
Increasing voltage->decreasing current that is normal for a regulated driver.
Just the emitter current stays constant, but I guess in this case it is 1.5A or so.
I didn’t mention this earlier because I wasn’t paying much attention to it, but I had a clamp meter on the emitter lead when I was testing, and it was in the same range current-wise. What I mean to say is when I was increasing the voltage at the power supply (and watching the current drop at the power supply), the emitter current was kind of going the same way (i.e., it wasn’t increasing).