DD+AMC drivers:
12mm, 15mm, 15mm 2S—> 6V
17mm Programming Key and new LX
new 17mm 2S eliminating AMC7135 dedicated indicator resistor and pad
2 channel (Narsil with indicator)
3 channel (Bistro HD)
17mm 10 AMC no FET
new 1S/2S combination from my LX driver
*Astrolux S42 *20,5mm (kind of obsolete with S43 now
C8F 21700 20.6mm wide copper ring
all old designs replaced with new all in one 1 and 2S
for example for Skilhunt H03
new version with 1S 3 channel AMC and 2S dual MOSFET
22mm 13AMCs
24mm 16AMCs, FET+3 like D4S
20-25mm 1S/2S special order with smaller component boundary
v3.1 with a little bug fix
new 24-30mm 2S version without AMC for more reliability, also added 2 switch LED support
28-30mm up to 23+1 AMCs
30-33.5mm LDO small current FET 1-4S
38,5mm Cuoroi D01
42mm TN42&Niwalker BK-FA-30 2S/2P DD
46mm 2S/2P MT03
new enhanced version no more AMC7135
3 step filtering to get the ringing from PWM under control
47,5mm Astrolux MF01 and new MF01S
old design is dangerous for 2S as the AMCs are driven over max voltage specification
47,5mm BLF Q8
Buck drivers:
Input 6 to 25V
Output 1-8A as requested
The Input and Output voltage defines the switching frequency, so they have to be set for the light
I have calculations for various options
20mm For Convoy L2 or similar
21 and 22mm new more efficient MOSFET and minor changes
23mm for Klarus XT11/12GT running 2 18350s for Oslon BF or other 3V LED
30mm for Convoy L6 more efficient MOSFET and extended spacing for retaining ring
30- 33.5mm SD75 8A 2-4S buck
Acebeam K30
42mm TN42
new version up to 8A also for TN40S mods with XHP35s
42mm Niwalker BK-FA30 v2
46 mm MT07/MT07S
new version a lot more efficient MOSFET
46/47.5mm 2S/2P or 4S/1P AstroluxMF01/ Haike LiteMT03
MF01 v2 in 3S/6P LED Board mod, driver has 4S input 3S Output
MF01 v2 3S 14A dual Buck driver with new MOSFET and now single sided
Acebeam K65 the latest gen with programming port
Acebeam X45* the latest gen with programming port
BLF GigaThrower driver
XHP70.2 or White Flat up to 8A
Boost drivers:
UV-C and UV-C+UV-A drivers
standard is 500mA 7.8-8V for Klaran 275nm LED, 17mm 2 AMCs for 365nm LED, 20 and up to 4 AMCs for UVA
17mm UVC, UVC+A
20, 21, 22mm UVC+A
still under development
1S or 2S Input
6V 6A or 12V 2.5A output
also made a programming adapter for my future drivers
order in 2 Oz from Oshpark that gives 0.8mm thickness
Fits those Pogo pins from Banggood
Discontinued design, I have still PCBs
46mm MT03 AMC, Q8 Buck