For all that have problems with ordering. jonxxn made a explanation with pics. That should help. New WildTrail (former LuckSun) BLF-D80v2 Sale is open. - #641 by jonxxn
Update 09.08.
The Sale is open.
Here is the link,searchweb201602_5,searchweb201603_53
Update 08.08.
I got the message that the sale will start this Weekend. I do not know if they will start Saturdays or Sunndays.
When i get the links to order the lights i will update the post here!
Update 01.08.
We also talked about the order prozess Today.
They will set up two offers in their store One with SST-40 and one with XPL-HI led (price 37:money_mouth_face:.
If someone from BLF or TLF wants to buy the light they have to write their BLF/or TLF name in the order.
Then order the light but do not pay.
Then we will check if the people are BLF/TLF member. If yes they will adjust the price down to 27,70$.
Then you pay and the light will be send out.
For the people on the no ano list. You have to write no ano light additional to your Forum nick.
Appart from that the order prozess will be the same.
Update 31.07.
We are close to the sale.
Final LED information:
SST-40-WDS-F50 N4 flux Bin DD tint ~4800K (running on a bit more than 7A on a fully charged 30Q battery)
XPL-HI V2 flux Bin 3B tint ~5000K (running on arround 5,5A on a 30Q)
And a few pics from the now complete light
And here the no ano version
And here a few beamshots:
SST40 on the left XPL-HI on the right (~5m from the Wall)
SST40 on the left XPL-HI on the right (~15m from the Wall)
Update 20.06.
- 1. Tailcap change so the light can Tailstand ( :+1: )
- 2. Threads change to square threads ( :+1: )
- 3. Changes to make space for 20mm driver (slightly bigger tube) ( :+1: )
- 4. Changes at the head retaining ring to make sure it will not come loose ( After i saw the parts i asked a lot of questions. Because i think they are using 100% exactly the same ring like they used on the old D80. And i
am right. Now they are telling me that they used this construction for years without problems and do not see the need to change something. But i talked a lot about this behavior with my contact. And he talked about it with the factory. The parts for the new D80 are made. But they are willing to change the retaining ring design if we do a new project. Same thing regarding a Sample. I would not want to do another project without samples. It is not the machining we want to check (LS is a big cnc/metal cuting factory so they know what they are doing and their machining is usually top notch ). It is about the tiny design flaws. Things you overlook if you are seeing it everyday. . .
And i am really happy that they beginn to see it as helpfull when i critizise something.
- 5. Internal changes of the head to help with heatpath and dissipation (thicker shelf, walls, deeper finns) ( :+1: )
- 6. New driver designt by Lexel with Bistro UI ( :+1: )
- 7. Upgraded reflector to get best throw (?)
- 8. Reflector LED Hole rezise from 9,5mm to 9mm ( :+1: )
- 9. Small adjustments on the front to get better sealing (will mark it on the picture) ( :+1: )
- 10. New springs (silver plated Beryllium copper springs for the driver side and silver plated phosphorus bronze springs for the switch side). ( :+1: )
- Making sure unprotected and long protected batterys fit (tube length) ( :+1: )
Update 24.05.
- Color is decided. It will be a mat black. And they agreed to sell us the no ano version.
I make a list for the no ano version so they know how many lights they have to keep for us.
So if you like a not anodized light let me know and i will put you on the interest list (please add your led choise).
LED will be SST-40 5700K or XP-L-Hi (Cold white was the plan but i got the info that they try to get them in 5000K)
- Price is not 100% decided (they still have to wait for exact numbers). But the factory gave me a estimate price of 25-30$ inclusive shipping costs for BLF member.
Later they will sell it for 30-35$ incl. shipping.
Update 19.05.
- The production run has started. They will produce 250 with XP-L-Hi and 250 with SST-40 5700K.
- Here some vids from the Factory: Tailcaps fresh out of the machine , Tailcap gets Milled, Tube fresh out of the machine, New Tube threads , Head Machining 1, Head Machining 2, Head 80% Done, Head 80% Done 2, Head threads close up (more will follow)
- Driver will be send to Lexel for checking (They tested the driver directly wired to a Chinese 13A continious discharge cell at 4V and got 7,2A)
- Reflector LED hole is adjusted to 9mm to make space for the SST-40 (LS will send 2 centering rings with the light. One for the SST-40 and one for XP-L-Hi size leds so later modding is easier)
- Color is not decided now. I try to get a list of possible colors (if possible pictures) so we can open a poll and see what most people like.
Here the pic from testing the driver
Update 15.04.
Here a to do list
- 1. Tailcap change so the light can Tailstand ( :+1: )
- 2. Threads change to square threads ( :+1: )
- 3. Changes to make space for 20mm driver (slightly bigger tube) ( :+1: )
- 4. Changes at the head retaining ring to make sure it will not come loose ( :+1: )
- 5. Internal changes of the head to help with heatpath and dissipation (thicker shelf, walls, deeper finns) ( :+1: )
- 6. New driver designt by Lexel with Bistro UI (in work)
- 7. Upgraded reflector to get best throw /check for possible TIR (they want to test it when samples come in)
- 8. Reflector LED Hole rezise from 9,5mm to 7mm ( :+1: )
- 9. Small adjustments on the front to get better sealing (will mark it on the picture) ( :+1: )
- 10. New springs
- Making sure unprotected and long protected batterys fit (tube length) ( :+1: )
I got some new drawings. There is still some small things that must be changed. But i thought i upload at least one new pic (the others that show the internals will follow!)
Maybe not the best form for Tailstand (a bit unstable) but looks very nice and will feel good when you hold the light
And here a Pic of the internal structure
They shorten the front a tiny bit so the o-ring gets compressed a little bit more. Original the front o-ring was sitting to loose. Now it will seal much better.
Original first Post 10.03
Today i got the mail, that all the old BLF-D80 are sold.
Now they would like to make new ones but they would like to know what we want to see.
I can not say if they will do everything we want but maybe we can get a few things done.
So let me know what you would like to see.
I think :
- New drver. Fet + 1 or something similar with Bistro UI
- New LED (XPL-Hi for the big market, some High CRI option for BLF)
- Maybe a change in battery size (21700) / head size (propotional increase). That should also increase the throw and heat handling capabitities. I am not good with designing a new look so i am not trying (but if you think you can do it let us see what you have in mind).
- Double springs like the Blue Springs
- Option to buy it as a Host (my prefered option
No ano interest List
- TheOnlyDocc 1*SST-40
- contactcr 1*SST-40
- BlueSwordM 1*XP-L-Hi
- Chatika vas Paus 2*SST-40
- Caleb 1*SST-40
- cabfrank 1*SST-40
- TrueRMS 1*SST-40
- Yokiamy 1*SST-40
- will34 1
- casi29061965 1*SST40
- Nicolicous 1*SST-40
- Satan@103TFS 1*SST-40
- jonxxn 1*SST-40
- Lund1660 1*SST-40
- Unloco 1*SST-40
- flightless22 1*XP-L-Hi
- DB Custom 2*SST-40
- polarweis 1*SST-40
- bikenber73 2*SST-40
- robo819 1*SST-40
- timbo114 1*SST-40
- leroycp 2*XP-L-Hi
- 808Hi 1*SST-40
- RobertB 1*SST-40
- Guines69 1*SST-40
- Lux-Perpetua 1*SST-40
- cwb 1*SST-40 + 1*XP-L-HI 5000K
- MyRants 1* SST-40
- Duke 1*SST-40
- litenutz 1*SST-40
- johnkey68 1*SST-40
- Marc E 2*SST-40
- 2Ace 1*SST-40
- Tomogchi 1*SST-40
- litenutz 1*SST-40
- sandro 1*SST-40
- emarkd 1* SST-40
- Muto 1*SST-40
- akoposilester 2*SST-40
- Skylight 1*SST-40
- Mr.Poppy 3*SST-40
- Relampago 1*SST-40
- skinny_tie 1*SST-40
- everydaysurvivalgear 1*SST-40
- candor 1*SST-40
- RapidLux 1*SST-40
Updated untill Post #362