gChart's 500 post giveaway - winner announced

I’m quickly approaching 500 posts and I think it’s about time for a giveaway!

What’s up for grabs: ThorFire S1, this thing has been taking up precious room on my shelf. It’s in like new condition, never really been used. It is the updated version with 3x XP-L, relatively neutral tint.

Rules: you should be a BLF member on or before 2017-01-30. That’s it!

How to enter: tell us about your favorite mod and what you love about it. Please provide a link to the thread or post describing it. It does not have to be your own mod, but please give credit where credit is due.


  • The giveaway ends when I hit 500 posts.
  • Discussion is great, but multiple posts will not increase your odds of winning. At the end of the giveaway period, I’ll grab a distinct list of usernames and randomly select from that.
  • I will ship free to the US. International folks feel free to participate, but I may ask that you assist in offsetting international shipping charges.

I'm in :)

This one:


Love it because it's my first ever flashlight mod and I learned a lot from doing it.

I’m in.

My favorite build/mod is the triple S2+.

Thanks for the GAW


I haven’t learned to flash firmware yet & so thus far my favorite mod is a nichia 219b triple in an old Novatac 120P. Although it’s starting to get long in the tooth & is just telling me to upgrade it. However, I’m still running the stock driver on it for now & think my next mod for that light should at least entail a driver swap.

Favorite mod so far would have to be rubusbduck’s wooden tubes. Still holding on to hope for when one of our artisans makes an entire host out of wood :heart_eyes: (screw threads and other parts subject to friction notwithstanding, of course)

Does a build count?

If so, I’m quite pleased with my S2+ triple. I know it’s trivial for most people here, but I’m just impressed I got it to work without blowing either the hardware, or myself, up :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m in, I love the Thorfire S1 but could never afford it :laughing:

I just saw the damascus steel light that Bucket made for Matt Walker (Damascus Light Build for Matt Walker) the other day and I’m in love. That steel is so nice, always unique and I bet it’s amazing to hold.

Now on a more personal note, I have plans for making my first mod sometime soon and I think I’ll go the S2+ triple that seems popular and a fairly good starting point.

Thanks gchart for the GAW!

My Klarus XT12GTS

Olight S* TIR conversion is probably my favorite. It’s not too hard, doesn’t require any special tools or machinery, but is not an effortless drop-in and requires enough effort to feel satisfying. And it makes an already great light even better for me.

The illuminated tailcap mod.

Well it is really cool and very appealling to the eye to see a light, specially an unanodized host/silver/stainless steel body paired with a lighted tailcap. Best example would be an Astrolux s41s with lighted tailcap. :smiley:

Nice GAW!
And what a price
Thank you!
Sure I am not gonna win but my entry will make it exciting to see how this goes, love the rules!

So many exceptional modders and mods.
I go for the modded Shadow JM30, one of those beautiful lights we can gaze upon

thanks for this topic, very cool to read the reactions

I just read that build thread last week. What a beautiful job and excellent craftsmanship!

I’ve done a few of these and love them. I recently built a Astrolux SS triple and acquired a S41S. Both are awaiting tailcap mods (I need to get on that!). The illuminated tailcaps do go really well on them.

Thanks for the giveaway. Easily my favorite thread for a mod is this “easy method” to build a triple. D.I.Y. Easy low amp triples for Convoy S2+, no spacer, no drilling....

The tailcap switch mod for Klarus Mi7 Titanium

I like this mod mostly because I also have a Klarus Mi7 (aluminum), and the absolute worst thing about it (it’s still very good and one of my top EDC choice though) is the occasional accidental activation in my jean’s pocket. Tail switch would have been so much better I think.

Thank you for the GAW chance. Good luck to all!

PS: tomorrow is back-to-work day for the Lunar Year countries T__T

Definitely in on this one… Nice looking light for a giveaway! :laughing:

So that’s kind of a difficult question to ask though. I’ve had a lot of true mods, but basically, those are all just emitter/reflector/driver swaps, and I don’t think count in the same was as something a bit more hardcore.

To answer the question, I’m thinking something more along the lines of my first REAL mods, which were my old Maglite mods done just as bright-white LED emitters were starting to catch on and get bright.

My first Magmod was probably the most difficult and intricate; I cut a sheet of Radio Shack project board to fit the head and painstakingly mounted 36 5mm bright white LEDs, resistored and wired in groups so a failure wouldn’t end up killing the others. The LEDs were whatever “20,000 mcd” 5mm leds I could get off eBay at the time. I built the assembly with a pigtail soldered into a bulb base so it was removable and fully reversible. It was very impressively bright, but extremely floody. I ran with this for a while, but eventually moved on to…

…The second mod; using the same mag host, and an early P4 Cree XR-E (The first high-power LED I ever purchased:), I built a mule. I wasn’t impressed with the unfocused beam and moved on pretty quickly to my next mod.

The final mod for this particular light, and the favorite I am submitting as per this giveaway, was a 52mm aspheric optic, mounted over a EZ-900 die XR-E emitter. This light was an insane laser-beam thrower (for the time) and was the first light I ever had built capable of throwing a useful beam to 1/3 mile (over 1/2km). I’ve looked, but can’t find a photo of this light to post. It would have been built, likely in 2010 timeframe, I know I had built it by early 2011, and had it for a while by then. I’ve since moved on and have disassembled this light, but it’s still one my favorite builds, and was the most impressive for the time.

This build was probably as old as BLF. I know I wasn’t a member at the time I built it though, so there isn’t a build thread. I’ve mentioned it many times, but never in detail. My first post here on BLF, in the “Introduce Yourself” subforum, from April 13, 2011, mentions that I already had the light by then:

My favorite personnal mod would be my Olight S10R II triple conversion :

It’s satisfying screwing back the bezel and everything fits !

My second favourite is my CNQG Brass Beauty triple conversion :

Thanks for the giveaway gchart and congratulations on the up coming 500.
I’m new to any sort of flashlight mod so just the basic rudimentary stuff is helpful to me. I suppose a spring bypass is about as rudimentary as it comes, so I’d pick relic38’s back to basics tutorial “How-To: Add Copper Braid to Springs”.

Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite mod : EE X6 XP-L V6 3D triple 11,3A

(ZozzV6 build for me one :+1: )

Sounds like that Mag had some miles under it’s belt, and having made the journey from ultra-flood to ultra-narrow! I’d love to see any pics if you ever run across some. I do miss my old Maglites. A couple years ago I stupidly threw away my 2AA and 2D Mags that I had since childhood, both had bad corrosion from alkalines. They would have made fun and nostalgic hosts.

PS - hope things are looking up with the job situation!