Your best modified flashlight (buy) in 2014?

Unlike the thread were we are looking at peoples best stock flashlight buy in 2014. Lets get to know the best modified light you made, modified, bought or received in 2014.

When I say best, Ill let that be up to each person to decide. Best UI upgrade, best bang for the buck, easiest mod for lots of improvement, best output, throw, looks, etc, etc...

Since several had problems to just list one light in the other thread. Feel free to make a list if you have too, but try and pick one winner. Additional pictures, or link to suitable thread is highly appreciated. :)

Ive roughly modded 65 lights this year. So I found it quite hard to only pick a few when looking back at the whole year. Ive manged to restrict myself to 10 flashlights. Ive looked away from the more common small single cell hard or reasonably driven single or multi emitter 18650/26650 lights as I find it hard to pick one or several special lights. They all serve a purpose for their size, price, UI, tint and brightness capability. For some strange reason I did not find any of the "soupcan" lights worthy of my 2014 list either..Maybe if I extended it to 15 lights, but Ill have to draw the line somewhere.

My list:

10th place: UF 1405 (ive posted details deep in that thread). The ability to get over 450kcd out of something I paid less than 32$ for (including mod cost). That is impressive! Most cost effective thrower Ive ever put together. Never seen anything like it earlier years for such a low price. If there is a bit of rain, snow, or bad weather conditions, this light will throw further than anything Ive seen despite having less throw. Especially impressive considering the price. Mostly just a long distance illumination toy for me though.

9th place: This is a bad headlamp. Or is it? I call it the sipik headlamp. I thought about doing a good and proper mod to it, (swapping out the crappy driver among those things) but the only thing I did was to swap in a Nichia 219A. High cri illumination without a hotspot have been everything I need to work on small electronics and such when I needed more light and see things well. I`ve used this light quite a lot and its been very useful. Among my top three most used lights in 2014. So it was obviously a good budget mod. Very comfortable head strap. I like it, despite that its somewhat bad.

8th place: Custom built AA "thrower" by MRsDNF. This used to live on my keychain for some months in the beginning of the year. This means more to me compared to most of the lights on this list. Its a beauty as well. Its a bit large for keychain use, and if I want a thrower I normally bring with me an 18650 sized light or larger. Usability was not the main reason why I desired the light though. A really unique and special light that I like a lot. Furthest throwing AA TIR light ive ever seen too.

7th place: Fenix TK61. Out of all the large reflector throwers Ive had, this is the furthest throwing light of them all. A simple and easy accessible resistor mod takes it up a good step. But not into the risk of emitter frying land. Then a de-domed XM-L2 U3 will take it to the sky. I never posted my final mod on this light. I never took it as far as planned either, but roughly 600kcd with great runtime and no overheating issues for not that much extra cost or work. Epic range, and cheap and simple to mod. (Pictured 2nd from the far right in the picture below)

6th place: Old-Lumen Maglite mod. Call me biased, but I think this is the most gorgeous Maglite I have seen Old lumens put his hands on. Its flashlight art.. That is why its on the list. Best looking light ever. Here it stands in between many of the other top modified lights of 2014. Its gorgeous. That is why I bought it. The internals are pretty nice as well.

5th place: Olight I3s with Nichia 219B on Sinkpad. This have been living on my keychain for the whole year. I bought it in 2013 for less than 10$. Its gotten several emitter swaps. The latest swap was this year. So Ill put that on my 2014 list. A pretty good light on both AA and 10440 cell. It looked like this when it was new:

4th place: Retard light. Not only is it the brightest lights Ive put together this year, or any year. Its also the brightest tint mixed lights Ive ever seen. And its a flooder with over 200kcd. It lights up everything close up and in the distance (just like a thrower) at the same time. Its retarded. Very memorable light to use. :D (Pictured right from the Blue OL Maglite)

3rd place: Acebeam K40M. Best stock light I picked up in 2014 IMO. With a simple resistor mod, this light can get and additional 1000 lumen. (Getting to the driver may not be super easy unless you know what you are doing. You need to do the springs too). The mod makes this light punch well above its class. A great allrounder, especially for the price. Which might have been as low as 80$. Mod cost is just a few cents.

2rd place: Flashgrenade. Dual beam, dual driver, with a dual tint mixed setup built into a WWII grenade. Need I say more. Best light for various close up to mid range cave exploration I have made to this date. Im planning to make a light that will outperform this in most ways next year. Not nearly as unique though.

1st place: TK75 R86 edition. This light punches way above its size as its able to even out-power lights like modified Fenix RC40, stock Supbeam X60 in the both the lumen and throw department (at least with CW tint). But it can fit in a jacket pocket and its got nice features like battery monitoring, thermal stepdown and lots of customization possibilities in a simple UI that IMO is better compared to the stock light. It even out throws most of the extreme throwers, but its got several times higher light output. A true premium hot rod that does pretty much everything with well maintained output. For me it represents the absolute max of what I was able to get out of a any "reasonably sized" light in terms of output, range, usability, sophistication and build quality in the year of 2014.

(Its the light at the far right)

The number one best mod is my edc, a budget but very small and ok quality 16340 host with a 3mode NANJG 101-AK-A1 driver (1400mA) and a dedomed 219B 90+CRI (best tint ever!). On a 700mAh Efest IMR it is a powerful little thrower and always in my pocket together with a keychain, and as can be seen the ano did not like that :-)

Wow, that is one serious list of top accomplishments RaceR86. Very impressive and quite inspiring for me.

2014 was not a big mod year for me. Life got in the way of hobby quite a bit. I look forward to next year though. For me, it would the the UF-T90. The emitter is beat up and fugly, but she sings a beautiful song.

Best modded lights of the year…. let’s see:

1. Aleto N8 zoomie - I really enjoyed modding this one. In its stock configuration it’s a small 18650 zoomie. I removed the tailcap, installed a side electronic switch, replaced the aspheric with a fresnel, added knurling to the head and a rubber grip to the body, and painted the whole thing grey with duracoat. Emitter replaced with a dedomed XML2 and driver with Nanjg105c with DrJones lumodrv with FET. Entire light is smaller than a Sipik 68, but runs on an 18650. This is the mod I spent the most time on this year. I’ve continued to tinker with it all year.

I learned a lot from this mod. It was my first time successfully installed a sideswitch onto a light not designed for one (successful), my first attempt at using fresnel lenses instead of aspheric (successful), my first attempt at refinishing using Duracoat (mixed results), and the first light where I really got into seeing how small I could shrink it (light went from 108mm down to 91mm).

The duracoat required a month of curing before use and even then it wore quickly in some high-use areas, especially the bezel. I developed an alternate finishing technique using hobby paints and super glue. The new technique looks the same as the duracoat, seems just as durable, but only takes a half-hour to apply and cures complete in minutes with no odors (acrylic hobby paint mixed into desired color and brushed onto aluminum followed by a layer of superglue gel brushed on with qtips, followed by a layer of matte hobby paint varnish, and then flat hobby paint varnish. The super-glue provides the durability, the varnish is to help get the right shine).

2. XTAR WK42 - guts replaced with 5000k neutral XML2 on Noctigon, Radioshack micro-momentary tact switch, and 3-amp Nanjg 105c with DrJones lumodrv. Mod only took around a few hours to perform. Turned a good light into a GREAT light. Incredibly nice for EDC carry. Runs on an IMR 16340. I made 2 of these this year.

2. Ruxto XL-03 and similar from DealExtreme. Both very similar lights. The AA version of the Aleto N8 zoomie. I modded two of them this year. Super small for a zoomie, with nice spots and wide floods. Much smaller than a Sipik 68.

3. Coast HP1. Modded with alternate bezel, tailcap, driver and emitter. Interesting optic for a zoomie and nice knurling on the body tube of the light. Not my best mod of the year though.

4. Convoy S2+ mini modded from 18350 to 18500, running on a BLF17DD FET driver and triple domed neutral XPL with widened Carclo optic. Mod was surprisingly quick to perform. Only took a few hours. Puts out an enormous wall of nicely tinted white light. Incredibly bright for something so small…. much brighter than my MTG2 lights. Also gets incredibly hot very fast.

5. Sipik headlamp. See Racer86’s post above. Same headlamp and almost the same mod. Did a simple driver/emitter swap. No other changes, except to toss in a contact plate with a bump in the center so it can work with flat-top 18650s. 1.5 amp 3-mode Nanjg 105c and a 4500k XML2 on Noctigon. This is my first headlamp. Despite the simple and crude nature of the mod I’ve found this light incredibly useful. It probably has gotten more actual use than any other of my lights this year.

Left to right: Modded Aleto N8, Xtar WK42, Rustu XL-03 and similar light from DX, Coast HP1, Sipik headlamp. I forgot to include a pic of the 18500 Convoy S2+ so no pic of that.

The Aleto N8 received very extensive external modifications. On both the outside and inside it looks like a completely different light from the original. The Rustu XL-03 clones look nearly the same as their unmodded version. Both are a few mm shorter and have black switch boots. One has a black rubber grip on the body. The Coast HP1 has a completely different bezel and tailcap from the original. The XTAR WK42 and Sipik headlamp look identical to their unmodded version from the outside. The S2+ mini looks the same externally except for the triple emitter.

My old XinTD V3 has been collecting dust since the XML2 has been out so I replaced the LED with an XML2 U3 2A on Noctigon. Brighter, less blueish tint than 1A and a much more uniform spot than the old XML. It’s a minor mod with major results. :smiley:

Without the slightest doubt my Supfire M6 MT-G2 build: Mod: My SupFire M6 "BMF" edition (new beamshots in OP).
Very extensive mod for me, summing up all I know so far. I designed the driver myself, hot air soldered for the first time, wrote my own firmware, got rid of the E-switch and a did bit of mechanical work. It took a lot of time, but when I turn it on it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside :slight_smile:

Wow! I'm surprised and glad to see the "Sipik headlamp" getting so much attention! This one is my choice too. My mod thread here. Modded to a 1.4A Nanjg 101-AK-A1 4xAMC7135 driver converted to 3 mode (H-M-L) with an XM-L2 T5 5B1 emitter and a KD AR lens. Definitely my most used light (besides my EDC)!



Convoy M2 from the host-groupbuy

With a XP-L V4 3D on Noctigon with a 3 Mode Nanjg@2.8Amps

Awesome light.

Lol.. Sipik headlight for the win! BLF mod host 2014. :D. Funny to see so many of the posts at this point mention that light.

Also, everyone (all three of us :p ) have put in an emitter around or very close to 4500K. I was supposed to change the stock driver a long time ago, but it did the job in a fairly decent way. Its just been one of those lights I did a quick emitter swap on, and found it good enough for what I needed it for. :) I did not even know I needed it until Kurt_Norway sent one to me. Maybe not such a bad mod host after all.

Keep the lights coming.... Lots of great mods!

They were not done by anyone on here so it may not be welcomed!!

1. TK75vn KT- 341Kcd/3300 OTF lumens

2. K40vn- ~400Kcd/1400 OTF lumens

3. D25Cvn~ 1000 OTF

4.M25C2vn~310Kcd/1200 OTF lumens

5. TN31mb- 470Kcd/800 OTF

6.S200C2vn- 130Kcd/700 OTF lumens

7.M2Xvn- ~300Kcd/1200 OTF lumens


All lights are welcomed wolfdog1226. :)

Would be interesting to hear a few words on why the various lights were picked and not just numbers.

I dont have a favorite light I have modified myself but there has been more than one modified light on this forum the keeps the appetite going. I dont own it but I dont think there would be to many that would disagree. Best modified light of 2014, drum roll, is.

My only seriously modded light... Supbeam K40t*, ~400kcd.

* t = modded by _the_


Triple Nichia at 5.8A.

Yow, this is a hard question. All but three of my all-time favorites are modded lights, and I didn’t really start modding until 2014. The following are listed roughly in some kind of order, with the most notable or frequently-used at the top:

Hands-down coolest light: S10 Ti w/ MELD from tterev3 (R+G+B+W+UV)

Best overall EDC: CNQG brass 18650 w/ DC-Fix, Nichia 219B, and custom firmware. (smallest 18650 light around, pretty, tough, good quality)

Other best EDC: Roche F6 triple-Nichia-219B w/ Ferrero Rocher driver and battery indicator lights, from Comfychair. Also came with what is now my primary dev driver, a spare Ferrero Rocher, and I’ve made a few firmwares for it. I particularly enjoy the ramping UI firmware, which on my unit can ramp smoothly from ~0.3 lm to ~1800 lm while indicating realtime voltage under load. From off, it gives instant access to moon, turbo, and last-used level.

Best hotrod (output-to-size ratio) (also, most stylish): Sinner Cypreus 100mm copper w/ triple-XP-L and BLF17DD driver. I’m still refining the firmware though, and planning to give it a nicer tint after parts become available.

Toughest EDC: Convoy S7 w/ Nichia 219B, DC-Fix, custom firmware, and SF L2 clip. Pretty, versatile, and nearly indestructible.

Best thrower: JAX Z1 w/ de-domed XP-G2 and BLF22DD (looks like a light saber against a dark sky)

Best tint / vivid color: Wide-spectrum BlackShadow Terminator (unfinished, still need to give it better firmware)

Thanks! The numbers were the main reason I got the lights! I love throwers and the best combo light the TK75vn w/ an awesome combination of flood and throw!

Also a few of them are relatively compact and have awesome throw for their size. :wink:

I got the impression you liked throwers/long range lights. :)

Modified TK75 were on the top of my list as well. I have plans for even more throw out of that light next year. ^^ Actually, Ive got several plans for TK75`s. Great host...


Btw, "Sipik headlight" is the only light/host that have been mentioned three times. Mod host of the year? Or have you made or bought something more worthy of that title?

Keep the mods coming guys and gals. Lets see what people have been up to this year in case we missed some of the great mods out there.

  1. RMM modified Supfire L1. Per RMM measurement it is putting out about 7000 Lumens in turbo mode. Impressive.
  1. Another member modified RMM Supfire M6 converted to red LEDs for night vision sensitivity preservation and animal viewing. Ended up being modified twice to get the final result.