Hi everyone,
From time to time, a few rogue users find their way to BLF. They are not the typical users here who are generally friendly and helpful but from time to time have a bad day. Rather, they are malicious people who come to the forum with the sole intent of causing trouble. In Internet lingo, they are known as "trolls". So, how to handle trolls? Two simple points:
Please do NOT respond to them in any way, either publicly or by private message.
Please DO contact me immediately.
It's that simple. :) Trolls do what they do because they are immature and like to get a reaction out of people. They will never change their ways if somebody with good intentions tries to counsel them. And they will get even worse if other users fight with them or insult them back. So, please try to use self control, and do not respond in any way, shape, or form.
Additionally, I will no longer make public posts about the banning of trolls, because even such negative publicity is enough to encourage them to try harder. But rest assured, the banning of trolls only occurs in rare and extreme cases, and there will be not be a sudden rash of secretive bans happening here on BLF.
Thanks for reading! Have fun.