At times, when there is a lull, I think about where I have been all these years here. I think about the energy and the work I put into a hobby that turned into a passion and whether it was right or wrong. I always end up just saying it is what it is, because it was both right and wrong, so how can you come to any complete decision other than the past is what it was, the present is what it is, where we must work on it and the future is what it will be, but uncertain because of what we do in the now.
My favorite lights, from the most enjoyable to the most satisfying. Just what I think about what went by, while life went on.
Oooh I'm on fire By far, the nicest light I ever made.
The 90 Degree Angled Head Maglite Never thought I could pull this off, but I loved doing it.
Hey everybody, I've got a Woodie I just liked the title, but the light came out really well.
12 lights - 2 days and 1 very tired old guy I don't know why, but I really enjoyed this build probably the most of all. Maybe it was because of the time challenge.
Making a 12-Up out of Mini-Mags and Nichias I was hard pressed to get this light to work right and I'm glad where it finally ended up going.
The 3 Green Maglites I always loved doing the threesomes. I loved the Green color especially.
The Blues Brothers +1 and again I really liked the Blue color.
Aussie-Yank Flashlights Inc. I have always loved the work Steve does on his lights. His knurling is primo!
Another 2D Maglite Mod?? This light made me really work at figuring it all out and how to put the charger in it. I like having to figure out stuff I know nothing about.
Hydro Graphics Video, Dipping a 2D Maglite I love the dipping process and if I could have covered the lights with clear epoxy for hardness, I would have done a lot more of them! I wish someone would take this up and make a bunch of them for sale. With the correct outer clear coat, they would be just as tough as any other aftermarket spray on finish.
Solitaire + Nichia 219 + Efest 10440 I hate small lights, but this one came out about the best of all the Solitaires.
XHP 70 and the 95mm faceted reflector LUM 5-90. The only light I ever wanted to mass produce, but with a lathe made version, which Steve is now going to make in his awesome style of machining... And the only light that caused Vinh to contact me and want me to make a few hosts for him. That was a huge honor to me, when he showed interest.
I'm not really blowing my own horn, but just looking back. I seem to be doing that a lot now and these threads seem to help me somehow. I know it's just flashlights, but for a few years, it was more than that to me.
I hope others catch the bug and continue to do amazing crazy things with lights, just for fun and for some kind of self satisfaction. All I ever wanted was to enjoy the builds and share them, hoping others would also want to try their hands at things like this. I don't need the recognition. It's never been about that. It's about the self made thing and sharing the information as best as I could.
I miss BLF member Match. He got me started on the modding bug. I loved his mods. So smooth and stylish, while he made them simple to do.
Match's Mods: 15min mini mag mod
I also miss BLF member dorphmuller too. I loved some of his mods and he influenced some of my first ones.
Mag mods and a "linger" XM-L flooder
That's all,