I wanted to compare some lights for the fun of it, compare numbers, beamshots, various info and subjective thoughts in order to give BLF users some perspective on how various lights compare.
Feel free to ask questions and discuss.
If you like beamshots comparsions of other modified lights, in a lower price range. Then you might be interested in a couple of beamshot comparison threads ive done in the past:
Beamshots: Comparison of modified budget thrower favourites
Beamshot comparison: Led Lenser X21R vs various modded lights
Beamshot comparison: Some of my modified bright lights
This thread is about more expensive lights. Basically in the 100$+ range and with quite similar size.
Pictures of the lights:
More details on the lights here, from left:
X40 stock (Edit, now modded, details further down in this thread. See Bonus section for output numbers)
K40M stock (Edit, now modded, details here. See bonus section for output numbers of the modified light)
K50 have its own mod thread here. (My light is currently running stock driver and XM-L2 U2 2C. Its pretty much like a stock light.)
Old-Lumens 2D Maglite with MT-G2 and 9A driver have its own build thread here, with beamshots and videos (She is a beauty!)
"Retard light" have its own mod thread. (Lets get retarded in here)
TK61 have its own mod thread (My light is currently a "stage 1" light. Just a resistor mod and stock emitter)
TK75 R86 edition have its own mod thread. (All numbers and beamshots at 6,6A to each emitter. Which im perfectly fine with)
Lumen comparison:
Measured by me @30 seconds. Non calibrated equipment. I dont claim accuracy or perfect consistensy. All lights measured the same day (some were double checked) Fresh and suitable batteries for all lights. Lights with underline are what I would consider properly regulated (they will have same/very similar output even with lower voltage cells)
K50 1397 Lumen
TK61 (stage 1) 1502 Lumen
K40M 2888 Lumen
X40 2913 Lumen
OL Maglite 3287 Lumen
TK 75 R86 edtion 5063 Lumen
Retard light 12453 Lumen ( 13734 at startup)
Lights with stepdown:
K50, after close to 1 minute and 10 seconds its got a minor stepdown. It drops about 110 lumen (from about 5A to 4,5A to the emitter)
K40M, after close to 1 minute and 10 seconds its got a minor stepdown. It drops about 210 lumen (measured difference from about 1 minute to 1 minute and 10 seconds)
TK75 R86 edition, temperature based stepdown to a fixed lower level
X40 vs K40M Lumen
This is an interesting comparison. According to Sup/Acebeam these should be 500 lumens apart (K40M 3000 and X40 3500). My numbers says they are roughly 25 lumens apart (first time I measured). Ive measured them a couple of more times. And X40 comes up on top every time. But difference is usually only around 10-80 lumen. In terms of lumen at startup, these lights are basically the same.
K40M drops about 210 lumen at 1 minute 10 seconds. From 1 minute 10 seconds and to 5 minutes it drops another 80 lumen.
X40 have no step down. From 1 minute 10 seconds and to 5 minutes it only dropped around 20 lumen. I was quite amazed at that.
I put some protected NCR18650BD at 3,6V in both lights. K40M showed 2856 lumen (basically the same as with fresh batteries) X40 "only" showed 2142 due to the lack of regulation. X40 seems to be nicely regulated for some time.
Old-Lumens 9A MT-G2 maglite and the retard light are highly dependent on cells in order to reach their peak output. X40 not so, but it will start to drop after some time.
I dont think the Maglite reflector combined with MT-G2 does a great job at putting out the lumens. Double checked output, batteries and amps.
Lux comparison:
Measured at 15 meter, highest reading I was capable of finding after 30 seconds. Numbers or comparable with eachother. May not be comparable with numbers I`ve posted in the past, or will post in the future.
OL MT-G2 Maglite 55350cd (3287 Lumen)
K40M 72630cd (2888 Lumen)
X40 80190cd (2913 Lumen)
K50 190080cd (1397 Lumen)
TK75 R86 edition 205200cd (5063 Lumen)
Retard 220050cd (12453 Lumen)
TK61 stage1 261630cd (1502 Lumen)
Beamshot comparison:
Camera settings for all pictures:
1s, F5,6, ISO800, Auto WB, focal length 17mm (aps-c)
These pictures may be a bit representative for tint, but don't count on it due to auto white balance. I did not want to try to make it into a tint comparison. (But free to discuss tint and the lights)
In comparison to my previous beamshot comparison, these shots are one step less bright. Otherwise the retard light made the trees look like they were on fire.
First, in the order they were lined up in the picture above:
Decided to go get another not so bright light to compare with. Warsun H003 on full blast! Review here.
Oh, and the control shot:
Beamshot mouseovers:
X40 vs K40
X40 vs TK75 R86 edition
X40 vs retard
K40M (MT-G2) vs Old-Lumen`s maglite (MT-G2)
K50 vs TK61 (stage 1)
K50 vs TK75 R86 edition
TK61 vs TK61 killer
TK75 R86 edition vs retard light
Warsun H003 vs retard light
Bonus stuff:
-Added numbers from Supbeam X40 with de-domed emitters. Stock otherwise.
-Added numbers from Fenix RC40 (stock).
-Added numbers from resistor modded K40M.
OL MT-G2 Maglite 55350cd (3287 Lumen)
K40M 72630cd (2888 Lumen)
K40M resistor 96660cd (3759 Lumen)
X40 80190cd (2913 Lumen)
RC40 134190cd (3591 Lumen)
X40 de-domed 151200cd (2625 Lumen)
K50 190080cd (1397 Lumen)
TK75 R86 edition 205200cd (5063 Lumen)
Retard 220050cd (12453 Lumen)
TK61 stage1 261630cd (1502 Lumen)
De-doming the emitters in the X40 gave me about a 10% loss in lumen and a 90% increase in cd compared to stock.
Resistor mod on the K40M gave me about a 30% increase in lumen and cd.
Thoughts, rambling.... :
Might add some here....