Future of my LED tests

Hi all together,

due to more limited time and other things which are more and more present I am currently thinking about changing the overall style of my LED tests.

Since I am not sure which test style do you prefer, you can vote for the following two polls. Would help me a lot.

Also I am not sure how it would be best to publish results of different CCT/CRI variants after previously testing the same emitter.

LED test style?
  • short review, likely more LEDs or variants tested (example)
  • more detailed review, likely less LEDs and almost no variants tested (example)
0 voters
how to publish LED tests of already tested variants?
  • separate thread for different CCT/CRI variant of previously tested LED
  • just a post in the existing thread after testing different CCT/CRI variant
0 voters

Thank you!


1 Thank

I cannot change the link in the poll anymore, sorry.

Here is an example of a short LED test/review.

A normal (more detailed) LED test looks like this.

There are a lot of LEDs coming out at the moment, so IMO more short tests is preferable.

6 Thanks

I like nutshelling, because I generally just “triage” information when I see it.

Maybe if someone reeeeeeally wants a deep-dive on a specific emitter, he can ask you, and if you have the time, then do that.

Otherwise shorter overviews for more emitters can give people a good idea what’s what and be a good starting point for whatever they want to do with / know about the emitters they’re interested in.

Re: Additional CCT/variants: Might you be able to edit those tests into the original post, contrasting the different CCTs next to each other? That would be most helpful!

I already thought about this, but this is really time-consuming since I basically have to re-write almost every text in the original test. Also the original test is already red by most users after some weeks or months and it is likely that most users miss the updated test.
This is not really possible in my available free time unfortunately…

My plan is simply to post the test of the variant in the thread (will use a template for this) and put a link below the headline of the original test. I could also reserve some posts after the original test for some variant tests, but don’t know if this is useful.

4 Thanks

Something I am personally very interested in would be that if you test a second CCT (or CRI) of the same LED, you add the original one into the current/lumen chart. I’m always wondering how much CCT and CRI actually affect the output, that’s a comparison I’d love to see.

Not necessarily add it to the old existing test, but to the graphs of the new LED you test.

5 Thanks

That makes sense.
And if you combine it with what @ebastler suggests, it will serve the same purpose of enabling comparisons.

Yes, I could do this, but this is also a huge effort also…

Maybe this is a better solution. For CCT variant tests I could always do only a comparison graph with the originally tested LED (no comparison with other LED models) and put this only into the post of the tested variant - with just a link in the original test.

4 Thanks

On the note of comparisons: Might you be open to write comparative overviews of

  1. throwy emitters focusing on intensity and output,
    and another one
  2. comparing light quality and efficiency of different CCTs of high CRI emitters,
    to help people choose (especially when new emitters come out, but old ones may be still better for the task)?

Background for this: I often find myself contrasting multiple of your tests because two emitters I am interested in are not in the same graph/table/test.

I don’t think so.
I think I will more focus on testing the emitters in the metrics we know (flux, luminance, voltage, spectra) and putting these informations in a test.

I have to reduce the effort and amount of time needed for each test, especially if I am going more into testing of different CCT/CRI variants. Nowadays I have not as much time as I want it so I have to decide on what is really important.

2 Thanks

Totally understand. Thank you so much for your informative tests!

1 Thank

Yeah, that’s what I meant. Not to update the original measurements or anything - just in the post where you publish the new variant, compare it to the OG (or if you tested 2 previous ones of the same kind, those two), and no other LEDs. We can get the comparison with random other LEDs from the “OG” test.

Maybe I can post the raw values from the graph as simple text in a separate post so you can make your own charts (with CC BY NC or similar).
I would only want that these charts are posted in the thread of the corresponding test.

2 Thanks

Great Idea, I would love that!

I would love some interactive JS diagram of all LEDs you measured in the “overview” thread where you have linked all your tests, but those always have the issue that all the measurement results are in plain text in the JS and can be accessed - I think we talked about this before, and you did not want to have your actual raw data accessible?

Tbh no. I already had straight piracy of data (pictures) by Chinese sellers.

I am currently developing some solution for comparing values but I don’t know if this can be embedded here in the forum. It is also not so easy to host an own page due to privacy laws here in Germany.

2 Thanks

Yeah… As long as your page is not commercial (related to any business), does not save any user data or save any data on the visitor’s system, and communicates openly what it does things are not that crazy, but still. EU privacy laws are a pain, German ones even more so.

And the biggest problem is: I have to publish my adress and full name (!) in the imprint due to these stupid laws. No thank.