What did you mod today?

At least something light-related today :smiley:

hotend light for Geeetech A10.

It consists of 6 2835 LEDs (3000 K 80 CRI) and is powered by 24 V. (currently via nozzle fan but it is planned to give the whole wiring a major overhaul where I will incorporate switchable lights for hotend, bed and extruder)

5 Thanks

Finished my D4Sv2 Quad SFT40 6000K today.

Control:(The trees in the way back are about 300ft away)

11 Thanks

Finally installed a T1616 mod in my EDC FW3A:

6 Thanks

How is the adapter soldered to the driver board? Have you used little pieces of wire, or does the solder just set that way?

I think this adapter has the right size of the original package and just fits like the original MCU did. I have some adapters in similar fashion, for SOIC-8 or something. Pretty smart solution!

2 Thanks

No wire, just solder.

I decided to make a post on how I do it.

5 Thanks

A couple of very simple and quick D3AA mods :slight_smile:

With triple-emitters behind the same Carclo optics used in the FW3A, some of the old FW3A mods should be viable for the D3AA, I thought.

These two are quite simple ones.

The simplest of all is the addition of a glow-gasket. The mod doesn’t make much sense, since the D3AA has AUX LEDs out of the box, but it’s still fun.

The other one is a “poor-man’s mule”, using a Zhu hybrid mule insert from Jackson Lee at jlhawaii808.

The mule insert doesn’t quite fit with the retaining screw on the DWAA, so a bit of careful shaving would be needed for it to fit properly and allow the bezel to screw down fully.

It’s not quite a 180 degree beam, but still a nice smooth one with no hotspot.

I love the way the AUX LEDs shine through the insert.


This is a good one while we wait for Hank to extend the D3AA range to include a proper mule with the emitters closer to the glass.

Any other ideas?

6 Thanks

Try making a Carclo hybrid optics, one or two floody ones and one clear for throw in the same triple optic so you have floody and throwy beam profile in just one light.

4 Thanks

Single emitter!

Sweet modding

thanks for the pics… :beer:

if possible, pics of the beam profile against a wall, comparing stock optic to hybrid mule optic could be informative

1 Thank

This isn’t really a mod, it’s not even a light but i thought it suited this thread. Did some more experimenting with my cnc

14 Thanks

Oh my… that’s beautiful!

Some sort of ‘modding’ :smiley:

Currently creating new testing procedure and process descriptions for luminance measurements. This will allow for better and easier comparison for luminance of different emitters in the future (including the previously tested ones). Hopefully I can already use these new process in my next tests.

@pinkpanda3310 This looks awesome!

5 Thanks


While you’re at it can you please test the xhp70.3? I don’t see this in your lists of tests completed. Thank you.

I don’t have XHP70.3 HD samples and I have also a lot of other LED test stuff to manage. I tested the XHP70.3 HI but I did not put in the list yet.

I’d welcome seeing that xhp70.3 Hi test. If it’s on BLF I couldn’t find it.

1 Thank

You could make a copper spacer with copper rounds from etsy and a couple orings to push on the mcpcb and glass like for my Convoy S2 mule

6 Thanks

How many lumens is your mule please?Thanks

1 Thank